



艾伦H. 摩根的论文 (except for the oversize scrapbook) is stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. 研究人员 needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance 请注意. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please 请致电617-646-0532或 reference@thawedding.com.



This collection consists of the papers of ornithologist, outdoor 爱好者和环保倡导者艾伦H. 马萨诸塞州韦茅斯的摩根., 1940-1990,有关 到他的观鸟活动,担任马萨诸塞州奥杜邦协会副主席, work with other environmental organizations, speaking engagements, and writings.


艾伦H. 马萨诸塞州韦兰市的摩根. was a avid ornithologist, outdoor enthusiast, and 环境提倡. "He was a conservationist long before it was fashionable, and an inspiring public speaker who could galvanize his audience into action. 他不知疲倦的精神, 坚定的信念和说服的力量使他一次又一次地成功 rescued thousands of acres of open space from the threat of development.(阿特金斯,1990)

1925年8月12日出生于马萨诸塞州沃尔瑟姆.在美国,摩根是查尔斯. 和海伦C. 摩根. He had two siblings: an older brother Charles Carter (called Carter), who died when 摩根 was twelve years old (1938), and a younger sister Margery (Jerry) 摩根. 摩根出席 韦兰公立学校,沃尔瑟姆的前景山男校,以及威斯顿高中 韦斯顿,质量. He interests in ornithology began in 1934 (age nine) while under the tutelage of 大卫·劳埃德·加里森,Mount Prospect学校的英语和拉丁语老师,也是 著名鸟类学家勒德洛·格里斯科姆. 摩根 gave his first public lecture on 鸟 and 1938年,他被选为第一个非哈佛学生 member of the Harvard Ornithological Club in 1939. 通过加里森,摩根获得了机会 罗素·梅森,当时马萨诸塞州奥杜邦协会的主任,1940年,他得到了 在波士顿自然学会馆长的暑期工作中进一步了解梅森 History, cleaning and cataloging a collection of bird skins housed adjacent to 质量. 奥杜邦 波士顿总部. 他参加了弥撒. 奥杜邦 Society in 1941, and during that year he gave 在韦兰花园俱乐部的另一次演讲中,他借用了一张鸟鸣唱片和彩色幻灯片 从质量. 奥杜邦. 的 club later established a wildlife sanctuary in the Wayland river 沼泽.

In early 1943, 摩根 left high school halfway through his senior year to enter Bowdoin 大学. He joined the United Sates Marine Corps Reserve in February and was employed by the 从5月到6月,美国鱼类和野生动物管理局,从事海鸥控制项目 沿着缅因州海岸. He was called to duty by the Marine Corps in July 1943 and was assigned 到达特茅斯学院接受军官培训. 他曾在北方和南方的海军陆战队服役 Carolina, Virginia, and California from 1944-1946, spending all of his free time birding.

In 1946, he married Alice Rand, and they had three children: Charles C.Helen Selinda,还有 大卫·兰德·摩根. After his graduation from Bowdoin in 1947, he took a job as a clerk at a 康涅狄格州哈特福德的意外伤害保险公司. 1950年,他离开哈特福德,与他的 father, a life insurance salesman in Boston, 质量.但后来被召回海军陆战队 在这一年. He was released from the Marine Corps and returned to the life insurance business 1951年,就在他父亲去世之前.

在他回到波士顿地区,他的活动再次追求观鸟,之前和 一年工作超过100天. 1952年4月,他发现并收集了North America's first cattle 白鹭 and became a celebrity in ornithological circles. 几个星期 后来,一位朋友og体育官网了摩根,他参加了理查德在当地的电影放映 著名的华特迪士尼公司野生动物电影制作人波登说,他发现了一只牛白鹭 in a film that Borden had shot five months earlier. 第二天,摩根见了波登 confirm the recording, and they subsequently became friends. 波登请摩根写信 他的几部电影的剧本,在这个过程中,摩根对野生动物产生了兴趣 摄影,并开始拍摄自己的电影. 摩根还发起了一场维护“开放”的运动 人类的空间和野生动物的栖息地. In 1953, he organized and helped found the Sudbury 山谷信托公司., a nonprofit organization whose mission is to protect the flood-plain 萨德伯里河谷的沼泽地.

In 1956, as the newly appointed president of 质量. 奥杜邦,波登请摩根考虑一下 更多地融入社会. 的re were no positions open at the time, so he suggested that 摩根 join the society's board of directors. 摩根加入后不到一年 董事会,执行副总裁的职位空缺,经过深思熟虑,摩根 决定离开保险行业. He was appointed executive vice president of 质量. 1957年11月,奥杜邦协会.

