
Offsite Storage Inventory

Restrictions on Access

二十世纪协会的记录存放在场外,必须至少提前两个工作日通过 Portal1791. 研究人员需要从校外储存超过6件物品时,应提前提供额外通知. 如果您对从场外仓库申请材料有疑问, 请致电咨询台617-646-0532或

注意:这个og体育官网是部分处理的. 它只收到了初步安排.

Collection Summary


的记录 二十世纪协会于1894年由Edwin D. Mead, William O. Partridge, Charles H. Ames, Rev. Edward Everett Hale, John Fiske, J. 皮克林·帕特南和罗伯特·特雷特·潘恩(1835-1910)提倡一种 better social order. 记录包括宪法和章程,财务 记录,成员名单,会议记录,委员会报告,打印出来 程序和其他杂项出版物.

Organizational History

最初成立时是二十世纪俱乐部,后来更名为 二十世纪促进更好的公共精神协会 和《og体育官网》出版于1934年3月,这是与 government over its tax exempt status.

第一次组织会议的公告于2011年11月发布 1893. 该俱乐部于1894年1月在波士顿正式成立. The club was 1895年8月,由Edwin D. Mead, S.B. Pearmain, Thomas B. Lindsay, Mary Morton Kehew, Davis R. Dewey, Daniel C. Heath, Lucia T. 艾姆斯、威廉·奥德维·帕特里奇、约翰·格雷厄姆·布鲁克斯和J. Storer Cobb.

俱乐部的会员资格是开放给21岁以上的男性和女性 “在科学、艺术、宗教、政府等领域做出了贡献, education or social service; and those who in their business, home life, or 公民关系对社会、国家的生活做出了一定的贡献 or nation, worthy of recognition...[and] young men and women who have 表现出对俱乐部目标的兴趣,并渴望适应自己 for civic and social usefulness.“至少在一开始的时候,有一顶帽子。 女性成员的数量,使她们远远少于一半 membership. 从1914年开始,俱乐部的宣传就宣称“没有种族歧视” membership or guests or speakers."

俱乐部活动以周六午餐为中心. Begun as men-only affairs, they were opened to women by 1895. These informal gatherings were 意思是作为分享政治观点和观点的论坛 spectrum. 最初,演讲者和主题都是从每个会场中选择的 午餐,但随着俱乐部人数的增加,演讲者提前正式选定. 演讲者被告知要准备好接受激烈的提问. Members were allowed to 招募其他会员,利用俱乐部设施进行任何形式的活动, 但该俱乐部不会在任何问题上表明官方立场. Speakers included: 报纸编辑、改革家、传教士、社会主义者、教育家、作家、 labor leaders, economists and others.

俱乐部最初分为几个部门:内务部, Art Department, and Education Department. Later these departments were divided 进入委员会,委员会的来来去去取决于他们的兴趣 members. 委员会包括艺术、音乐和戏剧、教育、演讲者名单、 会员资格,租赁,电影和研究.

这些委员会赞助诸如免费管风琴音乐会、戏剧、门票等活动 交换项目,为学生提供廉价门票,为教育工作者提供学校讲座, Biblical lectures, public forums, and more. They also researched housing 并对波士顿的情况提出建议,调查情况 电影和杂耍剧院,抗议审查制度和电影 负责分销业务,并组织了一个非正式的演讲局. Many programs 由俱乐部创办,后来被政府或其他机构接管 organizations.

没有明确的迹象表明该俱乐部何时停止运作. Minutes end 1964年5月2日,但活动公告一直持续到1969年.

Collection Description

og体育官网大部分未处理,但包含以下内容: 历史文件、会议记录和报告(包括秘书的) 档案、通信、委员会记录、财务记录、成员资格 唱片,节目和演讲者记录,剪贴簿和印刷材料.

Acquisition Information

Donor unknown.

Restrictions on Access

二十世纪协会的记录存放在场外,必须至少提前两个工作日通过 Portal1791. 研究人员需要从校外储存超过6件物品时,应提前提供额外通知. 如果您对从场外仓库申请材料有疑问, 请致电咨询台617-646-0532或

注意:这个og体育官网是部分处理的. 它只收到了初步安排.

Summary Description of the Collection

Note: There is no Vol. 13.

