
Guide to the Collection

Restrictions on Access

The Good Government Association records are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

Collection Summary


This collection consists of records of the Good Government Association, formed in Boston by a group of businessmen interested in promoting progressive reform in the government of the city.

Historical Sketch

The Good Government Association (GGA) was formed in Boston by a group of businessmen interested in promoting progressive reform in the government of the city. It grew in part from an impulse to counter the largely Democratic (party) control of the local political machine and the tendency of local government to spend more than was raised from taxes, making up the deficits through long-term bond issues.

The stated purpose of the Good Government Association was "to awaken public interest in city affairs and to arouse in the citizens of Boston a sense of their political duties and awaken their civic pride." The Executive Committee of the association acted on behalf of the larger membership. A finance committee raised money to meet the expenses of the organization through an annual appeal. The association achieved its objectives by conducting personal interviews with candidates for local office, publishing pamphlets that outlined all candidates with recommendations by the GGA, and publishing a newsletter (from 1905) entitled City Affairs, their official bulletin.

Some active members of the GGA included George Nutter, James Jackson Storrow, Robert Treat Paine, and Edward A. Filene. The organization disbanded in early 1934 from a combination of lack of interest, aging membership, the waning of the Progressive movement in American politics, and disagreement among members about the backing of specific candidates for office.


The above information was excerpted from the typescript history of the Good Government Association by Joanne Devlin, May 1999, located in Series II, General Records, Box 21.

Collection Description

This collection consists of records of the Good Government Association (GGA), created to promote civic duty and to elect "honest and capable men" to political positions in Boston. Records include reports made about prospective politicians such as James Curley, Calvin Coolidge, Martin Lomasney, Patrick Collins, and John F. Fitzgerald; investigations into the management of budgets and contracts relating to municipal infrastructure projects in Boston; inspection of the city budget and the activities of the Finance Commission; and promotion of the 1909 revision to Boston’s City Charter. The collection also contains GGA correspondence; membership records; financial statements, auditor’s reports, and cashbooks; publications and brochures; 45 scrapbooks; newspaper clippings; and individual candidate investigation files with clippings, correspondence, interviews, and campaign ephemera. Also included are records of the Boston Charter Association; carriage bills, 1902-1914; and non-GGA printed materials.

Other Formats

The Good Government Association candidate files (Series I) are available on microfilm, P-745, Reels 1-31.

Acquisition Information

Gift of George Read Nutter, 1934.

Restrictions on Access

The Good Government Association records are stored offsite and must be requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

Detailed Description of the Collection

I. Candidate files, 1903-1933

Arranged alphabetically by candidate name.

This series contains material collected by the Good Government Association on candidates for local (Boston) and state government offices. The material was originally composed of newspaper clippings, glued onto boards, as well as some non-newspaper material. Newspaper clippings were discarded after microfilming, and only non-newspaper material has been retained.

For complete files (including newspaper clippings), use microfilm, P-745.

Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 1
Adams, Wilbur F.
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 2
Adlow, Elijah
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 3
Agnew, James E.
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 4
Ahern, Timothy J.
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 5
Aicardi, Joseph L.
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 6
Altshuler, Louis I.
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 7
Anderson, George P.
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 8
Anderson, George W.
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 9
Andrew, A. Pratt, Col.
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 10
Andrews, George H.
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 11
Andrews, Richard F.
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 12
Angell, Marks
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 13
Ansel, Julius
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 14
Ardolino, Alexander
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 15
Arnold, Seth F.
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 16
Aronson, Samuel
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 17
Attridge, John J.
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 18
Atwood, Frank S.
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 19-20
Atwood, Harrison H.
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 21
Avallone, Edmund J.
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 22
Babb, George W. P.
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 23
Bacigalupo, Edward P.
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 24
Bacon, Gaspar G.
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 25
Bagley, Edward C. R.
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 26
Baglioni, Charles
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 27
Balch, Francis N.
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 28
Baldwin, James H.
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 29
Baldwin, John E.
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 30
Ball, Thomas J.
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 31
Ballantyne, John
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 32
Ballantyne, Walter
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 33
Bangs, Francis R.
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 34
Barker, William H.
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 35
Barrett, William J.
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 36
Barry, Edward P.
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 37
Bates, Sanford
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 38
Battis, George H.
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 39
Bearak, Joseph
Reel 1Box 1SH 19PEFolder 40
Bell, Tilton S.
Reel 2Box 1SH 19PEFolder 41
Bellew, Henry E.
Reel 2Box 1SH 19PEFolder 42
Bencks, Augustus
Reel 2Box 1SH 19PEFolder 43
Bennett, March G.
Reel 2Box 1SH 19PEFolder 44
Berry, Forrest L.
Reel 2Box 1SH 19PEFolder 45
Berwin, William
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 1
Bilodeau, Thomas H.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 2
Blake, William J.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 3
Bliss, Alvin E.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 4
Blong, John T.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 5
Bogan, Frederick L., Dr.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 6
Bohrer, Benjamin M.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 7
Bolton, Fred E.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 8
Boothby, Oren C.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 9
Borofsky, Samuel H.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 10
Bosco, Joseph
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 11
Bottomly, Robert J.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 12
Bowen, Robert M.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 13
Boyle, John J., Jr.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 14
Boyle, John M.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 15
Brackman, David M.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 16
Brady, Patrick J.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 17
Breen, John A., Jr.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 18
Brennan, Florence M.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 19
Brennan, Francis J.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 20
Brennan, James H.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 21
Brennan, James J.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 22
Brennan, William E.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 23
Brickley, Bartholomew A.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 24
Brickley, David J.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 25
Brier, Frank L.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 26
Broderick, John H.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 27
Brodhead, John C.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 28-32
Bromberg, Edward J.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 33
Brophy, Michael J.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 34
Brophy, Patrick J.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 35
Brophy, William F.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 36
Browne, Henry A.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 37
Bryant, Frank E.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 38
Bucci, John J.
Reel 2Box 2SH 19PGFolder 39
Bunton, James H.
Reel 3Box 2SH 19PGFolder 40
Burke, Frank J.
Reel 3Box 2SH 19PGFolder 41
Burke, James T.
Reel 3Box 2SH 19PGFolder 42
Burke, Jeremiah E.
Reel 3Box 2SH 19PGFolder 43
Burke, John J.
Reel 3Box 2SH 19PGFolder 44
Burke, Thomas
Reel 3Box 2SH 19PGFolder 45
Burns, Thomas
Reel 3Box 2SH 19PGFolder 46
Burr, Herbert W.
Reel 3Box 2SH 19PGFolder 47
Burrill, Charles L.
Reel 3Box 2SH 19PGFolder 48
Burroughs, Adolphus M.
Reel 3Box 2SH 19PGFolder 49
Bush, Herman L.
Reel 3Box 2SH 19PGFolder 50
Butler, James F.
Reel 3Box 2SH 19PGFolder 51
Butler, John J.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 1
Byrne, James J.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 2
Callahan, Charles M.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 3
Callahan, Joseph G.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 4
Callahan, Michael T.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 5
Callahan, Thomas F. J.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 6-7
Campbell, Francis A.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 8
Campbell, Francis J.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 9
Canney, Eugene F.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 10
Canty, George R.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 11
Cardio, Charles J.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 12
Carey, John E.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 13
Carey, John J.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 14
Carney, George P.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 15
Carr, Charles L.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 16
Carr, Patrick B.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 17
Carr, Patrick E.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 18
Carroll, Felix F. J.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 19
Carter, William J.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 20
Carven, Rupert S.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 21
Casey, John M.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 22
Casey, Maurice P.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 23
Cassidy, John J.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 24
Caton, John F., Jr.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 25
Caulfield, James E.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 26
Chapman, Daniel J.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 27
Chapman, Philip A.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 28
Cheever, John J.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 29
Chipman, Grace D.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 30
Chmielinski, Henry H.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 31
Chmiell, Stanley
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 32
Church, Fred C.
Reel 3Box 3SH 19PHFolder 33
Cipriano, Joseph
Reel 4Box 3SH 19PHFolder 34
Clark, Ellery H.
Reel 4Box 3SH 19PHFolder 35
Clark, Harry F.
Reel 4Box 3SH 19PHFolder 36
Clark, Henry S.
Reel 4Box 3SH 19PHFolder 37
Clark, Joseph J.
Reel 4Box 3SH 19PHFolder 38
Clark, Nathaniel M.
Reel 4Box 3SH 19PHFolder 39
Clark, Russell B.
Reel 4Box 3SH 19PHFolder 40
Clark, William
Reel 4Box 3SH 19PHFolder 41
Coakley, Daniel H.
Reel 4Box 3SH 19PHFolder 42
Codman, Russell S., Jr.
Reel 4Box 3SH 19PHFolder 43
Cody, James J.
Reel 4Box 3SH 19PHFolder 44
Coffey, James S.
Reel 4Box 3SH 19PHFolder 45
Coffey, Thomas F.
Reel 4Box 3SH 19PHFolder 46
Cohen, Edward E.
Reel 4Box 3SH 19PHFolder 47