Under 摩根's leadership, the 马萨诸塞州奥杜邦协会 grew from a birdwatching and 7,500名成员的教育团体到25,000名成员的重要保护组织. 摩根还发起了更多的教育项目,扩大了保护区和自然中心, and lobbied on behalf of the society for conservation legislation at the state and federal 水平. In addition to his work at the society, 摩根 also frequently lectured (some years 在100多场活动中发表演讲),并为一些环保组织提供服务或咨询 committees, boards, and government commissions, including the 萨德伯里山谷受托人, New England Wildflower Preservation Society, Wayland Conservation Commission, Elbanobscot 基金会,公司., National Wildlife Federation, 质量achusetts Conservation Council, and Coastal 湿地行动委员会等等. 在他的空闲时间,摩根继续他的 在家做弥撒时对鸟类学感兴趣. 奥杜邦赞助旅行,等等 假期.

摩根从马萨诸塞州退休后. 奥杜邦 in 1980, he continued lecturing, consulting, and 直到1990年去世.


切斯特G. 阿特金斯, 致敬艾伦·H. 摩根,曼联 州众议院,1990年.

艾伦H. 摩根, "History of the 马萨诸塞州奥杜邦协会" (unpublished manuscript), ca. 1980.


艾伦·H. 摩根的论文 consist of eight document boxes, one narrow box, one pamphlet box, one oversize box, and 37 volumes in a record carton that span the years 1923-1990. 的 collection is divided into four series: 个人论文, 观鸟的材料, 海伦C. 摩根 日记和印刷品.

藏品的很大一部分与摩根对鸟类学的兴趣有关,包括他自己 从1943年到1977年保存的鸟类杂志,描述了新英格兰的观鸟,以及美国各地的观鸟情况 美国和国际上. Of special interest is a journal entry dated 23 April 1952, 摩根在书中描述了他发现和收集的第一批已知的北美牛 白鹭. 的 collection also contains loose descriptions of various birding trips taken from 1949-1978; letters written to his mother from 1945-1946, while stationed with the Marines, and describing his birding activities throughout California; bird surveys he led or participated in; 以及为鲍登学院和马萨诸塞州奥杜邦协会撰写的og体育平台鸟类相关的报告 问题,1943 - ca. 1951.

收藏的另一大部分由摩根整理的剪贴簿组成 他一生都是鸟类学家和环保倡导者,他近20年的行政人员生涯 vice president of the 马萨诸塞州奥杜邦协会, lecturing, and writing. 的剪贴簿 包括传记信息,信件,印刷材料,程序,论文,和 照片,以及其他格式.

的 collection also contains 摩根's published and unpublished writings, including an incomplete draft of the "History of the 马萨诸塞州奥杜邦协会"; correspondence dating from 1942-1987 pertaining primarily to 摩根's lecturing and writing activities; printed materials; biographical information; and 笔记 and ephemera.

In addition, the collection also contains diaries kept by 摩根's mother, 海伦C. 摩根, 从1938年到1977年,她写了一些og体育平台她日常活动的简短记录,比如 出生,死亡和节日. This series also contains a diary kept by Helen from 1923-1955 pertaining to 她孩子的饮食和健康.


大卫·R的礼物. 摩根12月. 2005.


艾伦H. 摩根的论文 (except for the oversize scrapbook) is stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. 研究人员 needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance 请注意. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please 请致电617-646-0532或 reference@thawedding.com.


I. 个人论文, 1940-1987

A. 剪贴簿(disbound), 1940-1982

这个子系列包含摩根编制的有关他的鸟类学和 environmental interests, the 马萨诸塞州奥杜邦协会, speaking engagements, and 出版物. 的剪贴簿 contain biographical materials created by 摩根, his mother 海伦C. 摩根, and the 马萨诸塞州奥杜邦协会; letters retained for autograph and informational interests; 出版物 and clippings written by or pertaining to 摩根; annual reports, form letters, brochures, programs, and other materials pertaining to 质量. 奥杜邦; professional photographs and snapshots of 摩根 and 鸟; event programs; awards and honors; and other miscellaneous memorabilia.

