




This collection consists of correspondence and other papers of jurist and political leader Meshech Weare 新罕布什尔州.


Meshech Weare (1713-1786) was one of the most important figures in Revolutionary War New Hampshire. 他是新罕布什尔州的第一任总统(州长),也担任过 president of the council, chief justice, and chairman of the Committee of Safety.


该收藏包括两卷1775-1785年的书信,以及一份 信件的手稿副本,1779-1782年,全部复制在一卷 microfilm. 《og体育平台》最频繁的记者包括约西亚·巴特利特、阿比尔·福斯特、 John Taylor Gilman, Samuel Huntington, John Jay, Henry Laurens, Samuel Livermore, Nathaniel 皮博迪、耶利米·鲍威尔、约翰·沙利文、查尔斯·汤姆森和乔治·华盛顿. The collection also contains correspondence with Ira Allen; Benedict Arnold; Jacob Bayley; Jeremy Belknap; Elias Boudinot; George Clinton; Henry Dearborn; Nathaniel Folsom; Horatio Gates; William Greene; John Hancock; Jabez Hatch; William Heath; Thomas Jefferson; Robert R. Livingston; Thomas Mifflin; Gouverneur Morris; Robert Morris; Joseph Nourse; Timothy Pickering; Alexander Scammell; Roger Sherman; John Stark; Friedrich Wilhelm, Baron von Steuben; Jonathan Trumbull; Louis Philippe de Rigaud, Marquis de Vaudreuil; Artemas Ward; Joshua Wentworth; and William Whipple.

本作品集的主题包括二战期间的军事行动 独立战争,战争所需的资金和物资,征兵,私掠, policies related to Loyalists and prisoners of war, peace negotiations and the Treaty of Paris (1783), political appointments, the activities of the 大陆会议, the New Hampshire land grants, Vermont statehood, and currency issues.




This list includes all of the items in the collection in the order they appear on the microfilm. 物品大致按时间顺序拍摄. 寄出的信件 Meshech Weare consist mostly of unsigned letterbook copies.

I. Letterbook我, 1775-1782

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先生的帐目. 埃文斯的新罕布什尔民兵部队.

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10 Mar. 1777

来自纽约州萨里安全委员会的信.H.我们在抗议 反对自由对待所谓的忠诚者. 巴彻德,罗伯特·吉尔摩,还有 本杰明·霍尔. Signed by Woolston Brockway, Thomas Darte, Peter Hayward, and Jonathan Smith.

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23 July 1777

代表新罕布夏安全委员会的梅舍赫·韦雷向. Col. 约书亚·温特沃斯谈到了面对英国的威胁应该采取的措施 naval attack.

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费城, 3 Sep. 1777

小约翰·吉布森的信.他是美国审计长.S. 彩票,给米舍·威尔 og体育平台彩票.

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费城, 8 Sep. 1777

约翰·奥德(John Ord)的信.S. 彩票,给米舍我们og体育平台 lottery.

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Providence, 17 Sep. 1777

J的来信. 斯宾塞博士向新罕布什尔安全委员会提出了. Philip Carrigan.

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Boston, 26 Sep. 1777

耶利米·鲍威尔给米舍·威尔的信,og体育官网之前的沟通 普通法院.

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Boston, 26 Sep. 1777

小约翰·皮克林的信.我们是og体育平台马萨诸塞州的行动 委员会最近在斯普林菲尔德开会的报告.

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30 Apr. 1778

收到未售出的美国货.S. 彩票.

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8 Jan. 1778

联合国的决心.S. og体育平台彩票的大陆会议.

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Exeter, 22 June 1778

米舍·威尔给纽约海军司令的信,提议交换 从船上带走的囚犯 McClary and Portsmouth.

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Exeter, 22 June 1778

米舍·威尔给新斯科舍总督和海军司令的信 Halifax proposing an exchange of 从船上带走的囚犯 McClary and Portsmouth.

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Exeter, 22 June 1778

米舍·威尔给纽波特海军司令的信提议交换 从船上带走的囚犯 McClary and Portsmouth.

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汉普顿瀑布 26 June 1778

米设威尔给Gen的信. 约翰·沙利文谈到了为获得纽而采取的措施 汉普郡派往罗德岛的军队配额.

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Portsmouth, 29 June 1778

约翰·温德尔给梅舍赫的信我们推荐他儿子做公证人 宣布自己对美国事业的忠诚.

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汉普顿瀑布 4 July 1778

梅舍赫·威尔致亨利·劳伦斯的信承认收到了某些行为 Congress.

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9 July 1778

Vote of the Connecticut Committee of Safety about couriers and special expresses.

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费城, 11 July 1778

约西亚·巴特利特给米舍·威尔的信,og体育平台法国舰队的到来 在德斯坦伯爵手下.

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Lebanon, 13 July 1778

政府致函. Jonathan Trumbull to Meshech Weare communicating a 9 July 1778 康涅狄格州长和议会og体育平台雇用……的决议 couriers.

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费城, 20 July 1778

约西亚·巴特利特致米舍·威尔og体育平台批准条款的信 联邦,每个州至少需要两名国会代表, and the need for more power for the 新汉普郡 executive.

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Exeter, 25 July 1778

梅舍赫·威尔给亨利·劳伦斯的信,确认收到一项行为 Congress.

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Exeter, 25 July 1778

米设威尔给总督的信. 乔纳森·特朗布尔]og体育平台一项废除 快递系统.

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Kingstown, 1778年7月27日

上校的信. Ebenezer Stevens to Meshech Weare excusing his failure to take the 宣誓为治安法官.

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[Aug.] 1778

梅舍赫·威尔给议会的信og体育平台向新罕布什尔提供一个号码 把海盗从船上解救出来 Portsmouth 被囚禁在哈利法克斯.

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3 Aug. 1778

代表新罕布夏安全委员会的梅舍赫·韦雷向. Col. Joshua Wentworth to raise 新汉普郡 volunteers to reinforce Gen. John 罗德岛的沙利文.

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Providence, 4 Aug. 1778

Gen的信. John Sullivan to Meshech Weare about the supply of provisions for 德斯坦伯爵的舰队.

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费城, 4 Aug. 1778

约西亚·巴特利特给米舍·威尔的信是og体育平台申请大陆大学的事 财政部为新罕布什尔拨款以及新罕布什尔拨款的问题.

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费城, 8 Aug. 1778

亨利·劳伦斯给梅舍赫·威尔的信og体育平台国会的一项决议 对罗德岛的远征.

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汉普顿瀑布 8 Aug. 1778

Letter from Meshech Weare to Josiah Bartlett about a Congressional grant for New Hampshire, 新汉普郡 volunteers for service 在罗德岛州, the absence of executive authority in the 新汉普郡 government, and the question of Vermont statehood.

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Exeter, 15 Aug. 1778

米设威尔给总督的信. 乔纳森·特朗布尔og体育平台新罕布什尔的 unwillingness to discontinue the 快递系统 as agreed upon by the New England states.

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Exeter, 15 Aug. 1778

米设威尔给Gen的信. 约翰·沙利文认为新罕布什尔没有能力 为德斯坦伯爵的法国舰队提供补给.

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费城, 16 Aug. 1778

亨利·劳伦斯给梅舍赫的信我们正在代理私人船只的佣金 of war.

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Newport, 26 Aug. 1778

威廉·惠普尔给梅舍赫·威尔的信,og体育平台新教会的融化 汉普郡志愿军在罗德岛.

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费城, 13 Sep. 1778

Letter from Henry Laurens to Meshech Weare communicating certain acts of Congress.

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Providence, 14 Sep. 1778

Letter from Nicholas Van Cortlandt to Meshech Weare about an exchange of prisoners.

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Boston, 3 Oct. 1778

耶利米·鲍威尔给米舍赫的信我们正在传达一项决议 Massachusetts General Court about the post between Connecticut 和新罕布什尔州.

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3 Oct. 1778

Resolve of the Massachusetts General Court about the post between Connecticut and New Hampshire.

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费城, 7 Oct. 1778

Letter from Henry Laurens to Meshech Weare communicating acts of Congress.

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8 Oct. 1778

Letter from the selectmen and Committee of Safety of Chesterfield, N.H., to Meshech Weare about replacing Samuel Davis's paper money lost in a fire. 金博尔签名 卡尔顿,乔纳森·希尔德雷思,塞缪尔·希尔德雷思,雅各布·海因兹和摩西·史密斯.

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费城, 10 Oct. 1778

J的来信osiah Bartlett to Meshech Weare about a money grant for New Hampshire.

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Boston, 22 Oct. 1778

J的来信eremiah Powell to Meshech Weare communicating an act of the General 与缺席的保皇党有关的法庭.

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Boston, 22 Oct. 1778

Gen的信. William Heath to Meshech Weare about a possible eastward movement by 敌人和新罕布什尔民兵随时准备应对任何紧急情况.

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Providence, 25 Oct. [1778]

Gen的信. John Sullivan to the president and council 新罕布什尔州 communicating a map of military operations 在罗德岛州.

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汉普顿瀑布 27 Oct. 1778

梅舍赫·威尔给亨利·劳伦斯的信,确认收到了杂物 通信.

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Nov. 1778

James Bayly给mesheech Weareog体育平台土地所有权的复杂问题的信 在兰达夫,n.n.H. [以前也归类于“杂项”."]

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2 Nov. 1778

纽约州梅森市议员的信.H.新罕布什尔州安全委员会 塞缪尔·塔贝尔农场的事. 本杰明·曼和约瑟夫·梅里亚姆签名.

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Exeter, 6 Nov. 1778

梅舍赫·威尔给亨利·劳伦斯的og体育平台补偿新罕布什尔州公民的信 塞缪尔·戴维斯负责大陆航空公司在火灾中损失的资金.