Cole, Charles H., Gen.
Reel 4Box 3SH 19PHFolder 48
Coleman, George W.
Reel 4Box 3SH 19PHFolder 49
Collins, Edward D.
Reel 4Box 3SH 19PHFolder 50
Collins, Paul A.
Reel 4Box 3SH 19PHFolder 51
Collins, Walter L.
Reel 4Box 3SH 19PHFolder 52
Colpoys, Francis L.
Reel 4Box 3SH 19PHFolder 53
Comerford, Herman M.
Reel 4Box 3SH 19PHFolder 54
Condon, Edward F.
Reel 4Box 4SH 19PIFolder 1
Conley, Patrick J.
Reel 4Box 4SH 19PIFolder 2
Connell, John J.
Reel 4Box 4SH 19PIFolder 3
Connelly, Daniel T.
Reel 4Box 4SH 19PIFolder 4
Connolly, John T.
Reel 4Box 4SH 19PIFolder 5
Connolly, Stephen J.
Reel 4Box 4SH 19PIFolder 6
Connors, Herbert J.
Reel 4Box 4SH 19PIFolder 7
Connors, John J.
Reel 4Box 4SH 19PIFolder 8
Conroy, John F.
Reel 4Box 4SH 19PIFolder 9
Conry, Joseph A.
Reel 4Box 4SH 19PIFolder 10
Conway, Leo J.
Reel 4Box 4SH 19PIFolder 11
Cook, Alonzo B.
Reel 4Box 4SH 19PIFolder 12
Cook, Sherwin L.
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 13-15
Coolidge, Calvin
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 16
Corcoran, Michael H., Jr.
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 17
Cosgrove, Joseph F.
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 18
Costello, Timothy J.
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 19
Cotter, Mary A.
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 20
Cotton, William D., Jr.
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 21
Coughlin, Arthur J.
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 22
Cox, Channing H.
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 23
Cox, Edward J.
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 24
Cox, Guy W.
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 25
Cox, Joseph P.
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 26
Coyne, Francis X.
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 27
Craven, John J.
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 28
Crawford, Joshua U. A.
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 29
Crean, Timothy C.
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 30
Creed, Edward B.
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 31
Creed, William C.
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 32
Crocker, Courtenay
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 33
Crocker, George U.
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 34
Cronin, Bernard M.
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 35
Cronin, Frederick A.
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 36
Cronin, George F.
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 37
Crosby, Harold E.
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 38
Crowley, Michael H.
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 39
Crowley, Walter P.
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 40
Cuddy, William H.
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 41
Cummings, John J.
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 42
Cummings, Matthew
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 43
Cunniff, Michael J.
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 44
Cunningham, Owen A.
Reel 5Box 4SH 19PIFolder 45
Curley, Daniel J., Jr.
Reel 6Box 4SH 19PIFolder 46-51
Curley, James M.
Reel 7Box 5SH 19PJFolder 1-4
Curley, James M. (Note: microfilm reel has wrong target, says "6")
Reel 8Box 5SH 19PJFolder 5-8
Curley, James M. (Note: microfilm reel has wrong target, says "7")
Reel 9Box 5SH 19PJFolder 9-10
Curley, James M.
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 11
Curley, John J.
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 12
Curley, Thomas F.
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 13
Curley, Thomas M.
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 14
Curran, Charles L.
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 15
Curran, George E.
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 16
Curran, John J., Jr.
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 17
Curry, Thomas F.
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 18
Curtin, J. Frederick
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 19
Curtis, Charles P., Jr.
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 20
Curtis, Frances G.
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 21
Curtis, Laurence, 2nd
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 22
Cushing, Grafton D.
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 23
Cushman, Frank H.
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 24
Dailey, Francis D.
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 25
Dalton, James H.
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 26
Dalton, Philip S.
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 27
Daly, Francis L.
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 28
Damoiseau, Edward W.
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 29
Danahey, Francis
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 30
Davidson, Earl E.
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 31
Dawson, James W.
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 32
Dawson, Thomas J.
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 33
DeCastro, Joseph
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 34
Decrow, John W.
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 35
Deland, Frank S.
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 36
Destefano, Antonio
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 37
Deveney, Roger E.
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 38
Devin, Edward J.
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 39
Devine, Richard J.
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 40
Devlin, James H.
Reel 10Box 5SH 19PJFolder 41-47
Dewey, Henry S.
Reel 10Box 6SH 19PKFolder 1
Dimambro, Joseph A.
Reel 10Box 6SH 19PKFolder 2
Dimento, Frank S.
Reel 10Box 6SH 19PKFolder 3
Dinsmore, Robert A.
Reel 10Box 6SH 19PKFolder 4
Doherty, D. Frank
Reel 10Box 6SH 19PKFolder 5
Doherty, John J.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 6
Doherty, Thomas F.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 7
Doherty, William P.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 8
Dolan, Arthur W.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 9
Dolan, Edmund L.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 10
Donaghue, Peter J.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 11
Donahoe, William J.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 12
Donahue, Frank J.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 13
Donahue, John J.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 14
Donnellan, Frank J.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 15
Donnelly, Joseph P.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 16
Donoghue, John A.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 17
Donovan, George P.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 18
Donovan, John L.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 19
Donovan, Thomas F.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 20
Donovan, Timothy
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 21
Donovan, Timothy F.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 22
Donovan, William G.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 23
Dooley, John H.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 24
Doolin, John J.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 25
Dopkeen, Isaiah
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 26
Dorsey, James A.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 27
Dorsey, John H.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 28
Douglas, George A.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 29
Dowd, John F.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 30
Dowd, Thomas H.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 31
Dowling, Frederic E.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 32
Dowling, John C. L.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 33
Dowling, Katherine W.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 34
Doyle, James H.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 35
Doyle, Wilfred J.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 36
Doyle, William F.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 37
Doyle, William H.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 38
Driscoll, Jeremiah F.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 39
Driscoll, Timothy J.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 40
Ducey, Francis M.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 41
Ducey, James E.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 42
Duffie, Harold R.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 43
Dunkle, Horace E.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 44
Dunn, John H.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 45
Dwyer, Bernard C.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 46
Dwyer, William F.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 47
Dyar, Perlie A.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 48