箱1Sh 1765 v文件夹1
剪贴簿1, 1940-1963Disbound体积.
箱1Sh 1765 v文件夹24-31
剪贴簿2, 1966-1970Disbound体积.
箱1Sh 1765 v文件夹32-33
剪贴簿, 1969-1982Disbound体积.
框2Sh 17gf +文件夹1 - 9
剪贴簿, 1969-1982 (继续)Disbound体积.
框2Sh 17gf +文件夹汽车销售
剪贴簿4, 1972-1976Disbound体积.
超大的剪贴簿, ca. 1940-1967Disbound体积.

B. 信件, 1942-1987

盒3Sh 17gq 9文件夹1 - 7
宽松的信件, 1942-1987

摩根收到的来自环保组织、出版社、杂志、 and other media outlets that pertain to his work with the 马萨诸塞州奥杜邦协会, various speaking engagements, and his 出版物. 该系列还包括格式信件 以及摩根在做弥撒时写的备忘录. 奥杜邦的社会成员,董事会 主管、部门主管、庇护所主管和其他工作人员,以及杂项 私人信件.

系列我.A. Scrapbooks also contains correspondence retained by 摩根.

盒3Sh 17gq 9文件夹8 - 12
写给母亲的信, 1945-1946

Includes letters and postcards written by 摩根 to his mother 海伦C. 摩根同时 serving in the 美国 Marine Corps at Camp Pendleton, California from 1945-1946. Letters pertain to his life on base, his various duties, and birding.

C. 的作品, 1971-1980

This subseries contains two typescript drafts of "A History of 质量achusetts 奥杜邦 Society," written by 摩根 in 1980 and never published. 每份草稿都不一样, pertain only to the history of the society to 1965, and include many manuscript edits, 清单和索引. 摩根 probably transcribed his history from tape recordings. 的 subseries also contains a non-profit fundraising handbook created by 摩根 in 1980 and a 一份名为《og体育官网》的短篇作品的副本,由摩根为 质量. 1971年的奥杜邦协会.

Draft of "A History of the 马萨诸塞州奥杜邦协会," by 艾伦H. 摩根, ca. 1980

盒3Sh 17gq 9文件夹13-23
盒3Sh 17gq 9文件夹24 - 25日
盒3Sh 17gq 9文件夹26-31
“为非营利组织筹款: 的 Art and Science of Building Membership, Annual Gifts, Bequests, and Grant Support for Charitable Organizations," by 艾伦·摩根, 9月. 1980Disbound体积.
4盒Sh 17g6 w文件夹1-13
4盒Sh 17g6 w文件夹14
"Crisis of the Human Environment," by 艾伦·摩根, 1971

D. 个人信息, ca. 1960-1980

本子系列包括摩根的传记信息,由 马萨诸塞州奥杜邦协会. 1960-1967, and the Frothingham Management Company, ca. 1980.

4盒Sh 17g6 w文件夹15

E. 卡片,未注明日期

This subseries contains scraps of paper and note cards kept in a desk drawer by 摩根, with quotes, inspirational messages, phrases, jokes, stories, and prayers.

框5Sh 17gg %

II. 观鸟的材料, 1943-1978

A. 鸟期刊, 1943-1977

This subseries contains journals kept by 摩根 from 1943-1977, pertaining to his 新英格兰的鸟类学活动,在加州海军陆战队服役期间, while on 假期, and during other professional and casual nature-related trips in the 美国和国外. 的 journals contain descriptions of 鸟 seen and sometimes collected; times and dates of sightings; time spent birding with family, friends, and other birding enthusiasts; other nature sights seen; and information on and histories of specific 鸟. Later journals, dated 1958-1977, also pertain to his other environmental activities and contain photographs, charts, statistics, maps, and other printed materials.

参见系列一.B. 观鸟旅行.

第9箱(纸箱)Sh 17gs b卷. 1
鸟类杂志第二卷 1943年5月20日至10月12日. 1947
第9箱(纸箱)Sh 17gs b卷. 2
鸟类杂志第三卷 10月13日. 1947 - 11年4月. 1949
第9箱(纸箱)Sh 17gs b卷. 3
鸟类杂志第四卷 4月12日. 1949年3月30. 1950
第9箱(纸箱)Sh 17gs b卷. 4
鸟类杂志第五卷 4月2. 1950年至8月1日. 1952
第9箱(纸箱)Sh 17gs b卷. 5
鸟类杂志第六卷 8月1日. 1952年9月. 1956
4盒Sh 17g6 w文件夹16 - 20
从鸟类期刊卷中移除的松散物品. 1-5
4盒Sh 17g6 w文件夹的第21至28
《og体育官网》 8月1日. 1952年9月. 1956Disbound体积.