Carton 1SH15PF 5Vol. 1
Minutes of Council, 1895-1901
Carton 1SH15PF 5Vol. 2
Minutes of Council, 1902-1905
Carton 1SH15PF 5Vol. 3
Minutes of Council, 1906-1911
Carton 1SH15PF 5Vol. 4
Minutes of Council, 1912-1918
Carton 1SH15PF 5Vol. 5
Minutes of Council, 1919-1924
Carton 1SH15PF 5Vol. 6
Minutes of Council, 1924-1930
Carton 1SH15PF 5Vol. 7
Art department minutes, 1895-1901
Carton 1SH15PF 5Vol. 8
Minutes of the Lecture Service Committee, 1901-1911
Carton 1SH15PF 5Vol. 9
Tenement House Commission records, 1903
Carton 1SH15PF 5Vol. 10
Records of the Drama and Music Committee, 1904-1908
Carton 1SH15PF 5Vol. 11
Minutes of Club Luncheons, Oct. 1909-Dec. 1918
Carton 1SH15PF 5Vol. 12
House Committee minutes, 1915-1924
Carton 2SH15PG 6Vol. 14
Accounts, Dec. 1899-Nov. 1900
Carton 2SH15PG 6Vol. 15
Accounts, 1901
Carton 2SH15PG 6Vol. 16
House Committee Day Book, Dec. 1901-Nov. 1903
Carton 2SH15PG 6Vol. 17
Accounts, Dec. 1901-Nov. 1903
Carton 2SH15PG 6Vol. 18
Accounts, 1902-1905
Carton 2SH15PG 6Vol. 19
Cashbook, Dec. 1902-Nov. 1905
Carton 2SH15PG 6Vol. 20
Accounts, Nov. 1903-Dec. 1905
Carton 2SH15PG 6Vol. 21
Accounts, 1905-1909
Carton 2SH15PG 6Vol. 22
Cash book, 1905-1909
Carton 2SH15PG 6Vol. 23
Accounts, 1906-1919
Carton 2SH15PG 6Vol. 24
Accounts, Dec. 1907-1909
Carton 3SH15PH 7Vol. 25
Accounts, Dec. 1909-Nov. 1917
Carton 3SH15PH 7Vol. 26
Cash book, July 1909-Apr. 1913
Carton 3SH15PH 7Vol. 27
Accounts, 1911-1913
Carton 3SH15PH 7Vol. 28
Cash book, 1911-1923
Carton 3SH15PH 7Vol. 29
Insurance, 1912-1937
Carton 3SH15PH 7Vol. 30
Accounts, Dec. 1913-1915
Carton 3SH15PH 7Vol. 31
Records, May 1913-May 1917
Carton 3SH15PH 7Vol. 32
Accounts, Dec. 1915-1919
Carton 3SH15PH 7Vol. 33
Cash book, 1917-1923
Carton 3SH15PH 7Vol. 34
Cash book, 1918-1921
Carton 4SH15PI 8Vol. 35
Accounts, 1919-1922
Carton 4SH15PI 8Vol. 36
Accounts, 1919-1923
Carton 4SH15PI 8Vol. 37
Account book, Dec. 1919-1923
Carton 4SH15PI 8Vol. 38
Cash book, 1921-1923
Carton 4SH15PI 8Vol. 39
Accounts, Dec. 1923-1930
Carton 4SH15PI 8Vol. 40
Account book, 1923-1936
Carton 4SH15PI 8Vol. 41
Accounts, 1923-1924; 1933-1942
Carton 7SH15PL BVol. 42
Accounts, Dec. 1924-Nov. 1926
Carton 7SH15PL BVol. 43
Accounts, 1924-1929
Carton 4SH15PI 8Vol. 44
Accounts, 1924-1930
Carton 4SH15PI 8Vol. 45
Accounts, 1924-1939
Carton 5SH15PJ 9Vol. 46
Accounts, 1924-1943
Carton 7SH15PL BVol. 47
Accounts, Dec. 1926-Nov. 1928
Carton 5SH15PJ 9Vol. 48
Kitchen accounts, Dec. 1928-Nov. 1929
Carton 7SH15PL BVol. 49
Accounts, Dec. 1928-Nov. 1930
Carton 5SH15PJ 9Vol. 50
Waitress wages accounts, Dec. 1929-May 1931
Carton 8SH15PM CVol. 51
Accounts, Dec. 1930-Nov. 1932
Carton 5SH15PJ 9Vol. 52
Account book, 1930-1931; 1933-1934
Carton 5SH15PJ 9Vol. 53
Accounts, Dec. 1930-Mar. 1938
Carton 8SH15PM CVol. 54
Accounts, Dec. 1932-Nov. 1935
Carton 8SH15PM CVol. 55
Accounts, Dec. 1935-Nov. 1939
Carton 5SH15PJ 9Vol. 56
Accounts, 1938-1943
Carton 5SH15PJ 9Vol. 57
Accounts, Dec. 1939-May 1942
Carton 6SH15PK AVol. 58
Accounts, Nov. 1943-Dec. 1948
Carton 6SH15PK AVol. 59
Accounts, 1947 (June-Nov.)
Carton 6SH15PK AVol. 60
Membership committee minutes, 1894-1900
Carton 6SH15PK AVol. 61
Membership committee minutes, 1900-1911