Eagan, James F.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 49
Eagles, George R.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 50
Egan, Edward W.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 51
Ellis, David A.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 52
Ely, Joseph B.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 53
Emerson, Guy C.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 54
Englert, Edward L.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 55
Enwright, Frederick W.
Reel 11Box 6SH 19PKFolder 56
Eyges, Leon R.
Reel 12Box 6SH 19PKFolder 57
Fahey, Harold L.
Reel 12Box 6SH 19PKFolder 58
Falcone, Thomas S.
Reel 12Box 6SH 19PKFolder 59
Farley, John H.
Reel 12Box 6SH 19PKFolder 60
Farley, Robert B.
Reel 12Box 6SH 19PKFolder 61
Feeley, Edward J.
Reel 12Box 6SH 19PKFolder 62
Feely, Terence F.
Reel 12Box 6SH 19PKFolder 63
Ferbert, J. Bernard
Reel 12Box 6SH 19PKFolder 64
Ferreira, George E.
Reel 12Box 6SH 19PKFolder 65
Finigan, Frederick A.
Reel 12Box 6SH 19PKFolder 66
Finkel, Sam B.
Reel 12Box 6SH 19PKFolder 67
Finkelstein, Bernard
Reel 12Box 6SH 19PKFolder 68
Finley, James F.
Reel 12Box 6SH 19PKFolder 69
Finn, William F.
Reel 12Box 7SH 19PLFolder 1
Finnegan, Joseph
Reel 12Box 7SH 19PLFolder 2
Finnigan, James E.
Reel 12Box 7SH 19PLFolder 3
Fish, Albert L.
Reel 12Box 7SH 19PLFolder 4
Fish, William A.
Reel 12Box 7SH 19PLFolder 5
Fiske, Robert W.
Reel 12Box 7SH 19PLFolder 6
Fitzgerald, James J.
Reel 12Box 7SH 19PLFolder 7-9
Fitzgerald, John F.
Reel 13Box 7SH 19PLFolder 10-12
Fitzgerald, John F.
Reel 14Box 8SH 19PMFolder 1
Fitzgerald, John I.
Reel 14Box 8SH 19PMFolder 2
Fitzgerald, Peter J.
Reel 14Box 8SH 19PMFolder 3
Fitzgerald, Redmond S.
Reel 14Box 8SH 19PMFolder 4
Fitzgerald, Susan W.
Reel 14Box 8SH 19PMFolder 5
Fitzgerald, William J.
Reel 14Box 8SH 19PMFolder 6
Fitzgerald, W. T. A.
Reel 14Box 8SH 19PMFolder 7
Fitzpatrick, Martin
Reel 14Box 8SH 19PMFolder 8
Flannery, James C.
Reel 14Box 8SH 19PMFolder 9
Fletcher, Harry M.
Reel 14Box 8SH 19PMFolder 10
Foley, Charles Timothy
Reel 14Box 8SH 19PMFolder 11
Foley, John T.
Reel 14Box 8SH 19PMFolder 12
Foley, Maurice E.
Reel 14Box 8SH 19PMFolder 13
Foley, Roger M.
Reel 14Box 8SH 19PMFolder 14
Foley, William J.
Reel 14Box 8SH 19PMFolder 15
Ford, Francis J. W.
Reel 14Box 8SH 19PMFolder 16
Foss, Eugene N.
Reel 14Box 8SH 19PMFolder 17
Fouhey, Thomas A.
Reel 14Box 8SH 19PMFolder 18
Fox, Charles James
Reel 14Box 8SH 19PMFolder 19
Fox, Henry A.
Reel 14Box 8SH 19PMFolder 20
Francis, Thomas J.
Reel 14Box 8SH 19PMFolder 21
Freeley, Walter J.
Reel 14Box 8SH 19PMFolder 22
Freeman, Warren F.
Reel 14Box 8SH 19PMFolder 23
French, John J.
Reel 14Box 8SH 19PMFolder 24
Frothingham, Henry A.
Reel 14Box 8SH 19PMFolder 25
Fuller, Alvan Tufts
Reel 14Box 8SH 19PMFolder 26
Fullerton, Edward Dwight
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 27
Gallagher, Daniel
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 28
Gallagher, Edward M.
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 29
Gallagher, Mary
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 30
Gallagher, Owen
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 31
Gallagher, Robert
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 32
Galvin, Walter P.
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 33
Ganoway, George H. P.
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 34
Garrity, Hugh W.
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 35
Garvey, Richard J.
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 36
Giardino, Joseph
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 37
Gibbons, John T.
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 38
Giblin, Edmund W.
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 39
Giblin, Thomas J.
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 40
Gibson, Aubrey G.
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 41
Gillbody, George F.
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 42
Gillis, Daniel J.
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 43
Gilman, George A.
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 44
Ginsburg, Bernard
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 45
Ginsburg, Edward E.
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 46
Ginsburg, Samuel J.
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 47
Gleason, Richard D.
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 48
Gleason, Richard F.
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 49
Glennon, Leo J.
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 50
Glynn, Theodore A.
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 51
Glynn, Thomas P.
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 52
Goggin, Thomas E.
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 53
Goldman, Maurice M.
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 54
Goldsmith, Maurice
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 55
Goldstein, Meyer
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 56
Good, Joseph P.
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 57
Goode, James A.
Reel 15Box 8SH 19PMFolder 58
Goodwin, Elliot H.
Reel 16Box 9SH 19PNFolder 1
Goodwin, Frank A.
Reel 16Box 9SH 19PNFolder 2
Gouldey, M. Martin
Reel 16Box 9SH 19PNFolder 3
Grant, James D.
Reel 16Box 9SH 19PNFolder 4
Grant, Walter B.
Reel 16Box 9SH 19PNFolder 5
Gray, Francis C.
Reel 16Box 9SH 19PNFolder 6
Green, James I.
Reel 16Box 9SH 19PNFolder 7
Green, Thomas H.
Reel 16Box 9SH 19PNFolder 8
Greene, C. Hilton
Reel 16Box 9SH 19PNFolder 9
Greene, Thomas P.
Reel 16Box 9SH 19PNFolder 10
Guild, Courtney
Reel 16Box 9SH 19PNFolder 11
Guild, Horace
Reel 16Box 9SH 19PNFolder 12
Guterman, Harry N.
Reel 16Box 9SH 19PNFolder 13
Hackett, William N.
Reel 16Box 9SH 19PNFolder 14
Haddad, George S.
Reel 16Box 9SH 19PNFolder 15
Hagan, Henry E.
Reel 16Box 9SH 19PNFolder 16
Hagerty, Bernard J.
Reel 16Box 9SH 19PNFolder 17
Hall, Archibald F.
Reel 16Box 9SH 19PNFolder 18
Halloran, Leo J.
Reel 16Box 9SH 19PNFolder 19
Hally, T. Russell
Reel 16Box 9SH 19PNFolder 20
Hamilton, Wesley D.
Reel 16Box 9SH 19PNFolder 21
Hancock, John W.
Reel 16Box 9SH 19PNFolder 22
Hanly, John F., Jr.
Reel 16Box 9SH 19PNFolder 23
Hannan, William E.
Reel 16Box 9SH 19PNFolder 24
Hannon, Thomas J., Jr.
Reel 16Box 9SH 19PNFolder 25
Hanrahan, Bernard F.
Reel 16Box 9SH 19PNFolder 26
Harding, Charles T.
Reel 16Box 9SH 19PNFolder 27
Harkins, Bernard C., Jr.
Reel 16Box 9SH 19PNFolder 28
Harrigan, Francis D.
Reel 16Box 9SH 19PNFolder 29
Harrington, William E.
Reel 17Box 9SH 19PNFolder 30
Harris, Frederick J.
Reel 17Box 9SH 19PNFolder 31
Hart, James A.
Reel 17Box 9SH 19PNFolder 32
Hartigan, Joseph F.
Reel 17Box 9SH 19PNFolder 33
Havey, Clayton L.
Reel 17Box 9SH 19PNFolder 34
Hawes, John T.
Reel 17Box 9SH 19PNFolder 35
Hayden, Richard J.
Reel 17Box 9SH 19PNFolder 36
Hayes, James W.
Reel 17Box 9SH 19PNFolder 37
Hays, Martin
Reel 17Box 9SH 19PNFolder 38
Healey, William C. S.
Reel 17Box 9SH 19PNFolder 39
Healy, John J.
Reel 17Box 9SH 19PNFolder 40
Hearn, William
Reel 17Box 9SH 19PNFolder 41
Heath, Victor A.
Reel 17Box 9SH 19PNFolder 42
Heffernan, Joseph M.
Reel 17Box 9SH 19PNFolder 43
Heffernan, Stephen P.
Reel 17Box 9SH 19PNFolder 44
Hein, James
Reel 17Box 9SH 19PNFolder 45
Henderson, James D.
Reel 17Box 9SH 19PNFolder 46
Henderson, William F.
Reel 17Box 9SH 19PNFolder 47
Hennessey, William J.
Reel 17Box 9SH 19PNFolder 48
Hennessey, William S., Jr.
Reel 17Box 9SH 19PNFolder 49
Hersey, Mark L.
Reel 17Box 9SH 19PNFolder 50
Hewitt, Lewis J.
Reel 17Box 9SH 19PNFolder 51
Hickey, Francis J.
Reel 17Box 9SH 19PNFolder 52
Hickey, William P.
Reel 17Box 9SH 19PNFolder 53
Higgins, John P.
Reel 17Box 10SH 19PPFolder 1
Hill, Arthur D.
Reel 17Box 10SH 19PPFolder 2
Hines, Paul H.
Reel 17Box 10SH 19PPFolder 3
Hoban, Peter A.
Reel 17Box 10SH 19PPFolder 4
Holland, William J.
Reel 17Box 10SH 19PPFolder 5
Horgan, Francis J.
Reel 17Box 10SH 19PPFolder 6
Hormel, Herman
Reel 17Box 10SH 19PPFolder 7
Howland, Frank B.
Reel 17Box 10SH 19PPFolder 8
Hultman, Eugene C.
Reel 17Box 10SH 19PPFolder 9
Hurley, James M. J.
Reel 17Box 10SH 19PPFolder 10
Hurley, John F.
Reel 17Box 10SH 19PPFolder 11
Hurley, Joseph J.
Reel 17Box 10SH 19PPFolder 12
Hurwitz, Albert
Reel 17Box 10SH 19PPFolder 13
Imperato, Antonio D.
Reel 17Box 10SH 19PPFolder 14
Innes, Charles H.
Reel 17Box 10SH 19PPFolder 15
Innes, Charles J.
Reel 17Box 10SH 19PPFolder 16
Jackson, James
Reel 17Box 10SH 19PPFolder 17
Jackson, Walter E.
Reel 17Box 10SH 19PPFolder 18
Jacobs, Wilfred E.
Reel 17Box 10SH 19PPFolder 19
Jamieson, Franklin P.
Reel 17Box 10SH 19PPFolder 20
Jennings, Patrick H.
Reel 17Box 10SH 19PPFolder 21
Johnson, George H.
Reel 17Box 10SH 19PPFolder 22
Johnston, Richard E.
Reel 17Box 10SH 19PPFolder 23
Jollimore, Elliott G.
Reel 17Box 10SH 19PPFolder 24
Joyce, Peter J.
Reel 17Box 10SH 19PPFolder 25
Kalish, Abraham H.
Reel 17Box 10SH 19PPFolder 26
Kane, Daniel J.
Reel 17Box 10SH 19PPFolder 27
Kane, John A.
Reel 17Box 10SH 19PPFolder 28
Kaplan, Charles D.
Reel 17Box 10SH 19PPFolder 29
Kasanof, Samuel
Reel 18Box 10SH 19PPFolder 30
Kearns, Daniel D.
Reel 18Box 10SH 19PPFolder 31
Kearns, Patrick A.
Reel 18Box 10SH 19PPFolder 32