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Exeter, 6 Nov. 1778

米设威尔给Gen的信. 威廉·惠普尔og体育平台补偿新罕布什尔州的事 citizen 塞缪尔·戴维斯负责大陆航空公司在火灾中损失的资金.

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10 Nov. 1778

联合国的决心.S. 大陆会议 appointing a committee to superintend the 军需和军需部门.

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费城, 16 Nov. 1778

Letter from Henry Laurens to Meshech Weare communicating acts of Congress for the 残疾士兵和海员的福利以及公共财政的组织.

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Exeter, 25 Nov. 1778

米设·威尔致纽约州梅森市议员的信.H.og体育平台塞缪尔·塔贝尔的 farm.

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Exeter, 25 Nov. 1778

米设威尔给Gen的信. 约翰·沙利文传达了一个新投票 Hampshire General Court and discussing the Rhode Island campaign.

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Gloucester, 10 Dec. 1778

埃比尼泽·克利夫兰给米舍赫的信. Davenport.

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Exeter, 23 Dec. 1778

米舍赫·威尔给耶利米·鲍威尔的og体育平台缺席者信息的信 Loyalists.

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Exeter, 24 Dec. 1778

Circular letter from Meshech Weare to the several states enclosing an act against 缺席的支持者.

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Exeter, 28 Dec. 1778

梅舍赫·威尔给亨利·劳伦斯的信og体育平台在新罕布什尔逮捕 people bringing in the manifesto of the British peace commissioners.

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Memorandum by Meshech Weare on the distribution of powder supplies.

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汉普顿瀑布 4 Jan. 1779

米谢赫·威尔给国会委员会的信中提到了过剩的供应 在新罕布什尔州.

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汉普顿瀑布 16 Jan. 1779

Letter from Meshech Weare to John Jay about measures taken to prevent masts and spars 以免落入敌人之手.

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Exeter, 19 Jan. 1779

米舍·威尔给美国管理人员的信.S. lottery.

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Lebanon, 13 Feb. 1779

政府致函. Jonathan Trumbull to Meshech Weare discussing the "iniquitous 康涅狄格的“邪恶之人”的设计,并警告我们要提防Mr. Ranna 科西特(Rene cositt),一个多疑的人.

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Arlington, 1 Mar. 1779

艾拉·艾伦给梅舍克·威尔的信og体育平台他在新罕布什尔的任务和 佛蒙特州解散了与东部16个城镇的“假想联盟” 康涅狄格河.

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Providence, 11 Mar. 1779

威廉·格林给梅舍赫的信我们要求新罕布什尔派兵去 帮助保卫罗德岛.

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Providence, 6 May 1778

Letter from Thomas Eyres to Meshech Weare enclosing an act for establishing a college 在罗德岛州.

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Exeter, 17 May 1778

Letter from Ephraim Robinson to Meshech Weare about cash, etc.这是一个印第安人的聚会 Gen雇佣的美国人. Gates.

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York Town, 27 May 1778

约西亚·巴特利特给米设的信 国会主席和各州州长.

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Exeter, 27 May 1778

梅舍赫·威尔给亨利·劳伦斯的信,承认收到了各种行为 Congress.

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York Town, 15 June 1778

乔赛亚·巴特利特和小约翰·温特沃斯的来信.我们是og体育平台新 汉普郡派往罗德岛的军队配额.

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York Town, 20 June 1778

Letter from Henry Laurens to Meshech Weare forwarding an act of Congress.

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Exeter, 22 June 1778

米舍·威尔给哈利法克斯海军司令的信提议交换 从船上带走的囚犯 McClary and Portsmouth.

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汉普顿瀑布 25 Sep. 1778

梅舍赫·威尔给亨利·劳伦斯的信,承认收到了 Congress.

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费城, 11 Nov. 1778

莫里斯、纳撒尼尔·斯卡德尔和威廉·惠普尔的信 我们正在向梅舍赫传达一项og体育平台 军需官和军需总长的部门以及新罕布什尔的资源 面粉、小麦等.

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费城, 12 Mar. 1779

约翰·杰伊给梅舍赫的信我们正在传送一项与 紧急招聘问题.


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Portsmouth, 17 Mar. 1779

约书亚·温特沃斯写给米舍赫的证书我们来谈谈民兵的选择 格林兰,N.H., trainband.

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费城, 22 Mar. 1779

Circular letter from John Jay to Meshech Weare forwarding a resolve of Congress 建议禁食一天.

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麦德, 24 Mar. 1779

乔治·华盛顿给梅舍赫的信我们想了解有关 strength of 新罕布什尔民兵 available for national service.

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Apr. 1779


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费城, 7 Apr. 1779

约翰·杰伊给梅舍赫的信我们正在传送国会的法案进行监管 the clothing department of the army and the pay of officers in it.

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Portsmouth, 11 Apr. 1779

囚犯埃比尼泽·考恩、查尔斯·亨特和耶利米·波特致米设的请愿书 我们支持他们的释放.

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费城, 13 Apr. 1779

Letter from Ralph Pomeroy to Meshech Weare transmitting a resolve of Congress related 到服装会计专员办公室去.

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费城, 18 Apr. 1779

约翰·杰伊给梅舍赫的信我们正在传送一项国会法案以防止 禁止人员进入敌人的战线.

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费城, 20 Apr. 1779

冯·施托本男爵弗里德里希·威廉给米舍赫·威尔的信,og体育平台他的书 regulations and the importance of the militia in the American military.


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Portsmouth, 20 Apr. 1779

供应拍给米舍·威尔的信og体育平台他提议把囚犯送到 New York.

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汉普顿瀑布 23 Apr. 1779

Letter from Meshech Weare to George Washington about the number 新罕布什尔州 为大陆特别服务的民兵.

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Providence, 29 Apr. 1779

Gen的信. Horatio Gates to Meshech Weare about the need for the 新汉普郡 为保卫罗德岛而承诺的军队配额.

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[May] 1779


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Providence, 10 May 1779

Gen的信. 约翰·斯塔克致米舍赫我们急需新 汉普郡在罗德岛的驻军配额,英国对朱迪思角的突袭,还有 Col. 荷兰的行为.

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费城, 11 May 1779

约翰·杰伊给梅舍赫的信我们正在转发国会og体育平台 Com结算. Gen. 特朗布尔的账目和罗德岛保卫战.

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费城, 18 May 1779

Gen的信. William Whipple to Meshech Weare about war news and military 在格鲁吉亚的行动.

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麦德, 22 May 1779

乔治·华盛顿给梅舍赫·威尔的通函,内容是美国军队的状况 army and the need for greater military activity in the country.

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费城, 22 May 1779

约翰·杰伊给梅舍赫的信我们正在传送一项国会法案,呼吁 4500万美元.

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费城, 25 May 1779

约翰·杰伊给梅舍赫的信我们转发国会og体育平台抓捕的法案 the high seas, the exchange of citizens captured by Native Americans, and Continental 官员交换.

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费城, 28 May 1779

约翰·杰伊给梅舍赫的信我们将国会演说的副本转发给 美国的居民.

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Exeter, 29 May 1779

mesheech Weare致John Jay的信,确认收到他1779年5月11日的来信 国会附带法案.

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Warwick, R.I., 3 June 1779

Letter from William Greene to Meshech Weare transmitting a copy of a 7 May 1779 国会通过了一项决议,要求从新罕布什尔州派遣军队.

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费城, 4 June 1779

Gen的信. William Whipple to Meshech Weare about having a 新汉普郡 man meet with the Congressional committee going to Vermont on business related to the New 汉普郡拨款.

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费城, 5 June 1779

迈克尔·希勒加斯给米舍赫的信我们正在把账单的校样寄给 由国会颁发.

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Providence, 10 June 1779

Letter from William Greene to Meshech Weare about the Springfield Convention, the 急需从新罕布什尔调遣军队,以及罗德岛的军事事务.

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Exeter, 25 June 1779

Letter from Beza Woodward to Meshech Weare apologizing for not acknowledging his 任命为县专员并讨论设立的不可取之处 格拉夫顿县的法院.

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Portsmouth, 27 June 1779

约翰·彭哈洛和科尔的信. 约书亚·温特沃斯给米舍赫的电话我们正在通知他 敌人在南卡罗莱纳战败的消息.

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Boston, 29 June 1779

耶利米·鲍威尔给梅舍赫的信我们请求新罕布什尔的合作 在佩诺布斯考特探险中.

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Portsmouth, 6 July 1779

威廉·加德纳给梅舍赫·威尔的信og体育平台退回提供给 1777年的军队.

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费城, 9 July 1779

上校的信. Nathaniel Peabody to Meshech Weare forwarding handbills and newspapers.

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Boston, 9 July 1779

耶利米·鲍威尔给梅舍赫的信我们请求新罕布什尔的合作 在佩诺布斯考特探险中.

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Lebanon, 11 July 1779

政府致函. Jonathan Trumbull to Meshech Weare about the attack on New Haven and 康涅狄格州费尔菲尔德.

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New Windsor, 1779年7月12日

冯·施托本男爵弗里德里希·威廉给梅舍赫·魏尔的信是og体育平台一份 his Regulations.

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汉普顿瀑布 13 July 1779

梅舍赫·威尔给约翰·杰伊的信,信中谈到新罕布什尔州为填补其空缺所做的努力 Continental quota and raise troops for the defense of Rhode Island.

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费城, 20 July 1779

纳撒尼尔·皮博迪给梅舍赫的信:og体育平台战争的新闻,包括被俘 石角.


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Hartford, 27 July 1779

Letter from Silas Hodges to Meshech Weare about the purchase of land on the west side 康涅狄格河.