Carton 6SH15PK AVol. 62
Membership committee minutes, 1911-1922
Carton 6SH15PK AVol. 63
Membership committee minutes, 1922-1925
Carton 6SH15PK AVol. 64
Membership, 1902-1913
Carton 6SH15PK AVol. 65
Membership, 1914-1922
Carton 9SH15PN D
Historical materials
Carton 9SH15PN D
Council materials, 1923-1964
Carton 9SH15PN D
Secretary's files, ca. 1899-1945
Carton 10SH15PP F
Officer correspondence, ca. 1901-1964
Carton 10SH15PP F
Financial correspondence, ca. 1906-1949
Carton 11SH15PQ G
Correspondence, 1924-1944
Carton 12SH15PR H
Committees, ca. 1912, 1931-1940
Carton 12SH15PR H
Financial records, petty cash records
Carton 13SH15PS I
Financial records, 1923-1965
Carton 14SH15PT J
Financial records, 1922-1962, (including accounts payable, 1954-1962)
Carton 15SH15PU K
Financial records, ca. 1923-1944
Carton 15SH15PU K
财务记录,税收,波士顿市诉讼, 1933-1943
Carton 16SH15PV LVol. 66
Clipping scrapbook, 1901-1904
Carton 16SH15PV LVol. 67
Clipping scrapbook, 1904-1907
Carton 16SH15PV LVol. 68
Clipping scrapbook, 1907-1911
Carton 17SH15PW MVol. 69
Clipping scrapbook, 1911-1915
Carton 17SH15PW MVol. 70
Clipping scrapbook, 1915-1920
Carton 17SH15PW MVol. 71
Clipping scrapbook, 1920-1923
Carton 17SH15PW MVol. 72
"独立政治行动联盟"的记录和账目, 1934-1935
Carton 17SH15PW MVol. 72 A
Lecture Committee minutes, 1901-1907
Carton 18SH15PX N
Membership card file4 card file boxes
Carton 19SH15PY O
Membership files, A-E
Carton 20SH15PZ P
Membership files, F-Mas
Carton 21SH15Q1 Z
Membership files, Mat-Z
Carton 22SH15Q2 -
Membership committee subject files
Carton 23SH15Q3 .
Programs and speakers, 1897-1944
Carton 23SH15Q3 .
Programs and speakers, printed material
Carton 24SH1B6I
Scrapbook, ca. 1894-1919
Carton 24SH1B6I
美术部及电影委员会剪贴簿 ca. 1893-1932
Carton 24SH1B6I
Scrapbook, ca. 1900-1944
Carton 24SH1B6I
Announcements (formerly Vol. 75), 1934-1938
Carton 25SH15Q5 $
Scrapbook, Education Committee, ca. 1895-1935
Carton 25SH15Q5 $
Scrapbook, Education Department, ca. 1895-1925
Carton 26SH15Q6 /
Photographs1 folder
Carton 26SH15Q6 /
Printed Material
Carton 27SH15Q7 +Vol. 73
Twentieth Century Club Bulletin, 1901-1912
Carton 27SH15Q7 +Vol. 74
Weekly Bulletin, 1922 (Jan.-May)
Carton 27SH15Q7 +Vol. 76
Announcements and clippings, Dec. 1940-Feb. 1945
Carton 27SH15Q7 +Vol. 77
The Prairie Schooner and Other Poems, by Edward Everett Dale. Guthrie, Oklahoma: The Co-Operative Publishing Co., 1929

Inscribed by the author, Oct. 27, 1967.

Carton 27SH15Q7 +Vol. 78
Tales of the Tepee, by Edward Everett Dale. Boston: D.C. Hall and Co., Publishers, 1920.

Inscribed by the author, Oct. 27, 1967.

Carton 27SH15Q7 +Vol. 79
Jim Farley's Story: The Roosevelt Years, by James A. Farley. New York: Whittlesey House, 1948.
Carton 27SH15Q7 +Vol. 80
Deep Delta Country, by Harnett T. Kane. New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1944.

Preferred Citation


Access Terms

这个og体育官网在下列标题下进行索引 ABIGAIL, 马萨诸塞州历史学会的在线目录. Researchers 希望获得有关个人、组织或主题的资料 search the catalog using these headings.


Fiske, John, 1842-1901.
Hale, Edward Everett, 1822-1909.
Mead, Edwin D. (Edwin Doak), 1849-1937
Paine, Robert Treat, 1835-1910.
Partridge, William Ordway, 1861-1930.
Putnam, J. Pickering.
Ames, Charles H.