Kee, Wallace
Reel 18Box 10SH 19PPFolder 33
Keene, Charles G.
Reel 18Box 10SH 19PPFolder 34
Keene, Roy S.
Reel 18Box 10SH 19PPFolder 35
Keliher, John A.
Reel 18Box 10SH 19PPFolder 36
Kelleher, Daniel J.
Reel 18Box 10SH 19PPFolder 37
Kelleher, William P.
Reel 18Box 10SH 19PPFolder 38
Kelley, Daniel J.
Reel 18Box 10SH 19PPFolder 39
Kelley, Theodore R.
Reel 18Box 10SH 19PPFolder 40
Kelley, Thomas R.
Reel 18Box 10SH 19PPFolder 41
Kelly, Coleman E.
Reel 18Box 10SH 19PPFolder 42
Kelly, Francis E.
Reel 18Box 10SH 19PPFolder 43
Kelly, James F., Jr.
Reel 18Box 10SH 19PPFolder 44
Kelly, John J.
Reel 18Box 10SH 19PPFolder 45
Kelly, John L.
Reel 18Box 10SH 19PPFolder 46
Kelly, William J. (Dorchester)
Reel 18Box 10SH 19PPFolder 47
Kelly, William J. (West Roxbury)
Reel 18Box 10SH 19PPFolder 48
Kenney, John F.
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 1
Kenny, Herbert A.
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 2
Kerr, J. Ernest
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 3
Kerrigan, John E.
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 4
Kiernan, Edward L.
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 5
Kiernan, Hugh F.
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 6
Kiley, Daniel J.
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 7
Kiley, James J.
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 8
Killilea, Thomas J.
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 9
Kilroy, James J.
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 10
King, Martin H.
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 11
Kinney, William S.
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 12
Klinor, Morris M.
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 13
Kohler, William J.
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 14
Korisky, David
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 15
Kravitz, Jacob J.
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 16
Lally, William J.
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 17
Lane, Benjamin C.
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 18
Lane, Daniel W.
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 19
Lane, John J.
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 20
Lane, Richard C.
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 21
Langone, Joseph A.
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 22
Langone, Louis
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 23
Langone, Michael A.
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 24
Lavelle, Thomas D.
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 25
Lawler, Henry E.
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 26
Lawless, George H.
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 27
Leary, George
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 28
Leavitt, Thomas
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 29
Lebowitz, Louis
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 30
Lecain, Levi A.
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 31
L'Ecuyer, Eleanor C.
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 32
Lee, Joseph
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 33
Lee, Martin J.
Reel 18Box 11SH 19PQFolder 34
Lee, Robert V.
Reel 19Box 11SH 19PQFolder 35
Lehan, John L.
Reel 19Box 11SH 19PQFolder 36
Leonard, Albert F.
Reel 19Box 11SH 19PQFolder 37
Leonard, John M.
Reel 19Box 11SH 19PQFolder 38
Leonard, Joseph
Reel 19Box 11SH 19PQFolder 39
Leveroni, Frank
Reel 19Box 11SH 19PQFolder 40
Levine, Louis
Reel 19Box 11SH 19PQFolder 41
Lill, Alfred J., Jr.
Reel 19Box 11SH 19PQFolder 42
Linehan, Frank J.
Reel 19Box 11SH 19PQFolder 43
Lipman, Matthew
Reel 19Box 11SH 19PQFolder 44
Little, Amos R.
Reel 19Box 11SH 19PQFolder 45
Livingston, William W.
Reel 19Box 11SH 19PQFolder 46
Locke, Frank
Reel 19Box 11SH 19PQFolder 47
Logan, Edward L.
Reel 19Box 11SH 19PQFolder 48
Logue, John H.
Reel 20Box 11SH 19PQFolder 49
Lomasney, Joseph (filmed on Reel 20)
Reel 20Box 11SH 19PQFolder 50-51
Lomasney, Martin M. (filmed on Reel 20)
Reel 19Box 12SH 19PRFolder 1
Long, William P.
Reel 19Box 12SH 19PRFolder 2
Lourie, Moses S.
Reel 19Box 12SH 19PRFolder 3
Luscombe, Florence H.
Reel 19Box 12SH 19PRFolder 4
Lydon, John J.
Reel 19Box 12SH 19PRFolder 5
Lynch, John E.
Reel 19Box 12SH 19PRFolder 6
Lynch, Michael
Reel 19Box 12SH 19PRFolder 7
Lynch, William G.
Reel 19Box 12SH 19PRFolder 8
Lyons, James J.
Reel 19Box 12SH 19PRFolder 9
Lyons, Joseph P.
Reel 19Box 12SH 19PRFolder 10
Lyons, Joseph T.
Reel 19Box 12SH 19PRFolder 11
MacCabe, Joseph B.
Reel 19Box 12SH 19PRFolder 12
McCafferty, George L.
Reel 19Box 12SH 19PRFolder 13
McCaffrey, George H.
Reel 19Box 12SH 19PRFolder 14
McCaffrey, George H., Sr.
Reel 19Box 12SH 19PRFolder 15
McCarthy, Frank J.
Reel 19Box 12SH 19PRFolder 16
McCarthy, Harold E.
Reel 19Box 12SH 19PRFolder 17
McCarthy, James H.
Reel 19Box 12SH 19PRFolder 18
McCarthy, Jeremiah J.
Reel 19Box 12SH 19PRFolder 19
McCarthy, John J.
Reel 19Box 12SH 19PRFolder 20
McCarthy, Timothy E.
Reel 19Box 12SH 19PRFolder 21
McCarthy, William F.
Reel 19Box 12SH 19PRFolder 22
McCormack, John W.
Reel 19Box 12SH 19PRFolder 23
McCullough, Leo F.
Reel 19Box 12SH 19PRFolder 24
McCusker, John J.
Reel 19Box 12SH 19PRFolder 25
McDermott, Michael F.
Reel 19Box 12SH 19PRFolder 26
McDevitt, James J.
Reel 20
Reel 20 contains material about Joseph and Martin M. Lomasney; see above
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 27
McDonald, Daniel J.
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 28
McDonald, Donald C.
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 29
MacDonald, Kenneth C., Jr.
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 30
McDonough, Francis G.
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 31
McDonough, Joseph M.
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 32
McGauley, Walter J.
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 33
McGivern, John D.
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 34
McGlinchy, Charles H.
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 35
McGrath, John J.
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 36
McGrath, Joseph
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 37
McGuire, Charles P.
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 38
Machner, John C.
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 39
McHugh, Lawrence P.
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 40
McIsaac, Daniel V.
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 41
McKenzie, Charles E.
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 42
McKinney, Francis B.
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 43
McKirdy, Robert K.
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 44
McKnight, Edwin T.
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 45
McLaughlin, Charles D.
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 46
McLaughlin, Edward F.
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 47
McLaughlin, Francis A.
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 48
MacLean, Lloyd J.
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 49
McLeod, Frederick J.
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 50
McMackim, Thomas J.
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 51
McMahon, Thomas W.
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 52
McMasters, William H.
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 53
McMorrow, William M.
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 54
McNary, William S.
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 55
McNutty, Anthony A.
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 56
McSweeney, Eugene F.
Reel 21Box 12SH 19PRFolder 57
McSweeney, Frederick R.
Reel 21Box 13SH 19PSFolder 1
McVey, Thomas H.
Reel 21Box 13SH 19PSFolder 2
Madden, W. F.
Reel 21Box 13SH 19PSFolder 3
Maguire, James E.
Reel 21Box 13SH 19PSFolder 4
Maguire, William C.
Reel 21Box 13SH 19PSFolder 5
Mahar, James J.
Reel 21Box 13SH 19PSFolder 6
Mahoney, Francis X.
Reel 21Box 13SH 19PSFolder 7
Mahoney, John V.
Reel 21Box 13SH 19PSFolder 8
Mahoney, Michael J.
Reel 21Box 13SH 19PSFolder 9
Maloney, John F.
Reel 21Box 13SH 19PSFolder 10
Maloney, John J.
Reel 21Box 13SH 19PSFolder 11
Mancovitz, David
Reel 21Box 13SH 19PSFolder 12
Manning, Frank J.
Reel 21Box 13SH 19PSFolder 13
Manning, John P.
Reel 21Box 13SH 19PSFolder 14
Manning, Joseph P.
Reel 21Box 13SH 19PSFolder 15
Manning, Michael J.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 16
Mansfield, Frederick W.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 17
Mansfield, Thomas F.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 18
Marcotte, Joseph N.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 19
Marple, William G.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 20
Marshall, Edwin L.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 21
Martin, Leonard
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 22
Mascari, Edward
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 23
Maynard, Joseph A.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 24