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汉普顿瀑布 31 July 1779

梅舍赫·威尔给约翰·杰伊的信,内容是og体育平台在新罕布什尔州筹集资金 向中央政府贷款.

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31 July 1779

Copy of the affidavits of Daniel Evans and John Shackford about the robbery of a Spanish vessel by a Liverpool brigantine flying American colors.

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Boston, 4 Aug. 1779

埃比尼泽·哈扎德给梅舍赫的信 以塞缪尔·霍兰德的作品为基础.

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摩尔之家,西点军校附近, 4 Aug. 1779

上校的信. Alexander Scammell to Meshech Weare about the commission of Weare's son, the American victory at Stony Point, and the likelihood of British 增援部队.

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Hartford, 4 Aug. 1779

Letter from Silas Hodges to Meshech Weare about the purchase of land on the west side 康涅狄格河,并与奥巴马先生会面. Johnson.

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费城, 10 Aug. 1779

Letter from Nathaniel Peabody to Meshech Weare about an alliance with Spain, expected 英国增援,以及德斯坦伯爵的成功.

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汉普顿瀑布 16 Aug. 1779

Letter from Meshech Weare to Jeremiah Powell about 新汉普郡's inability to 为佩诺布斯科特探险队提供军事援助.

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Portsmouth, 18 Aug. 1779

约翰·彭哈罗给米舍赫的信我们听到了佩诺布斯科特号传来的坏消息 expedition.

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费城, 24 Aug. 1779

纳撒尼尔·皮博迪给梅舍赫的信我们建议更定期和 各州和国会代表之间的详细通信.

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汉普顿瀑布 2 Sep. 1779

Draft of a letter from Meshech Weare to Zaccheus Colby about discord in the parish of 汉普顿瀑布的第一教会以及威尔反对科尔比在那里定居 as minister.

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West Point, 23 Sep. 1779

上校的信. Alexander Scammell to Meshech Weare about the campaign against 印第安人. Sullivan's western expedition, recruiting, and the importance of re-enlisting 新汉普郡 troops immediately upon their return from the west.

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West Point, 24 Sep. 1779

上校的信. Alexander Scammell to Meshech Weare about the money granted by New Hampshire to her colonels and the need for a re-enlistment policy.

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费城, 28 Sep. 1779

Letter from Charles Thomson to Meshech Weare informing him of Samuel Huntington's 选举为国会主席.

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费城, 3 Oct. 1779

塞缪尔·亨廷顿给梅舍赫的信我们转发一项与 到新罕布什尔拨款.

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7 Oct. 1779

联合国的决心.S. 让司库们获得回报的大陆会议.

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费城, [10 Oct. 1779]

萨缪尔·亨廷顿给梅舍赫的信我们将转达 Congress about the states' quotas for supplying the public treasury.


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21 Oct. 1779

Extract by Robert Troup from the minutes of the Treasury Board.

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费城, 22 Oct. 1779

J的来信oseph Nourse to Meshech Weare about steps taken by the treasury to check 伪造欧洲大陆货币.

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汉普顿瀑布 25 Oct. 1779

梅舍赫·威尔给塞缪尔·亨廷顿的信,承认收到了某些行为 of Congress.

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费城, 26 Oct. 1779

纳撒尼尔·皮博迪给梅舍赫·威尔的信og体育平台国库状况 the problem of rising prices, the investment of Savannah, and the status of the 佛蒙特州的问题.

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费城, 12 Nov. 1779

小约翰·吉布森的信.我们正在转发新罕布什尔的账户 with the U.S. Treasury.

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Philadelphia. 16 Nov. 1779

纳撒尼尔·皮博迪给梅舍赫的信我们确认收到一封信 讨论战争新闻,南方的军事行动,以及他想离开的愿望 Congress.

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Exeter, 17 Nov. 1779

Letter from Meshech Weare to [William] Sever about a deserter from Massachusetts 名叫约瑟夫·伊顿·肯尼斯顿.

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Exeter, 17 Nov. 1779

梅舍赫·威尔给新罕布什尔州国会代表的信,敦促他们支持 对价格进行全面调控.

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费城, 20 Nov. 1779

查尔斯·汤姆逊给梅舍赫·威尔的传阅信,og体育平台一个 收集各州的公共文件.

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费城, 27 Nov. 1779

纳撒尼尔·皮博迪给梅舍赫·威尔的信我们接受他再次当选代表 to Congress.

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费城, 7 Dec. 1779

上校的信. Robert Troup to Meshech Weare about treasurers' monthly returns and 其他库务业务.

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费城, 14 Dec. 1779

塞缪尔·亨廷顿给梅舍赫的信我们转发一份国会法案 向各州索取供应配额.

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费城, 15 Dec. 1779

Letter from Samuel Huntington to Meshech Weare communicating an act of Congress about embargos.

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15 Dec. 1779

联合国的决心.S. 支持大陆会议继续禁运.

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费城, 17 Dec. 1779

查尔斯·汤姆森给梅舍赫的通函我们正在转发 Congress.

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Exeter, 29 Dec. 1779

Letter from Meshech Weare to Joseph Nourse about 新汉普郡's account with the 美国和新发行的大陆货币.

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Exeter, 29 Dec. 1779

米设的信是og体育平台军队的服装和技术性的逃兵 归因于缺少衣服.

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Exeter, 29 Dec. 1779

Letter from Meshech Weare to the president of the Board of War asking for certain 应征入伍的信息.

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Letter from Meshech Weare to Samuel Huntington about 新汉普郡 war legislation.

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Newton, Conn., 3 Jan. 1780

赛拉斯·霍奇斯给米舍赫的信我们请求延期审理一宗案件 court.

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Boston, 14 Jan. 1780

耶利米·鲍威尔致梅舍赫·威尔的信,og体育平台马萨诸塞州希望废除 内陆禁运法案.

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费城, 18 Jan. 1780

Letter from Samuel Huntington to Meshech Weare forwarding acts of Congress related to 战俘和法国臣民应享有的特权 要求迅速遵守.

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汉普顿瀑布 24 Jan. 1780

米舍赫·威尔给耶利米·鲍威尔的信,og体育平台新罕布什尔州的原因 废除内陆禁运法.

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汉普顿瀑布 26 Jan. 1780

米煞·威尔给战争委员会主席的信og体育平台一批 给朴茨茅斯服装公司代理的钱.

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费城, 1 Feb. 1780


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费城, 10 Feb. 1780

塞缪尔·亨廷顿给梅舍克·威尔og体育平台新罕布什尔州配额的通函 今年的军队.

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Portsmouth, 8 Mar. 1780

约书亚·布拉克特给米舍赫的信.S. 彩票.

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Exeter, 10 Mar. 1780


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Albany, 11 Mar. 1780

Letter from George Clinton to Meshech Weare about provisions to be made by the states 在战争结束时为大陆军提供补给.

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费城, 14 Mar. 1780

塞缪尔·利弗莫尔给米舍赫的信 concern, including the status of the Vermont and currency questions.

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费城, 20 Mar. 1780

Gen的信. 本尼迪克特·阿诺德给梅舍赫我们转发一份他的 向军事法庭提起诉讼,驳斥宾夕法尼亚州公布的说法.

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费城, 21 Mar. 1780

塞缪尔·利弗莫尔给梅舍赫·威尔的信og体育平台佛蒙特州的地位和 货币问题和国会的财政计划.

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27 Mar. 1780

米设威尔给上校的信. 纳撒尼尔·皮博迪谈到了贬值的影响 在新罕布什尔州.

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汉普顿瀑布 31 Mar. 1780

米舍·威尔给美国管理人员的信.S. og体育平台彩票的沉积 tickets.

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Boston, 10 Apr. 1780

耶利米·鲍威尔给米舍赫的信我们收到了一封信 discussing action in Massachusetts on the currency problem.

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汉普顿瀑布 11 Apr. 1780

梅舍赫·威尔给塞缪尔·亨廷顿的信og体育平台召开一次特别会议 新罕布什尔州立法机构考虑货币问题并采取行动 国会建议.

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汉普顿瀑布 25 Apr. 1780

米设威尔给总督的信. 乔治·克林顿谈论新罕布什尔的行动 军饷及津贴事宜.

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Boston, 2 May 1780

Gen的信. Artemas Ward to Meshech Weare discussing the capture of deserter 塞缪尔·布里奇斯敦促新罕布什尔州和马萨诸塞州在这方面互惠互利 to deserters.

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汉普顿瀑布 8 May 1780

梅舍克·威尔写给塞缪尔·亨廷顿的信,信中传达了将军的一项命令 大会有关货币问题.

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费城, 30 May 1780

弗朗西斯·刘易斯给梅舍赫的信我们转递一份董事会的请求 海军部为法国舰队装配桅杆和桅杆供应品 hastening the launch of the 74-gun ship of war being built 在朴茨茅斯.

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费城, 1 June 1780

Gen的信. Nathaniel Folsom to Meshech Weare discussing the surrender of Charleston and communicating a resolution of Congress for raising troops.

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Boston, 5 June 1780

耶利米·鲍威尔代表马萨诸塞议会给米设的信 我们正在讨论一个加拿大探险计划和保护库斯县的问题.

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Morristown, 11 June 1780

纳撒尼尔·皮博迪、约翰·马修斯和菲利普·斯凯勒的信 committee of Congress, to Meshech Weare discussing military developments and informing 他知道埃尔布里奇·格里会把医院运作的细节告诉他 enemy.

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Newbury, 12 June 1780

Gen的信. Jacob Bayley to the 新汉普郡 legislature about the defense of 康涅狄格河边界.

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Exeter, 19 June 1780

梅舍赫·威尔在给新罕布什尔州国会代表的信中谈到了各种问题 货币问题的各个方面.