与日报卷对应. VI.

“领域期刊”, 1958年7月20日至11月17日. 1963

4盒Sh 17g6 w文件夹29-37
1958年7月20日至11月14日. 1962
箱6Sh 17g文件夹1 - 4
11月15日. 1962年11月17日. 1963
箱6Sh 17g文件夹5 - 12
“鸟杂志”, 1963年5月——3月. 1968Disbound体积.

”字段指出的,“ 1963-1977

箱6Sh 17g文件夹13
箱6Sh 17g文件夹14 - 17
箱6Sh 17g文件夹18
箱6Sh 17g文件夹19
箱6Sh 17g文件夹20
箱6Sh 17g文件夹21
箱6Sh 17g文件夹22日至23日
箱6Sh 17g文件夹24
箱6Sh 17g文件夹25日- 27日
7箱Sh 17g7 x文件夹1
"1973——科罗拉多,“和”1973班特里湾” (爱尔兰)
7箱Sh 17g7 x文件夹2
"1973-米尔福德港”(威尔士)和 "1973斯利姆布里奇”(英格兰)
7箱Sh 17g7 x文件夹3
"1973-RSPB" (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, 英国伦敦)
7箱Sh 17g7 x文件夹4
"1974-W. 墨西哥”
7箱Sh 17g7 x文件夹5

B. 观鸟旅行, 1949-1978

This subseries contains documents pertaining to ornithological trips taken by 摩根 from 1949-1978, including essays, correspondence, itineraries, 笔记, and brochures.

参见系列二.A. 鸟期刊.

7箱Sh 17g7 x文件夹6
7箱Sh 17g7 x文件夹7
“太. 缅因州的毕格罗地区。” 1949
7箱Sh 17g7 x文件夹8
“西方之旅”, 1954
第9箱(纸箱)Sh 17gs b卷. 6
“加斯普半岛”,夏天 1957
7箱Sh 17g7 x文件夹9
墨西哥东部, 1978

C. 鸟的调查, 1949-1967

This subseries contains a survey led by 摩根 from 1949-1951 pertaining to waterfowl breeding patterns in the Sudbury River Marsh area of 质量achusetts. 这项调查是一项 larger survey of waterfowl breeding in the North Eastern 美国, led by the United 国家鱼类和野生动物管理局. 这个子系列还包括由 马萨诸塞州奥杜邦协会从1963年到1967年有关鱼鹰繁殖成功的研究 马萨诸塞州的韦斯特波特. area. 的 surveys include maps, charts, statistics, correspondence, and 笔记.

7箱Sh 17g7 x文件夹- 11
水禽养殖调查; 1949-1951
7箱Sh 17g7 x文件夹12 - 18
鱼鹰的调查, 1963-1967

D. 报道, 1943-ca. 1951

This subseries contains typescript and manuscript reports written by 摩根 from 1944-ca. 1951年,包括1944年为动物学课写的报告,几篇og体育平台 1945-ca的特定鸟类. 1951, and copies of the "的 奥杜邦 Checklist" for 1949 and 1950. One of the zoology reports include 15 photographs taken while on a bird-control trip off the coast of Maine with the United Sates Fish and Wildlife Service in May 1943.

7箱Sh 17g7 x文件夹19

E. 宽松的笔记, 1946-1952

This subseries contains miscellaneous loose 笔记 kept by 摩根 from 1946-1952. 每一个音符 include lists of bird sightings and manuscript copies of bird descriptions copied from 各种观鸟刊物.

7箱Sh 17g7 x文件夹20

3. 海伦C. 摩根日记、 ca. 1923-1977 (与 空白)

This series contains diaries kept by 摩根's mother 海伦C. 摩根(1938-1977 空白). Early diaries include one- to three-word entries detailing appointments and activities 海伦,她的丈夫查尔斯,孩子玛杰里,艾伦和卡特,还有家人和朋友 和熟人. Diary entries kept after 1951, while still brief, provide more details and 对她的生活和日常活动的看法. 除了约会,生日,还有 死亡,这些日记包括与她的孩子,孙子,和 other family and friends; trips taken to the Cape and to Maine, among other New England destinations; time spent working in the garden and around the house; winters spent in Florida; memberships held in various organizations; social events attended; politics observed; battles with illness; and the weather.