Mealey, Stephen R.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 25
Mellen, James J.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 26
Melody, Patrick J.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 27
Meo, Dominic, Jr.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 28
Merrick, Stephen D.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 29
Miens, Walter R.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 30
Mildram, Samuel H.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 31
Miller, Lelia W.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 32
Minton, Telfair
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 33
Mitchell, Christopher C., Jr.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 34
Molloy, Annie E.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 35
Montague, David T.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 36
Montgomery, John F.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 37
Moors, John F.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 38
Morello, Angelo
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 39
Morey, Edward, Jr.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 40
Morgan, William H.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 41
Moriarty, James T.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 42
Moriarty, John J.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 43
Morris, Alfred G.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 44
Motley, William A., Jr.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 45
Mott, Hayward R. C.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 46
Moynihan, James J.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 47
Mulligan, Edward J., Jr.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 48
Mulligan, Lafayette
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 49
Mulvey, James J.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 50
Munro, Willis
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 51
Murdough, Harry M.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 52
Murphy, Daniel C.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 53
Murphy, Edward F.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 54
Murphy, George F.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 55
Murphy, John F.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 56
Murphy, John J.
Reel 22Box 13SH 19PSFolder 57
Murphy, John R.
Reel 23Box 14SH 19PTFolder 1
Murphy, John R.
Reel 23Box 14SH 19PTFolder 2
Murphy, Michael F.
Reel 23Box 14SH 19PTFolder 3
Murphy, Peter J.
Reel 23Box 14SH 19PTFolder 4
Murray, George A.
Reel 23Box 14SH 19PTFolder 5
Murray, Peter A.
Reel 23Box 14SH 19PTFolder 6
Murray, Thomas W.
Reel 23Box 14SH 19PTFolder 7
Murray, William F., Jr.
Reel 23Box 14SH 19PTFolder 8
Myron, Paul V.
Reel 23Box 14SH 19PTFolder 9
Nee, Coleman J.
Reel 23Box 14SH 19PTFolder 10
Nelson, Eric A.
Reel 24Box 14SH 19PTFolder 11-15
Nichols, Malcolm E. (filmed on Reel 24)
Reel 24Box 14SH 19PTFolder 16
Nichols, Nathaniel F. P. (filmed on Reel 24)
Reel 23Box 14SH 19PTFolder 17
Niland, Thomas A.
Reel 23Box 14SH 19PTFolder 18
Noonan, Katherine B.
Reel 23Box 14SH 19PTFolder 19
Norton, Clement A.
Reel 23Box 14SH 19PTFolder 20
Noyes, James B.
Reel 23Box 14SH 19PTFolder 21
Nutter, George R.
Reel 23Box 14SH 19PTFolder 22
O'Brien, John F.
Reel 23Box 14SH 19PTFolder 23
O'Brien, Michael J.
Reel 23Box 14SH 19PTFolder 24
O'Brien, Norton C.
Reel 24
Reel 24 contains material about Malcolm E. and Nathaniel Nichols; see above
Reel 25Box 14SH 19PTFolder 25-26
O'Brien, Thomas C.
Reel 25Box 14SH 19PTFolder 27
O'Brien, Thomas J.
Reel 25Box 14SH 19PTFolder 28
O'Brien, William H.
Reel 25Box 14SH 19PTFolder 29
O'Brien, William J.
Reel 25Box 14SH 19PTFolder 30
O'Connell, Joseph F.
Reel 25Box 15SH 19PUFolder 1
O'Connell, William F.
Reel 25Box 15SH 19PUFolder 2
O'Connor, Charles S.
Reel 25Box 15SH 19PUFolder 3
O'Connor, Daniel
Reel 25Box 15SH 19PUFolder 4
O'Connor, David I.
Reel 25Box 15SH 19PUFolder 5
O'Connor, Ignatius J.
Reel 25Box 15SH 19PUFolder 6
O'Connor, Jeremiah J.
Reel 25Box 15SH 19PUFolder 7
O'Connor, Patrick H.
Reel 25Box 15SH 19PUFolder 8
O'Donnell, James F.
Reel 25Box 15SH 19PUFolder 9
O'Donnell, Richard J.
Reel 25Box 15SH 19PUFolder 10
O'Donnell, William F.
Reel 25Box 15SH 19PUFolder 11
O'Halloran, John A.
Reel 25Box 15SH 19PUFolder 12
O'Hare, J. Frank
Reel 25Box 15SH 19PUFolder 13
O'Hare, John J.
Reel 25Box 15SH 19PUFolder 14
O'Hare, William G.
Reel 25Box 15SH 19PUFolder 15
O'Keefe, Patrick F.
Reel 25Box 15SH 19PUFolder 16
O'Neil, Dennis A.
Reel 25Box 15SH 19PUFolder 17
O'Neil, Joseph H.
Reel 25Box 15SH 19PUFolder 18
Oppenheim, Abe
Reel 25Box 15SH 19PUFolder 19
Page, Christina D.
Reel 25Box 15SH 19PUFolder 20
Paige, Walter N.
Reel 26Box 15SH 19PUFolder 21
Parfumorse, Bernard
Reel 26Box 15SH 19PUFolder 22
Parker, Arthur C.
Reel 26Box 15SH 19PUFolder 23
Parker, Bowdoin S.
Reel 26Box 15SH 19PUFolder 24
Parker, George A.
Reel 26Box 15SH 19PUFolder 25
Parker, Samuel D.
Reel 26Box 15SH 19PUFolder 26-27
Parkman, Henry, Jr.
Reel 26Box 15SH 19PUFolder 28
Parsons, James A.
Reel 26Box 15SH 19PUFolder 29
Pasqua, George
Reel 26Box 15SH 19PUFolder 30
Paten, Frank P.
Reel 26Box 15SH 19PUFolder 31
Patron, William J.
Reel 26Box 15SH 19PUFolder 32
Pelletier, Joseph C.
Reel 26Box 15SH 19PUFolder 33
Penders, Francis J.
Reel 26Box 15SH 19PUFolder 34
Penshorn, George
Reel 26Box 15SH 19PUFolder 35
Penta, James
Reel 27Box 15SH 19PUFolder 36-39
Peters, Andrew J. (filmed on Reel 27)
Reel 26Box 15SH 19PUFolder 40
Phelan, James J.
Reel 26Box 15SH 19PUFolder 41
Phelan, Thomas F.
Reel 26Box 15SH 19PUFolder 42
Piemento, Gabriel F.
Reel 26Box 15SH 19PUFolder 43-44
Pierce, Myron E.
Reel 26Box 15SH 19PUFolder 45
Pigeon, Elizabeth W.
Reel 26Box 15SH 19PUFolder 46
Pinanski, Abraham E.
Reel 26Box 15SH 19PUFolder 47
Pitts, Clement A.
Reel 26Box 15SH 19PUFolder 48
Poladian, George M.
Reel 26Box 16SH 19PVFolder 1
Pollard, David
Reel 26Box 16SH 19PVFolder 2
Pond, J. Waldo
Reel 26Box 16SH 19PVFolder 3
Porter, James M.
Reel 27
Reel 27 contains material about Andrew J. Peters; see above
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 4
Post, Adolph J.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 5
Powell, Francis C.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 6
Power, Leo F.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 7
Powers, James F.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 8
Powers, John J.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 9
Powers, Richard J.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 10
Pratt, Lawrence O.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 11
Prescott, William J.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 12
Prest, William M.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 13
Prince, Morton
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 14
Purcell, James P. A.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 15
Purcell, James T.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 16
Quigley, James A.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 17
Quigley, Thomas
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 18
Quilty, Thomas L.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 19
Quinichett, John H.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 20
Rainey, Julian D.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 21
Reardon, Dennis F.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 22
Reardon, John J.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 23
Reidy, Michael J.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 24
Reilly, Peter A.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 25
Reilly, William A.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 26
Reinhart, Arthur J.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 27
Reth, John W.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 28
Reynolds, George M.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 29
Richardson, Edward M.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 30
Richardson, John S.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 31
Robbins, Catherine A.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 32
Roberts, George W.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 33
Roberts, Isaac L.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 34
Robinson, Frederick A.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 35
Roemer, Edward W.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 36
Romano, Saverio R.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 37
Ronan, William J.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 38
Rooney, Howard F.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 39
Rose, Daniel H.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 40
Rothwell, Bernard J.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 41
Rourke, Joseph A.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 42
Rourke, Louis K.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 43
Ruby, Israel
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 44
Russell, Otis T.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 45