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Exeter, 19 June 1780

米煞·威尔给财政委员会主席的信,og体育平台新 Hampshire's immediate need for its quota of the new Continental currency.

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费城, 20 June 1780

Circular letter from Charles Thomson to Meshech Weare about privateers' commissions.

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费城, 23 June 1780

查尔斯·汤姆逊og体育平台乔治·华盛顿派兵请求的信 provisions.

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Exeter, 24 June 1780

Letter from Meshech Weare to Francis Lewis about masts and spars for the French 舰队,新罕布什尔州财政困难,战船正在装备中 在朴茨茅斯.

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Exeter, 2 July 1780

梅舍赫·威尔给国会一个委员会的信,内容是og体育平台新罕布什尔州的配额 大陆军.

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汉普顿瀑布 2 July 1780

梅舍赫·威尔给新罕布夏军团上校的通函 为大陆军提供国家配额.

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Morristown, 11 June 1780

上校的信. Nathaniel Peabody to Meshech Weare recommending Elbridge Gerry to his attention and discussing Gerry's tour on behalf of Congress.

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Exeter, 15 July 1780

Letter from Meshech Weare to the committee of Congress at headquarters about New 汉普郡的人力和物资配额.

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汉普顿瀑布 17 July 1780

Letter from Meshech Weare to Samuel Huntington communicating acts of the state of New Hampshire related to its supply of money, men, and provisions.

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Exeter, 22 July 1780

梅舍赫·威尔写给安德鲁·卡伯特的信说该州无法接受朗姆酒 代替金钱支付.

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Preakness营 25 July 1780

上校的信. Nathanial Peabody to Meshech Weare about his reasons for not 信中写道,希望在埃克塞特设立邮局,并任命埃克塞特先生. Emmery.

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27 July 1780

查尔斯·汤姆森摘自国会og体育平台委员会和 bonds.

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费城, 28 July 1780


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3 Aug. 1780

Certificate of the promotion of Samuel Adams from ensign to lieutenant in the 2nd New 汉普郡团.

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3 Aug. 1780

丹尼尔·古金在第二团从少尉升为中尉的证书 新罕布什尔团.

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3 Aug. 1780

约书亚·梅罗在第二团从少尉升为中尉的证书 新罕布什尔团.

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汉普顿瀑布 8 Aug. 1780

Letter from Meshech Weare to the committee of Congress at headquarters about New 汉普郡的人力和物资配额.

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汉普顿瀑布 8 Aug. 1780

米设威尔给上校的信. 纳撒尼尔·皮博迪确认收到一封信 谈论着寄错的信,谈论着到埃克塞特去邮局是否可取.

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汉普顿瀑布 8 Aug. 1780

米设威尔给Gen的信. 纳撒尼尔·福尔森收到一封信 讨论新罕布什尔的战事.

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Tapan, 16 Aug. 1780

约翰·马修斯代表大陆委员会写的通函 Congress, to Meshech Weare about the danger of disaffection in the army and the urgent 物资需求.

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汉普顿瀑布 29 Aug. 1780

米舍·威尔给总部国会委员会的信中提到了步骤 新罕布什尔为了满足军需配额而征用.

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Morristown, 8 Sep. 1780

上校的信. Nathaniel Peabody to Meshech Weare about letters miscarried, the 南方的局势和军事前景.

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汉普顿瀑布 11 Sep. 1780

梅舍赫·威尔给乔治·华盛顿的信,信中谈到新罕布什尔州采取的措施 满足军队供给的配额.

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Portsmouth, 16 Sep. 1780

上校的信. Joshua Wentworth to Meshech Weare recommending Thomas Pickard.

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30 Sep. 1780

Proclamation by Charles, Earl Cornwallis, about prisoners of war.

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1 Oct. 1780

亚历山大·斯卡梅尔致梅舍赫·威尔og体育平台本尼迪克特·阿诺德叛国罪的信 以及军事重组计划.

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费城, 2 Oct. 1780

Gen的信. John Sullivan to Meshech Weare about the status of the Vermont question and the "deranged" state of American political affairs.


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Keene, 6 Oct. 1780

Gen的信. James Reed to Meshech Weare about his claims on the United States 以及国会的津贴.

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4 Oct. 1780

上校的信. Henry Dearborn to Meshech Weare about certain army promotions (3 Aug. 1780年),以及退还更正令.

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Boston, 7 Oct. 1780

副军需官杰贝兹·哈奇给米舍·威尔的信 assistant.

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汉普顿瀑布 16 Oct. 1780

米设威尔给上校的信. 杰贝兹·哈奇推荐任命诺亚 埃默里担任助理副军需官.

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费城, 20 Oct. 1780

塞缪尔·亨廷顿给梅舍克·威尔的传阅信转发国会的 感恩节公告.

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Boston, 24 Oct. 1780

副军需官杰贝兹·哈奇将军给米舍·威尔的信 任命诺亚·埃默里为助理.

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Haverhill, 25 Oct. 1780

上校的信. Timothy Bedel to Meshech Weare about the enemy attack on Royalton, Vermont.


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Portsmouth, 3 Nov. 1780

Letter from Meshech Weare to the president of the Board of War requesting certain 军事信息.

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10 Nov. 1780

美国的决议.S. 与私掠者有关的大陆会议.

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费城, 13 Nov. 1780

塞缪尔·亨廷顿给梅舍赫的通函我们转发一份决议 英国在海上的暴行.

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汉普顿瀑布 20 Nov. 1780

米设威尔给Gen的信. 约翰·沙利文og体育平台M. 德·拉图尔的税收要求 exemption.

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汉普顿瀑布 20 Nov. 1780

米设威尔给Gen的信. 约翰·沙利文og体育平台佛蒙特州的地位 question and the grave situation caused by a scarcity of money.

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汉普顿瀑布 20 Nov. 1780

梅舍克·威尔给塞缪尔·亨廷顿的信,确认收到了杂物 国会的信件和法案.

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汉普顿瀑布 6 Dec. 1780

梅舍赫·威尔致托马斯·杰斐逊的信,承认收到了 弗吉尼亚州议会,并传送新罕布什尔州议会法案的副本.

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汉普顿瀑布 6 Dec. 1780

梅舍赫·威尔给塞缪尔·亨廷顿og体育平台国会决议的信 提交给新罕布什尔州议会.

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汉普顿瀑布 19 Dec. 1780

米谢赫·威尔给塞缪尔·亨廷顿的信,内容是og体育平台由纽伦堡提供军队 汉普郡以及对向敌人提供粮食的人的惩罚.

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费城, 25 Dec. 1780

Gen的信. John Sullivan to Meshech Weare requesting information on New Hampshire for Marbois, the secretary of the French embassy.


II. Letterbook二世, 1781-1785

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汉普顿瀑布 1 Jan. 1781

米设威尔给Gen的信. 约翰·斯塔克请求归还新罕布什尔 士官和士兵在战争期间应征入伍.

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汉普顿瀑布 5 Jan. 1781

梅舍·威尔给查尔斯·汤姆逊og体育平台债券和信件委托的信 of marque.

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Exeter, 20 Jan. 1781

米设威尔给Gen的信. 约翰·斯塔克想把新罕布什尔的人转移到 团在他们自己的州.

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Exeter, 20 Jan. 1781

Letter from Meshech Weare to George Washington about hard money for the 新汉普郡 军队,军队中的叛乱,新罕布什尔议会的行动,以及 把人调到新罕布什尔团.


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汉普顿瀑布 20 Jan. 1781


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Exeter, 20 Jan. 1781

米设威尔给上校的信. 布莱恩谈到新罕布什尔的牛供应.

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Exeter, 20 Jan. 1781

米谢赫·威尔给塞缪尔·亨廷顿的信,信中传达了一项 新汉普郡 for raising its quota for 大陆军.

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Exeter, 20 Jan. 1781

米设威尔给Gen的信. 约翰·沙利文转达将军的决议 og体育平台新罕布什尔拨款的问题以及讨论宾夕法尼亚起义的问题 line.

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Newport, 22 Jan. 1781

本杰明·贾尔斯给梅舍赫·威尔的信,内容是og体育平台在 Charlestown and the problem of jurisdiction over 新罕布什尔助学金.

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Exeter, 31 Jan. 1781

Letter from Meshech Weare to George Washington about hard money for the 新汉普郡 troops.

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汉普顿瀑布 Feb. 1781

米设威尔给总督的信. 乔治·克林顿转发《og体育平台》的副本 laws.

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汉普顿瀑布 2 Feb. 1781

Letter from Meshech Weare to George Washington acknowledging receipt of important og体育平台军队补给的情报.

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汉普顿瀑布 5 Feb. 1781

米设威尔给Gen的信. 约翰·沙利文谈到了货币短缺的问题 以及新罕布什尔的拨款.

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New Windsor, 6 Feb. 1781

上校的信. Alexander Scammell to Meshech Weare about the suppression of 宾夕法尼亚和新泽西军队的兵变以及远征 在莫里萨尼亚劫掠难民.

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汉普顿瀑布 7 Feb. 1781

米设威尔给总督的信. 乔纳森·特朗布尔正在传送法案的副本 新罕布什尔州.

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12 Feb. 1781

米设威尔给基甸的信. (约翰·沙利文. 利弗莫尔的接受 他被任命为代表.

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12 Feb. 1781

创世纪书信节选. 风箱和风箱. Chittenden.

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Exeter, 12 Feb. 1781

梅舍赫·威尔就金钱问题给乔治·华盛顿的信 短缺,新罕布什尔拨款,以及宾夕法尼亚起义的记述 即将公布的部队.

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Exeter, 13 Feb. 1781

米舍·威尔致本杰明·贾尔斯og体育平台管辖权问题的信 新罕布什尔助学金.

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Exeter, 26 Feb. 1781

Letter from Meshech Weare to John Avery about 军官薪金减值.