This series also contains a diary kept by 海伦C. 来自ca的摩根. 1923-1951与…有关 她孩子的饮食和健康. 的 diary includes records of their eating patterns, 体重、疾病和治疗. 的 diary also include letters received from her son Carter's doctor Mary Putnam of New York City, as well as Carter's report cards from the 1927-1929年就读于沃尔瑟姆公立学校.

7箱 Sh 17g7 x文件夹21 - 24日
儿童健康日记; ca. 1923-1951 (空白)

日记、 1938-1977 (空白)

第9箱(纸箱)Sh 17gs b卷. 7
第9箱(纸箱)Sh 17gs b卷. 8
第9箱(纸箱)Sh 17gs b卷. 9
第9箱(纸箱)Sh 17gs b卷. 10
第9箱(纸箱)Sh 17gs b卷. 11
第9箱(纸箱)Sh 17gs b卷. 12
第9箱(纸箱)Sh 17gs b卷. 13
第9箱(纸箱)Sh 17gs b卷. 14
第9箱(纸箱)Sh 17gs b卷. 15
第9箱(纸箱)Sh 17gs b卷. 16
第9箱(纸箱)Sh 17gs b卷. 17
10箱Sh 178y卷. 18
10箱Sh 178y卷. 19
10箱Sh 178y卷. 20
10箱Sh 178y卷. 21
10箱Sh 178y卷. 22
10箱Sh 178y卷. 23
10箱Sh 178y卷. 24
10箱Sh 178y卷. 25
10箱Sh 178y卷. 26
10箱Sh 178y卷. 27
11箱Sh 17gi 1卷. 28
11箱Sh 17gi 1卷. 29
11箱Sh 17gi 1卷. 30
11箱Sh 17gi 1卷. 31
11箱Sh 17gi 1卷. 32
11箱Sh 17gi 1卷. 33
11箱Sh 17gi 1卷. 34
11箱Sh 17gi 1卷. 35
11箱Sh 17gi 1卷. 36

IV. 印刷材料, 1946-1990

A. 出版物, 1946-1987

This subseries contains newsletters, magazines, and other 出版物 that include articles either written by or about 摩根 and his birding or conservation activities. 的 subseries include newsletters of the 马萨诸塞州奥杜邦协会 and the Sudbury Valley 信任,又是一份副本 《og体育平台》杂志除其他外. 许多 出版物不完整.

7箱Sh 17g7 x文件夹25
马萨诸塞州奥杜邦协会, 1958-1981
7箱Sh 17g7 x文件夹26
萨德伯里山谷信托基金, 1956-1966
7箱Sh 17g7 x文件夹27
各种各样的出版物, 1946-1987

B. 剪下来, 1952-1990

This subseries contains clippings dated 1952-1990, pertaining primarily to 摩根's conservation activities and work with the 马萨诸塞州奥杜邦协会.

盒8Sh 17h文件夹1

C. 蜉蝣, 1946-1990

这个子系列包含松散印刷的蜉蝣,包括奖励证书,委托 1966年约翰·霍普州长对水污染的研究,各种活动计划,以及 a copy of an invitation to 摩根's wedding in 1946.

盒8Sh 17h文件夹2
奖证书、 1968, 1990
盒8Sh 17h文件夹3
州长委员会, 1966
盒8Sh 17h文件夹4
活动项目, 1958-1972
盒8Sh 17h文件夹5
艾伦·摩根的婚礼请柬 1946

D. 地图, 1964

This subseries contains scientific maps, weather charts, and thermistor data created on a 在海上巡航 大西洋二世 与伍兹霍尔海洋研究所合作 1964年的机构. 数据收集者是未知的. 子系列还包括的映射 林肯的德鲁姆林农场,萨德伯里的米尔布鲁克荒野地区,以及韦兰的各个地区, 质量.

盒8Sh 17h文件夹6 - 10
地图和统计数据从巡航上 大西洋二世, 1964
盒8Sh 17h文件夹11


艾伦H. 摩根论文,马萨诸塞州历史学会.


This collection is indexed under the following headings in 阿比盖尔, the online catalog of the 马萨诸塞州历史学会. 研究人员 欲知有关人士、组织或主题的资料,请查阅本目录 使用这些标题.


艾伦·摩根. (艾伦·亨格福德),1925-1990——照片.


美国. 海军陆战队士兵,.


剪贴簿,1940 - 1987.


散乱的照片被移到艾伦H. 摩根照片(未经处理). 照片. 科尔. 500.106.