Ryan, Edmond W.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 46
Ryan, Morgan T.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 47
Sandberg, Gustave A.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 48
Sanford, Alpheus
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 49
Santosuosso, Joseph
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 50
Sasserno, Henry A.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 51
Scanlan, William F.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 52
Scannell, David D.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 53
Scannell, Roger F.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 54
Scaramella, Nicholas
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 55
Scharton, William R.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 56
Scully, John T.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 57
Seaver, Augustus
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 58
Sedgwick, Robert M.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 59
Seiberlich, Frank
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 60
Selvitella, Henry
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 61
Shamon, Elias F.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 62
Shanahan, Patrick H.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 63
Shattuck, Henry L.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 64
Shaughnessy, Edward J., Jr.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 65
Shaw, David B.
Reel 28Box 16SH 19PVFolder 66
Sheehan, Carrie F.
Reel 28Box 17SH 19PWFolder 1
Sheehan, John F.
Reel 28Box 17SH 19PWFolder 2
Sheehan, Joseph A.
Reel 28Box 17SH 19PWFolder 3
Sheehan, Thomas J. L.
Reel 28Box 17SH 19PWFolder 4
Sheehy, Edward M.
Reel 28Box 17SH 19PWFolder 5
Sheenan, Frederick M. J.
Reel 28Box 17SH 19PWFolder 6
Sheppard, Sherman S.
Reel 28Box 17SH 19PWFolder 7
Sherwood, Frederick A.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 8
Shields, William D.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 9
Shulman, Sadie L.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 10
Silverman, Samuel
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 11
Silverman, William M.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 12
Simons, Abraham N.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 13
Slattery, Francis E.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 14
Smedile, Bastian
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 15
Smith, Alfred L.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 16
Smith, Earnest E.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 17
Smith, Fitz-Henry, Jr.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 18
Smith, William J.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 19
Sodekson, Nathan S.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 20
Sottili, Salvadore C.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 21
Southard, Louis K.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 22
Spillane, Leo A.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 23
Stone, Elihu D.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 24
Stoneman, David
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 25
Strong, Henry H.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 26
Sullivan, Alexander F.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 27
Sullivan, Alexander M.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 28
Sullivan, Arthur V.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 29
Sullivan, Charles S.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 30
Sullivan, Daniel J.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 31
Sullivan, Edward M.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 32
Sullivan, Frank B.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 33
Sullivan, Henry J.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 34
Sullivan, James E.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 35
Sullivan, John A.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 36
Sullivan, Lewis R.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 37
Sullivan, Michael H.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 38
Sullivan, Patrick J. (Ward 5)
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 39
Sullivan, Patrick J. (Ward 8)
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 40
Sullivan, Stephen C.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 41
Sullivan, Thomas A.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 42
Sullivan, Thomas F.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 43
Sullivan, Ulysses T.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 44
Sullivan, William J.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 45
Sutherland, Albert A.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 46
Sweeney, William D.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 47
Swig, Simon
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 48
Symes, George A.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 49
Tague, Peter F.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 50
Taylor, Charles I.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 51
Thomas, Frank J.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 52
Thompson, Daniel
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 53
Thompson, David
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 54
Thompson, John A.
Reel 29Box 17SH 19PWFolder 55-56
Tinkham, George H.
Reel 30Box 17SH 19PWFolder 57
Tobin, Martin H.
Reel 30Box 17SH 19PWFolder 58
Tobin, Maurice J.
Reel 30Box 17SH 19PWFolder 59
Tomasello, Joseph A.
Reel 30Box 17SH 19PWFolder 60
Toomey, Frank J.
Reel 30Box 17SH 19PWFolder 61
Tremblay, James S.
Reel 30Box 17SH 19PWFolder 62
Twohig, James J.
Reel 30Box 17SH 19PWFolder 63
Vaccaro, George
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 1
Vahey, James H.
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 2
Van Wart, Frank S.
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 3
Vaughan, John W.
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 4
Vinson, Thomas M.
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 5
Voye, William E.
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 6
Wadsworth, Eliot
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 7
Wallace, Edward F.
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 8
Wallace, John E.
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 9
Wallace, Neil J.
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 10
Walsh, David I.
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 11
Walsh, John J.
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 12
Walsh, Joseph P.
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 13
Walsh, Leo D.
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 14
Walsh, Michael J.
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 15
Walsh, Patrick J.
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 16
Walsh, Peter E.
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 17
Walsh, Richard M.
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 18
Walsh, William J.
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 19
Ward, Joseph M.
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 20
Ward, Michael J.
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 21
Ward, William V.
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 22
Wardner, George P.
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 23
Ware, Robert J.
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 24
Warren, Bentley R.
Reel 31Box 18SH 19PXFolder 25-30
Watson, James A. (filmed on Reel 31)
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 31
Weber, Edmund
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 32
Welch, John F.
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 33
Wellington, Alfred E.
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 34
Whalen, William S.
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 35
Wharton, Joseph W.
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 36-37
Whelton, Daniel A.
Reel 30Box 18SH 19PXFolder 38
Whelton, Francis R.
Reel 30Box 19SH 19PYFolder 1
Whipple, Sherman L.
Reel 30Box 19SH 19PYFolder 2
Whiteside, Alexander
Reel 30Box 19SH 19PYFolder 3
Wiesman, Margaret
Reel 30Box 19SH 19PYFolder 4
Willebrandt, Mabel W.
Reel 30Box 19SH 19PYFolder 5
Williams, Charles W. M.
Reel 30Box 19SH 19PYFolder 6
Williams, Frederick M.
Reel 30Box 19SH 19PYFolder 7
Wilson, George E.
Reel 30Box 19SH 19PYFolder 8
Wilson, Harold D.
Reel 30Box 19SH 19PYFolder 9
Wilson, Herbert A.
Reel 30Box 19SH 19PYFolder 10
Wilson, Robert G., Jr.
Reel 30Box 19SH 19PYFolder 11
Winchester, Charles A.
Reel 30Box 19SH 19PYFolder 12
Wood, George O.
Reel 30Box 19SH 19PYFolder 13
Woodford, William J.
Reel 30Box 19SH 19PYFolder 14
Woods, Arthur F.
Reel 30Box 19SH 19PYFolder 15
Woods, William H.
Reel 30Box 19SH 19PYFolder 16
Wragg, Walter E.
Reel 30Box 19SH 19PYFolder 17
Wyche, John E.
Reel 30Box 19SH 19PYFolder 18
Zetterman, Axel E.
Reel 31
Reel 31 contains material about James A. Watson; see above
Box 20SH 19PZ
Candidate files additions, A-F (NOT ON MICROFILM)