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Atkinson, 27 Feb. 1781

上校的信. Nathaniel Peabody to Meshech Weare about recording the charter of Lincoln.

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费城, 6 Mar. 1781

Gen的信. John Sullivan to Meshech Weare discussing his suspicions of Col. 并代表新罕布什尔州为他的行为辩护 对佛蒙特州的主权要求.


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Boston, 7 Mar. 1781

约翰·艾弗里致梅舍克·威尔的信og体育平台马萨诸塞州的政策 军官薪金减值.

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Exeter, 17 Mar. 1781

米设威尔给Gen的信. 约翰·沙利文谈论来自新时代的权威 Hampshire General Assembly to draw for certain sums of money.

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Exeter, 19 Mar. 1781

Letter from Meshech Weare to Samuel Huntington transmitting acts 新罕布什尔州 与国家对大陆军的配额有关.

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汉普顿瀑布 19 Mar. 1781

米设威尔给Gen的信. 约翰·沙利文og体育平台佛蒙特州的争议 and western 新汉普郡 and the confused state of affairs in Vermont.

Reel 1Box 1
汉普顿瀑布 26 Mar. 1781

米设威尔致州长的信草稿. 约翰·汉考克抱怨 从新罕布什尔州招募男性来填补马萨诸塞州的名额.

Reel 1Box 1
汉普顿瀑布 2 Apr. 1781

梅舍赫·威尔给乔治·华盛顿的信,内容是og体育平台新罕布什尔州的新配额 recruits.

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汉普顿瀑布 2 Apr. 1781

米设威尔给Gen的信. og体育平台佛蒙特州的问题 Congress.

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汉普顿瀑布 10 Apr. 1781

米谢赫·威尔给塞缪尔·亨廷顿的信,信中传达了一个新行为 Hampshire General Assembly authorizing Congress to lay a duty of 5%.

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Portsmouth, 11 Apr. 1781

J的来信oseph Whipple to Meshech Weare requesting a delay, on behalf of the town of Conway, N.H.在交纳1780年的税款时.

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汉普顿瀑布 17 Apr. 1781

梅舍赫·威尔写给塞缪尔·亨廷顿的og体育平台筹款的信 prosecution of the war and the tax problem 在新罕布什尔州.

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Exeter, 21 Apr. 1781

米设威尔给上校的信. 塞缪尔·亨特要求他接受任命 查尔斯敦的副军需官.

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Boston, 3 May 1781

J的来信abez Hatch to Meshech Weare about the appointment of Col. 塞缪尔·亨特 查尔斯敦的副军需官.

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Lebanon, 4 May 1781

政府致函. Jonathan Trumbull to Meshech Weare about faulty cooperation between 各州,交换各州法案,在 Providence, and the interest of Connecticut citizens in a frontier 新汉普郡 township.

Reel 1Box 1
汉普顿瀑布 8 May 1781


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汉普顿瀑布 8 May 1781

og体育平台新罕布什尔州的帐篷配额,梅舍赫·威尔给蒂莫西·皮克林的信 etc.为大陆军.

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费城, 8 May 1781

约翰·沙利文给梅舍赫的信我们讨论了贬值的问题 currency.

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Portsmouth, 15 May 1781

J的来信ohn Walmsley to Meshech Weare requesting the detention of a vessel about 向百慕大群岛航行.

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费城, 19 May 1781

塞缪尔·利弗莫尔给梅舍赫·韦尔斯的信og体育平台兑付他在纽约开出的汇票 Hampshire.

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汉普顿瀑布 28 May 1781

梅舍赫·威尔给塞缪尔·利弗莫尔的信,讲述了新罕布什尔州的困难 因为柴郡和格拉夫顿叛逃到佛蒙特州 Counties.

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Portsmouth, 28 May 1781

约翰·沃姆斯利给梅舍赫的信我们感谢他扣留了一艘船 向百慕大群岛航行.

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Charlestown, 2 June 1781

Letter from Samuel Hunt to Meshech Weare accepting the post of deputy 军需官.

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汉普顿瀑布 4 June 1781

米设威尔给总督的信. 乔纳森·特朗布尔对将军行为的评论 Assembly related to the recording 新罕布什尔州 town charters.

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汉普顿瀑布 4 June 1781

梅舍赫·威尔给乔治·华盛顿的信,确认已收到他5月24日的信 1781 circular letter and promising action on matters mentioned in it.

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汉普顿瀑布 4 June 1781

米舍威尔给少校的信. Gen. 威廉·希思的牛的供应 army.

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Dover, 12 June 1781

牧师的信. Jeremy Belknap to Meshech Weare about arrangements for giving him access to source materials 新罕布什尔的历史.

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Exeter, 20 June 1781

mesheech Weare致Jeremy Belknapog体育平台提供原始材料的信 新罕布什尔的历史.


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新罕布什尔村, 20 June 1781

Letter from George Reid to Meshech Weare about certain commissions in the 2nd New 汉普郡团.

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21 June 1781

伊利法莱·吉丁格返回自1月11日以来收集的牛肉. 1781.

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汉普顿瀑布 25 June 1781

Letter from Meshech Weare to Charles Thomson urging the forwarding of privateers' commissions.

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汉普顿瀑布 25 June 1781

米设威尔给Gen的信. og体育平台新罕布什尔的新兵和 供应给军队的肉牛.

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汉普顿瀑布 25 June 1781

米设·威尔致塞缪尔·利弗莫尔og体育平台土地授予争议的信 佛蒙特州和新罕布什尔州之间的问题以及佛蒙特州的问题给新罕布什尔州带来的问题 actions.

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费城, 26 June 1781

Letter from Charles Thomson to Meshech Weare communicating acts of Congress about 海盗和运输佣金.

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费城, 26 June 1781

塞缪尔·利弗莫尔给梅舍赫·威尔的信og体育平台如何妥善解决 佛蒙特州的问题.

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Exeter, 29 June 1781

米设威尔给上尉的信. 埃比尼泽·迪林在讨论休战旗 橄榄枝 并命令迪尔林囚禁船长. 出发前见威廉·奈斯比.

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29 June 1781

米舍威尔船长许可证. 威廉·奈斯比为出发的国旗 truce 橄榄枝 从皮斯卡塔瓜港出发.

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30 June 1781

Return by Eliphalet Giddinge of beef cattle delivered to Noah Emery, Jr.

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费城, 3 July 1781

Letter from Samuel Livermore to Meshech Weare sending a paper with news from the 讨论佛蒙特问题的解决办法以及 Admiral John Paul Jones in Portsmouth to take command of the "74."

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费城, 3 July 1781

Gen的信. John Sullivan to Meshech Weare introducing John Paul Jones.

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汉普顿瀑布 9 July 1781

米设威尔给Gen的信. 约翰·沙利文谈到了安全的困难 money.

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汉普顿瀑布 9 July 1781

米舍·威尔给塞缪尔·利弗莫尔的信,谈到了安全的困难 money.

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汉普顿瀑布 9 July 1781

米设威尔给Gen的信. 威廉·希思谈到了新罕布什尔州的男性配额 and supplies.

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Roxbury, 11 July 1781

Gen的信. 威廉·希思致梅舍赫我们收到 沟通.

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费城, 11 July 1781

查尔斯·汤姆逊给梅舍赫的信og体育平台佣金和私人债券 武装船只.

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14 July 1781


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Portsmouth, 21 July 1781

摩西·伍德沃德给米舍的信og体育平台休战旗的到来 David 和囚犯.

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Dover, 21 July 1781


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汉普顿瀑布 23 July 1781

梅舍赫·威尔给乔治·华盛顿的信,谈佛蒙特州和新墨西哥州的争议 汉普郡供应的咸牛肉和朗姆酒.

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Temple, 1781年7月25日

弗朗西斯·布拉德给米舍赫·威尔的信,og体育平台他试图获得牛肉 cattle.

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27 July 1781

Return by Eliphalet Giddinge of beef cattle delivered to Noah Emery, Jr.

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费城, 31 July 1781

罗杰·谢尔曼给乔赛亚·巴特利特的信,og体育平台加快土地的定居 新罕布什尔州和佛蒙特州之间的拨款争议. [以前也编入 "013.24."]

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汉普顿瀑布 31 July 1781

梅舍赫·威尔给查尔斯·汤姆森og体育平台私人佣金和债券的信 武装船只.

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费城, 8 Aug. 1781

Gen的信. 约翰·沙利文给梅舍赫·威尔的信是og体育平台新开的汇票的 Hampshire.

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汉普顿瀑布 13 Aug. 1781

梅舍赫·威尔给乔治·华盛顿的信,谈到招募新兵的困难 汉普郡人为大陆军而贬低大陆军 currency.

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费城, 13 Aug. 1781

Letter from Samuel Livermore to Meshech Weare about bills drawn 在新罕布什尔州. 安德鲁·布莱克签名.

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费城, 14 Aug. 1781

Letter from Samuel Livermore to Meshech Weare about Congressional action on the 佛蒙特州的问题以及他希望被取代作为新罕布什尔州代表的愿望 Congress.

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费城, 14 Aug. 1781

Letter from Charles Thomson to Meshech Weare forwarding blank privateers' commissions and bonds.

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27 Aug. 1781

Return by Eliphalet Giddinge of beef cattle delivered to Noah Emery, Jr.

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汉普顿瀑布 27 Aug. 1781

mesheech Weare致Charles Thomson的信,确认已收到并转发 bonds, etc.,用于私人武装船只.

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31 Aug. 1781

新罕布夏州议会对任命一名代表的表决节选 provisions.

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汉普顿瀑布 4 Sep. 1781

梅舍赫·威尔给塞缪尔·利弗莫尔og体育平台佛蒙特问题进展的信 以及新罕布什尔州缺少硬通货.

Reel 1Box 1
汉普顿瀑布 4 Sep. 1781

米设威尔给上校的信. [亚伯拉罕]斯金纳要求任命一位 新罕布什尔的副监狱长.

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费城, 4 Sep. 1781

塞缪尔·利弗莫尔致梅舍赫·威尔的信og体育平台法国军队在 Philadelphia.

Reel 1Box 1
汉普顿瀑布 4 Sep. 1781

梅舍赫·威尔给塞缪尔·利弗莫尔的信,说纽州缺少硬钱 Hampshire.


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11 Sep. 1781

Return by Eliphalet Giddinge of beef cattle delivered to Noah Emery, Jr.

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费城, 11 Sep. 1781

查尔斯·汤姆森给梅舍赫的信我们将发送空白佣金和 bonds.

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Boston, 13 Sep. 1781

先生的来信. Jarvis and Russell to Meshech Weare about bills drawn on New Hampshire.

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大陆村, 17 Sep. 1781

Gen .的信件副本. 威廉·希思致米舍赫我们在通知他敌人 movements at the northern frontier and suggesting the 新罕布什尔民兵 take precautions against an attack at the head of the Connecticut.

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汉普顿瀑布 18 Sep. 1781

米舍·威尔给两位先生的信. 贾维斯和拉塞尔og体育平台钞票的问题 在新罕布什尔州.

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汉普顿瀑布 22 Sep. 1781

Letter from Meshech Weare to Charles Thomson transmitting bonds for privateers' commissions.

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Exeter, 28 Sep. 1781

乔赛亚·巴特利特代表新罕布什尔州安全委员会致 我们是og体育平台民兵被命令去查尔斯顿,n.n.H.,以及敌人可能发动的袭击 反对康涅狄格河上游的定居点.

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费城, 9 Oct. 1781

Letter from Charles Thomson to Meshech Weare forwarding commissions for private armed vessels.

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11 Oct. 1781

Return by Eliphalet Giddinge of beef cattle delivered to Noah Emery, Jr.

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Yorktown, 11 Oct. 1781

上校的信. 亨利·迪尔伯恩致米舍赫我们是og体育平台上校之死的. Alexander Scammell, operations before Yorktown, and the progress of the campaign.

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8 Nov. 1781

Return by Eliphalet Giddinge of beef cattle delivered to Noah Emery, Jr.

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Exeter, 9 Nov. 1781

米设威尔致州长的信草稿. 约翰·汉考克og体育平台一个美国囚犯的故事 在得知英国在佛蒙特州的阴谋后假释.

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费城, 12 Nov. 1781

罗伯特·R的信. Livingston to Meshech Weare asking for returns of the damage 英国人对新罕布什尔州的财产征收的税.

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29 Nov. 1781

Return by Eliphalet Giddinge of beef cattle delivered to Noah Emery, Jr.

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汉普顿瀑布 4 Dec. 1781

Letter from Meshech Weare to Samuel Livermore about 新汉普郡's tax quota for the 接下来的几年以及佛蒙特州和新罕布什尔州之间的关系.

Reel 1Box 1
汉普顿瀑布 10 Dec. 1781

mesheech Weare给Samuel Livermoreog体育平台新罕布什尔州人口普查数据的信 与国家税收定额挂钩.


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汉普顿瀑布 10 Dec. 1781

Letter from Meshech Weare to John Hanson about the deficiency 新罕布什尔州's 国会代表权.

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新罕布夏州为借钱和 现在优秀.

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Exeter, 8 Jan. 1782

Letter from Meshech Weare about an incident in the Vermont controversy.

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Exeter, 10 Jan. 1782

米舍的信我们正在召集高等法院的一次会议来考虑 威廉·佩奇案.

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汉普顿瀑布 21 Jan. 1782

Letter from Meshech Weare to Samuel Livermore discussing the imprisonment of Col. 黑尔受到了佛蒙特人民和他们的暴乱行为的坚决反对 国会在佛蒙特问题上的行动.

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费城, 21 Jan. 1782

塞缪尔·利弗莫尔致梅舍赫·威尔og体育平台他再次被任命为新人的信 汉普郡国会代表.

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汉普顿瀑布 29 Jan. 1782

Letter from Meshech Weare to Samuel Livermore urging decisive Congressional action on 在最近的暴民暴力事件之后,佛蒙特州的问题.

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Chester, 30 Jan. 1782

Letter from Samuel Emerson to Meshech Weare recommending Messrs. Page和flag for bondsmen.

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Chester, 30 Jan. 1782

J的来信ohn Underhill to Meshech Weare recommending Messrs. Page和flag for bondsmen.

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汉普顿瀑布 4 Feb. 1782

Letter from Meshech Weare to Samuel Livermore about settling for back rations on subsistence money, 新汉普郡's obligations to its troops for depreciation, and the 佛蒙特州争端的现状.

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Newburyport, 8 Feb. 1782

船长来信. H. Hodge to Meshech Weare asking for a privateer's commission for Jonathan Jewett为我们报道 Scarborough 作为一封 marque.

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费城, 11 Feb. 1782

塞缪尔·利弗莫尔致梅舍赫·威尔的信,og体育平台一个委员会对 国会对佛蒙特问题的看法.

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汉普顿瀑布 19 Feb. 1782

Letter from Meshech Weare to Charles Thomson transmitting bonds for privateers' commissions.

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Boston, 20 Feb. 1782

安德鲁·布莱克给梅舍赫的信我们要求支付由 新罕布什尔州代表.

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费城, 26 Feb. 1782

塞缪尔·利弗莫尔给梅舍赫·威尔的信og体育平台佛蒙特州的问题 佛蒙特州委员会的出发,从纽约出发的运输船队,以及 Mr. 兰登的缺席.

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汉普顿瀑布 26 Feb. 1782

梅舍赫·威尔致安德鲁·布莱克的信,解释未能支付货款的原因 新罕布什尔州代表起草的法案.

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汉普顿瀑布 26 Feb. 1782

梅舍赫·威尔给塞缪尔·利弗莫尔og体育平台佛蒙特州事务的信. Langdon's departure, the currency question, and difficulties from the lack of a 传播媒介.

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费城, 5 Mar. 1782

查尔斯·汤姆逊给梅舍赫的信我们正在转发私掠者的佣金和 bonds.

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费城, 12 Mar. 1782

Letter from Samuel Livermore to Meshech Weare about Weare's resignation as chief 利弗莫尔有望被提名为上诉法院法官.

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费城, 19 Mar. 1782

Letter from Samuel Livermore to Meshech Weare about 新汉普郡 affairs before Congress and the danger 新罕布什尔州's extension into Vermont without the people's good will.

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汉普顿瀑布 2 Apr. 1782

Letter from Meshech Weare to Samuel Livermore explaining his reasons for resigning as chief justice and advocating the appointment of Livermore in his place.

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费城, 16 Apr. 1782

塞缪尔·利弗莫尔致梅舍赫·威尔的信,说明他打算辞去新职务 Hampshire delegate and his appointment as chief justice 新罕布什尔州.

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费城, 29 Apr. 1782

Letter from Samuel Livermore to Meshech Weare resigning as 新汉普郡 delegate.

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21 May 1782

联合国的决心.S. 大陆会议 concerning illegal intercourse with the enemy.

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费城, 23 May 1782

Circular letter from Charles Thomson to Meshech Weare about suspending commissions of 私人武装船只.

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30 May 1782

雅各布·贝利、摩西·道、查尔斯·约翰斯顿和詹姆斯·伍德沃德给梅舍赫的信 我们在谈论英国在佛蒙特州的阴谋.

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Hanover, 1 June 1782

博士的信. John Wheelock to Meshech Weare about the threat to Dartmouth 学院对兰达夫镇的兴趣.

Reel 1Box 2
Boston, 4 June 1782

尼希米·诺克罗斯给米设的信我们要求支付一笔账单 在我们上大学的时候被我们的儿子.

Reel 1Box 2
汉普顿瀑布 5 June 1782

Letter from Meshech Weare to George Washington informing him of a correspondence 在佛蒙特州的人和英国军官之间.

Reel 1Box 2
Haverhill, 16 June 1782

上校的信. Charles Johnson to Meshech Weare about the difficulty of obtaining supplies for the 新汉普郡 company stationed on the frontier.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 19 June 1782

约翰·泰勒·吉尔曼给梅舍赫的信我们抱怨滥用 在纽约与敌人进行贸易.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 26 June 1782

约翰·泰勒·吉尔曼给梅舍赫·威尔的信. 卡尔顿的委任状 谈判代表,英国og体育平台在查尔斯顿停止敌对行动的建议,以及 desirability of Congressional representation for 新汉普郡.

Reel 1Box 2
汉普顿瀑布 2 July 1782

米设威尔给总督的信. 乔治·克林顿传达了新时代的决心 Hampshire General Assembly related to the Vermont controversy and suggesting that New 汉普郡和纽约州采取措施解决这一问题.

Reel 1Box 2
汉普顿瀑布 3 July 1782

梅舍赫·威尔给乔治·华盛顿的信,og体育平台英国人的证据 佛蒙特州的阴谋,佛蒙特州和加拿大之间的叛变通信,以及 应采取的预防措施.


Reel 1Box 2
汉普顿瀑布 16 July 1782

米设·威尔写给尼希米·诺克罗斯og体育平台威尔儿子裁缝的信 bill.

Reel 1Box 2
Boston, 10 July 1782

Letter from Nehemiah Norcross to Meshech Weare sending his account.

Reel 1Box 2
31 July 1782

乔治·华盛顿给梅舍赫的信我们正在解释只有解决办法 佛蒙特州的管辖权问题可以解决英国阴谋的问题 there.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 5 Aug. 1782

J的来信ohn Taylor Gilman to Meshech Weare about news from Madrid and other 欧洲部分地区,和平的前景,法国舰队的到来,削减 1780年至1781年,美国大陆军队在新罕布什尔定居 the line.


Reel 1Box 2
费城, 8 Aug. 1782

约翰·泰勒·吉尔曼给梅舍赫·威尔的信og体育平台卡尔顿的报道 和平谈判委员会.

Reel 1Box 2
Newbury, 13 Aug. 1782

雅各布·贝利给梅舍赫的信og体育平台加拿大对美国的威胁 边境和佛蒙特州的新闻.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 15 Aug. 1782

约翰·泰勒·吉尔曼给梅舍赫·威尔的信og体育平台卡尔顿的报道 和平谈判委员会.


Reel 1Box 2
21 Aug. 1782


Reel 1Box 2
费城, 21 Aug. 1782

约翰·泰勒·吉尔曼给梅舍赫的信 欧洲,一份og体育平台英国舰队离开海岸的报告,以及他对资金的需求.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 28 Aug. 1782

J的来信ohn Taylor Gilman to Meshech Weare acknowledging receipt of a letter and 讨论来自欧洲的消息以及他对资金的需求.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 30 Aug. 1782

约翰·泰勒·吉尔曼给梅舍赫的信我们正在转发一份传单并讨论 the enemy's evacuation of Charleston and the movements of French troops.

Reel 1Box 2
汉普顿瀑布 3 Sep. 1782


Reel 1Box 2
费城, 11 Sep. 1782

J的来信ohn Taylor Gilman to Meshech Weare transmitting a resolution of Congress and discussing foreign news and the evacuation of Charleston.

Reel 1Box 2
Newbury, 16 Sep. 1782

雅各布·贝利给梅舍赫的信我们敦促把佛蒙特州的问题提出来 to a head as a means of stabilizing the situation on the 新汉普郡 frontier.


Reel 1Box 2
费城, 18 Sep. 1782

J的来信ohn Taylor Gilman to Meshech Weare about commissions, peace negotiations, Lord Cornwallis's parole, and a wreck of a French ship.


Reel 1Box 2
Albany, 25 Sep. 1782

上校的信. George Reid to Meshech Weare about the wages 新罕布什尔州 soldiers and steps being taken to raise money for the coming winter.

Reel 1Box 2
汉普顿瀑布 29 Sep. 1782

梅舍赫·威尔给路易·菲利普·德·里高的信,沃德鲁伊侯爵,og体育平台 正在新罕布什尔准备应对英国海军对英国舰队的威胁 沃勒伊侯爵.


Reel 1Box 2
汉普顿瀑布 30 Sep. 1782

梅舍赫·威尔给路易·菲利普·德·里高、德·沃德鲁伊侯爵的信 通知他部队已奉命待命.

Reel 1Box 2
汉普顿瀑布 30 Sep. 1782

梅舍赫·威尔写给约翰·汉考克的信草稿 汉普郡被英军袭击.


Reel 1Box 2
汉普顿瀑布 30 Sep. 1782

梅舍赫·威尔给路易·菲利普·德·里高、德·沃德鲁伊侯爵的信 informing him of preparations for a threatened attack by the enemy.

Reel 1Box 2
Portsmouth, 1 Oct. 1782

Letter from Louis Philippe de Rigaud, Marquis de Vaudreuil, on board the August我们在为英军做准备 naval attack. In English.

Reel 1Box 2
Portsmouth, 1 Oct. 1782

Letter from Louis Philippe de Rigaud, Marquis de Vaudreuil, on board the August我们在为英军做准备 naval attack. In French.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 2 Oct. 1782

约翰·泰勒·吉尔曼致梅舍赫·威尔og体育平台他被任命为新人的信 汉普郡代表,联邦条例,货币问题,设计 敌人,和平谈判.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 2 Oct. 1782

约翰·泰勒·吉尔曼给梅舍赫的信我们正在发送佣金和 讨论怀特法官和金钱问题.


Reel 1Box 2
费城, 9 Oct. 1782

约翰·泰勒·吉尔曼给梅舍赫的信我们正在讨论他作为新人的任命 并在报纸上传递了一篇og体育平台科尔去世的文章. Laurens.

Reel 1Box 2
23 Oct. 1782

乔治·华盛顿给梅舍赫·威尔的信说大约需要200人 更多的新兵来填满新罕布什尔的队伍.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 23 Oct. 1782

约翰·泰勒·吉尔曼给梅舍赫的信我们正在讨论他作为新人的任命 并附上信件和一份报纸.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 4 Nov. 1782

查尔斯·汤姆逊给米设的通函我们通知他以利亚的事 布迪诺当选为国会主席.

Reel 1Box 2
13 Nov. 1782

罗得州首席大法官对克里斯托弗·奥斯古德的质询副本 Island Supreme Court on his own and others' treasonable actions.

Reel 1Box 2
Newbury, 15 Nov. 1782

J的来信acob Bayley to Meshech Weare complaining about the Vermont situation.

Reel 1Box 2
汉普顿瀑布 25 Nov. 1782

梅舍赫·威尔写给乔治·华盛顿的信,内容是og体育平台新罕布夏的发展 军队的部队.

Reel 1Box 2
汉普顿瀑布 25 Nov. 1782

梅舍赫·威尔给乔治·华盛顿的og体育平台情报交流的信 by Col. Johnson.


Reel 1Box 2
汉普顿瀑布 26 Nov. 1782

梅舍赫·威尔给新罕布什尔州国会代表的信 responsibility for settling for officers' retained rations.

Reel 1Box 2
Atkinson, 27 Nov. 1782

Letter from Thomas Johnson to Meshech Weare about money matters.

Reel 1Box 2
Atkinson, 27 Nov. 1782

上校的信. 纳撒尼尔·皮博迪给梅舍克·韦尔斯的信是og体育平台他借给科尔的事. Johnson.

Reel 1Box 2
3 Dec. 1782

联合国的决心.S. 大陆会议 related to information given by Christopher Osgood.

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Newburgh, 5 Dec. 1782

Letter from George Washington to Meshech 我们在谈论英国在佛蒙特州的阴谋 and 佛蒙特州和加拿大之间的非法性交.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 17 Dec. 1782

约翰·泰勒·吉尔曼给梅舍赫的信我们确认已收到信件和 discussing peace negotiations, the designs of the enemy, and the state of public affairs.

Reel 1Box 2
汉普顿瀑布 30 Dec. 1782

梅舍赫·威尔写给约翰·泰勒·吉尔曼og体育平台佛蒙特定居的信 question.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 31 Dec. 1782

Letter from Charles Thomson to Meshech Weare forwarding blank privateers' commissions and bonds.

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费城, 8 Jan. 1783

约翰·泰勒·吉尔曼给梅舍赫的信我们通知他撤离 Charleston.

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费城, 8 Feb. 1783

Letter from Elias Boudinot to Meshech Weare transmitting copies of the treaty between 荷兰和美国.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 12 Feb. 1783

约翰·泰勒·吉尔曼给梅舍赫·威尔的信,og体育平台和平的前景 and the 国会有关土地估价的行动.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 19 Feb. 1783

J的来信ohn Taylor Gilman to Meshech Weare about the king's speech to Parliament 还有土地的估价.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 26 Feb. 1783


Reel 1Box 2
费城, 4 Mar. 1783

约翰·泰勒·吉尔曼给梅舍赫·威尔的信:对和平的期待 请求资金,佛蒙特州,和财政事务.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 5 Mar. 1783

Letter from Phillips White to Meshech Weare about actions of Congress to provide funds for the security of public debts, the 佛蒙特州的问题, and a request for money.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 12 Mar. 1783

约翰·泰勒·吉尔曼给梅舍赫·威尔的信og体育平台初步的文章 peace.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 18 Mar. 1783

罗伯特·R的通函. 利文斯顿到梅舍我们在讨论和平 谈判和维持军事准备的必要性 transmitting a copy of the provisional peace treaty with comments.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 24 Mar. 1783

罗伯特·R的通函. 利文斯顿到梅舍我们在讨论和平 谈判与国家信用和联盟作为和平时期的问题而传递 abstract of the preliminary articles of peace with congratulations.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 1 Apr. 1783

Letter from Robert Morris to Meshech Weare about accounts, etc.,转发给 Mr. Gorham.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 9 Apr. 1783

Letter from Phillips White to Meshech Weare about the schedule of amounts apportioned 几个州弥补了公共债务利息的不足.

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Exeter, 27 June 1783

乔赛亚·巴特利特代表新罕布什尔州安全委员会致 Meshech Weare recommending Nathaniel Gilman for a loan officer and discussing interest 在新罕布夏州发放的贷款办公室证书上.

Reel 1Box 2
Boston, 5 July 1783


Reel 1Box 2
Princeton, 3 Aug. 1783

Letter from Abiel Foster to Meshech Weare about the debate in Congress on loan office 以及纽约的英国军事法庭对美国伪钞的指控 currency.

Reel 1Box 2
Princeton, 11 Aug. 1783

阿比尔·福斯特致梅舍赫·威尔的信,内容涉及国会面临的问题,包括 interest certificates and Rhode Island's opposition to the impost.

Reel 1Box 2
汉普顿瀑布 8 Sep. 1783

米舍·威尔给两位先生的信. 贾维斯和拉塞尔的案子 drawn by Gen. Sullivan.

Reel 1Box 2
Princeton, 3 Oct. 1783

阿比尔·福斯特给梅舍赫的信我们正在讨论来自美国和平的报告 委员们,并附上外交部长联名信的节选.

Reel 1Box 2
3 Oct. 1783


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Princeton, 7 Nov. 1783

阿比尔·福斯特给米舍赫的信我们是og体育平台最后和平的消息和计划 在安纳波利斯召开的新一届国会会议.

Reel 1Box 2
汉普顿瀑布 10 Nov. 1783

米舍·威尔给阿比尔·福斯特的信,og体育平台那艘船的案子 Lusanna.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 13 Nov. 1783

Circular letter from Charles Thomson to Meshech Weare about Thomas Mifflin's election 作为国会主席.

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费城, 14 Nov. 1783

Letter from Abiel Foster to Meshech Weare discussing his inoculation for smallpox and 要钱.

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8 Jan. 1784

遗嘱认证法官马修·帕滕og体育平台爱德华被没收财产的报告 Goldstone Lutwyche,缺席者.

Reel 1Box 2
17 Jan. 1784


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Annapolis, 17 Jan. 1784

阿比尔·福斯特给梅舍赫的信我们随信附上《巴黎条约 ratification by Congress and discussing the case of the brigantine Lusanna 还有他缺钱.

Reel 1Box 2
Annapolis, 24 Jan. 1784

阿比尔·福斯特给米舍赫·威尔的信og体育平台那艘船的案子 Lusanna由于缺钱而造成的个人尴尬; 以及新罕布什尔名声不佳.

Reel 1Box 2
24 Mar. 1784

马萨诸塞州普通法院og体育平台钓鱼河流和小溪的决议. Signed 作者是塞缪尔·亚当斯、约翰·汉考克和约翰·艾弗里.

Reel 1Box 2
Boston, 30 Mar. 1784

约翰·汉考克给梅舍赫的信是og体育平台新罕布什尔在 管理梅里马克河渔业.

Reel 1Box 2
Annapolis, 21-22 Apr. 1784

托马斯·米夫林给梅舍赫的信我们正在讨论《og体育官网》作为一家 free port and forwarding an act of Congress related to the representation of the states.

Reel 1Box 2
Annapolis, 15 May 1784

乔纳森·布兰查德给梅舍赫的信 安纳波利斯高昂的生活成本,以及任命专员进行谈判 与欧洲列强签订商业条约.

Reel 1Box 2
29 May 1784

联合国的决心.S. 逮捕德·谢瓦利埃 Longchamps.

Reel 1Box 2
Annapolis, 31 May 1784

托马斯·米夫林og体育平台逮捕德·谢瓦利埃的信 Longchamps.

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汉普顿瀑布 5 June 1784

梅舍赫·威尔致新罕布什尔州议会的信,接受他的 当选为新罕布什尔州总统.

Reel 1Box 2
15 Jan. 1784


Reel 1Box 2
费城, 1784年7月26日

Letter from Charles Thomson transmitting a resolve of the U.S. 大陆会议 calling on the executives of the several states to return public property now in 普通公民的手.

Reel 1Box 2
Annapolis, 2 Aug. 1784

塞缪尔·哈代给米舍赫的信我们通知他交换 批准与英国的条约.

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费城, 27 Sep. 1784

查尔斯·汤姆逊给梅舍赫·威尔的信og体育平台……委员会的会议 the States and the possibility of a delegate from 新汉普郡 for the committee.

Reel 1Box 2
Trenton, 11 Nov. 1784 and 29 Nov. 1784

Letter from Charles Thomson to Meshech Weare urging him to send the 新汉普郡 国会代表.

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Trenton, 6 Dec. 1784

阿比尔·福斯特致梅舍赫·威尔og体育平台国会重组的信 Foster's arrival at Trenton, and the choice of Richard Henry Lee as president of Congress.

Reel 1Box 2
New York, 1 Jan. 1785

上校的信. Pierse Long to Meshech Weare about the adjournment of Congress to 纽约市.

Reel 1Box 2
New York, 14 Jan. 1785

阿比尔·福斯特给梅舍赫·威尔的信og体育平台国会在纽约开会的情况 市,提议在特伦顿附近设立国家首都,而不便之处在于 漫游的国会.

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New York, 15 Jan. 1785

阿比尔·福斯特给梅舍赫的信我们收到了一封信 discussing the proposal for a 特伦顿附近的国家首都 and the inconvenience of a 漫游的国会.

Reel 1Box 2
New York, 31 Jan. 1785

上校的信. Pierse Long to Meshech Weare about the resolve before Congress for a 特伦顿附近的国家首都.

Reel 1Box 2
Durham, 24 Feb. 1785

Gen的信. John Sullivan to Meshech Weare about the organization, etc., of the 新罕布什尔民兵.

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Exeter, 28 Mar. 1785


III. 通信的手稿副本; 1779-1782

这个小丛书由米舍威尔的书信和 3月12日信件节选. 1779-25 Nov. 1782. NOTE: Except where noted below, the original letters from which these copies were made are included 在系列一和系列二.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 12 Mar. 1779

约翰·杰伊给梅舍赫的信我们正在传送一项与 紧急招聘问题.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, [10 Oct. 1779]

萨缪尔·亨廷顿给梅舍赫的信我们将转达 Congress about the states' quotas for supplying the public treasury.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 2 Oct. 1782

约翰·泰勒·吉尔曼给梅舍赫的信我们正在发送佣金和 讨论怀特法官和金钱问题.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 5 Aug. 1782

J的来信ohn Taylor Gilman to Meshech Weare about news from Madrid and other 欧洲部分地区,和平的前景,法国舰队的到来,削减 1780年至1781年,美国大陆军队在新罕布什尔定居 the line.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 15 Aug. 1782

约翰·泰勒·吉尔曼给梅舍赫·威尔的信og体育平台卡尔顿的报道 和平谈判委员会.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 18 Sep. 1782

J的来信ohn Taylor Gilman to Meshech Weare about commissions, peace negotiations, Lord Cornwallis's parole, and a wreck of a French ship.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 20 July 1779

纳撒尼尔·皮博迪给梅舍赫的信:og体育平台战争的新闻,包括被俘 石角.

Reel 1Box 2
Preakness营 17 July 1780

纳撒尼尔·皮博迪给梅舍赫·威尔的信,og体育平台法国舰队的到来 和新罕布什尔州.

NOTE: The original of this letter is not included in Series I or II. 这是og体育官网中唯一可用的副本.

Reel 1Box 2
Exeter, 20 Jan. 1781

Letter from Meshech Weare to George Washington about hard money for the 新汉普郡 军队,军队中的叛乱,新罕布什尔议会的行动,以及 把人调到新罕布什尔团.

Reel 1Box 2
Exeter, 12 Feb. 1781

梅舍赫·威尔就资金短缺问题给乔治·华盛顿的信, 新罕布夏补助金,以及宾夕法尼亚军队起义的记录 published.

Reel 1Box 2
Exeter, 20 June 1781

mesheech Weare致Jeremy Belknapog体育平台提供原始材料的信 新罕布什尔的历史.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 25 Dec. 1780

Gen的信. John Sullivan to Meshech Weare requesting information on New Hampshire for Marbois, the secretary of the French embassy.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 2 Oct. 1780

Gen的信. John Sullivan to Meshech Weare about the status of the Vermont question and the "deranged" state of American political affairs.

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Haverhill, 25 Oct. 1780

上校的信. Timothy Bedel to Meshech Weare about the enemy attack on Royalton, Vermont.

Reel 1Box 2
汉普顿瀑布 3 July 1782

梅舍赫·威尔给乔治·华盛顿的信,og体育平台英国人的证据 佛蒙特州的阴谋,佛蒙特州和加拿大之间的叛变通信,以及 应采取的预防措施.

Reel 1Box 2
汉普顿瀑布 4 Sep. 1781

梅舍赫·威尔给塞缪尔·利弗莫尔的信,说纽州缺少硬钱 Hampshire.

Reel 1Box 2
汉普顿瀑布 10 Dec. 1781

mesheech Weare给Samuel Livermoreog体育平台新罕布什尔州人口普查数据的信 与国家税收定额挂钩.

Reel 1Box 2
汉普顿瀑布 29 Sep. 1782

梅舍赫·威尔给路易·菲利普·德·里高的信,沃德鲁伊侯爵,og体育平台 正在新罕布什尔准备应对英国海军对英国舰队的威胁 沃勒伊侯爵.

Reel 1Box 2
汉普顿瀑布 30 Sep. 1782

梅舍赫·威尔给约翰·汉考克的信,内容是og体育平台在新罕布什尔准备一场 英国的攻击.

Reel 1Box 2
汉普顿瀑布 25 Nov. 1782

梅舍赫·威尔给乔治·华盛顿的og体育平台情报交流的信 by Col. Johnson.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 20 Apr. 1779

冯·施托本男爵弗里德里希·威廉给米舍赫·威尔的信,og体育平台他的书 regulations and the importance of the militia in the American military.

Reel 1Box 2
费城, 6 Mar. 1781

Gen的信. John Sullivan to Meshech Weare discussing his suspicions of Col. 并代表新罕布什尔州为他的行为辩护 对佛蒙特州的主权要求.

Reel 1Box 2
Newbury, 19 Aug. 1782

雅各布·贝利、查尔斯·约翰斯顿和埃比尼泽·韦伯斯特给米舍的信 Weare.

NOTE: The original of this letter is not included in Series I or II. 这是og体育官网中唯一可用的副本.

Reel 1Box 2
Newbury, 16 Sep. 1782

雅各布·贝利给梅舍赫的信我们敦促把佛蒙特州的问题提出来 to a head as a means of stabilizing the situation on the 新汉普郡 frontier.


麻萨诸塞州历史学会的Meshech Weare论文.

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This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL的在线目录 马萨诸塞州历史学会. 研究人员需要有关相关人员的资料; 组织或主题应该使用这些标题搜索目录.




新汉普郡. 总统(1784-1785:总统).