II. General records, 1900-1935

This series includes institutional correspondence and other papers, 1903-1935; alphabetical member records, 1903-1933; publication committee records; local government spending records; and ephemera and printed miscellany.

Box 21SH 19Q0
General records, 1903-Nov. 1925
Box 22SH 19Q1
General records, Dec. 1925-1927
Box 23SH 19Q2
General records, 1928-July 1929
Box 24SH 19Q3
General records, Aug. 1929-1930
Box 25SH 19Q4
General records, 1931-Sep. 1932
Box 26SH 19Q5
General records, Oct. 1932-1935; ephemera; printed miscellany
Box 27SH 19Q6
Alphabetical member records, A–J
Box 28SH 19Q7
Alphabetical member records, K–Z
Box 29SH 19Q8
Publication Committee, City Affairs
Box 30SH 19Q9
Monitoring local government spending (carriage records)

III. Financial records, 1900-1933

This series includes both loose financial papers, 1905-1933, and financial volumes, 1901-1933, as well as a record of donations to the organization.

Box 31SH 19QA
Financial records, 1905-1920
Box 32SH 19QB
Financial records, 1921-1933
Box 33SH 19QCFolder 1
Contributions book, 1900-1905
Box 33SH 19QCFolder 2-3
Cash book, 1901-1908
Box 33SH 19QCFolder 4-5
Cash book, 1909-1914
Box 33SH 19QCFolder 6
Cash book, 1914-1919
Box 33SH 19QCFolder 7
Cash book, 1917-1927
Box 34SH 19QDFolder 1
Cash book, 1919-1923
Box 34SH 19QDFolder 2-3
Cash book, 1923-1927
Box 34SH 19QDFolder 4
Cash book, 1928-1933
Box 35SH 19QE
Cash book, 1933
Box 36SH 19QF
Donations book, A-K
Box 37SH 19QG
Donations book, L-Z

IV. Subject files, 1901-1933

Arranged alphabetically in two sequences.

This series contains two subseries of subject files dated mostly 1901-1919 and 1920-1933. The original arrangement of the material by the Good Government Association has been maintained. The files are mainly (but not exclusively) composed of newspaper clippings glued onto boards, slightly larger than 8 1/2 x 14" paper, so that many of the pages have been photocopied and reduced. Also included is loose correspondence, notes, memoranda, pamphlets, and other miscellaneous printed material. Newspaper clippings have been discarded, and only photocopies have been retained with other (non-newspaper) material.

A. Subject files I, 1901-1933; bulk: 1901-1919

Box 38SH 19QHFolder 1
Contents lists/original boxes
Box 38SH 19QHFolder 2
Americanization Committee, 1920-1926
Box 38SH 19QHFolder 3
Appointments, 1911-1912
Box 38SH 19QHFolder 4
Assessing Department, 1906-1920
Box 38SH 19QHFolder 5
Auditor's Office, 1906-1910
Box 38SH 19QHFolder 6
"Boston 1915"
Box 38SH 19QHFolder 7
Boston Common, 1915-1920
Box 38SH 19QHFolder 8-9
Boston Elevated Railroad, 1906-1919
Box 38SH 19QHFolder 10-15
Budget, 1914-1916
Box 39SH 19QIFolder 1-7
Budget, 1916-1918
Box 39SH 19QIFolder 8
Bureau of Municipal Research
Box 39SH 19QIFolder 9-11
Candidates, 1910-1914
Box 39SH 19QIFolder 12
Chamber of Commerce
Box 39SH 19QIFolder 13
Box 40SH 19QJFolder 1-7
Box 40SH 19QJFolder 8-9
Citizens' Municipal League, 1909-1913
Box 40SH 19QJFolder 10-15
City Council campaign, 1911-1915
Box 41SH 19QKFolder 1-13
City Council campaign, 1915-1919
Box 41SH 19QKFolder 14-15
City debt limit, 1911-1923
Box 41SH 19QKFolder 16
City Hall, 1906-1907
Box 42SH 19QLFolder 1-3
Civil Service, 1906-1919
Box 42SH 19QLFolder 4-7
Constitutional Convention, 1917-1918
Box 42SH 19QLFolder 8
Contracts, 1906-1921
Box 42SH 19QLFolder 9
Democratic City Committee
Box 42SH 19QLFolder 10-11
Election Department, 1905-1920
Box 42SH 19QLFolder 12-13
Fenway case, 1905-1907
Box 42SH 19QLFolder 14-16
Finance Commission, 1906-1919
Box 42SH 19QLFolder 17-20
Fire Department, 1905-1919
Box 43SH 19QMFolder 1-2
Fire Department
Box 43SH 19QMFolder 3
Box 43SH 19QMFolder 4
Good Government Association, 1915-1922
Box 43SH 19QMFolder 5
Greater Boston, 1919
Box 43SH 19QMFolder 6
Infirmary Department
Box 43SH 19QMFolder 7-10
Lighting (city), 1906-1921
Box 43SH 19QMFolder 11-12
Lighting (street)
Box 43SH 19QMFolder 13-19
Mayoralty campaign, 1917
Box 44SH 19QNFolder 1-3
Park and Recreation Department, 1914-1920
Box 44SH 19QNFolder 4-5
Payrolls, 1905-1914
Box 44SH 19QNFolder 6-8
Penal institutions, 1915-1920
Box 44SH 19QNFolder 9
Pension Department, 1910-1912
Box 44SH 19QNFolder 10-14
Police Department, 1903-1924
Box 44SH 19QNFolder 15-16
Police strike, 1919
Box 45SH 19QPFolder 1-3
Police strike, 1919-1921
Box 45SH 19QPFolder 4-6
Political advertising, 1909-1922
Box 45SH 19QPFolder 7
Public Buildings Department, 1905-1917
Box 45SH 19QPFolder 8-15
Public Works Department, 1909-1919
Box 45SH 19QPFolder 16-17
Redistricting, 1914-1916
Box 46SH 19QQFolder 1
Redistricting, 1914-1918
Box 46SH 19QQFolder 2-4
School Department, 1905-1919
Box 46SH 19QQFolder 5
State Finance Commission, 1906-1926
Box 46SH 19QQFolder 6
Supply Department, 1907-1919
Box 46SH 19QQFolder 7-11
Taxes, 1906-1919
Box 46SH 19QQFolder 12
Traffic, 1916-1919
Box 46SH 19QQFolder 13
Zoning, 1922-1933
Box 46SH 19QQFolder 14
Index to old boxes

B. Subject files II, 1904-1933; bulk: 1920-1933

Box 47SH 19QRFolder 1
Accounting system
Box 47SH 19QRFolder 2-3
Airport, 1921-1933
Box 47SH 19QRFolder 4
Appointments, 1912-1933
Box 47SH 19QRFolder 5
Appropriation Limits Bill, 1933
Box 47SH 19QRFolder 6
Assessing Department, 1920-1933
Box 47SH 19QRFolder 7
Auditor Department, 1918-1932
Box 47SH 19QRFolder 8
Auditorium, 1927-1932
Box 47SH 19QRFolder 9
Automobile insurance, 1930-1932
Box 47SH 19QRFolder 10
Automobile rental, 1931
Box 47SH 19QRFolder 11
Baldwin Place Synagogue, graft probe, 1922-1923
Box 47SH 19QRFolder 12-14
Baseball scandal, 1928-1929
Box 47SH 19QRFolder 15-16
Boston Charter, 1920-1933
Box 47SH 19QRFolder 17-21
Boston Charter Association, 1911-1912
Box 48SH 19QS
Boston Charter Association, 1912-Mar. 1920
Box 49SH 19QT
Boston Charter Association, Apr. 1920-June 1924
Box 50SH 19QUFolder 1-7
Boston Charter Association, Sep. 1924-1928
Box 50SH 19QUFolder 8-10
Boston Charter revision, 1923-1933
Box 50SH 19QUFolder 11
Boston City Hospital, 1928
Box 50SH 19QUFolder 12
Boston Common, 1920-1932
Box 50SH 19QUFolder 13
Boston Elevated stock speculation, 1921
Box 50SH 19QUFolder 14
Boston League of Women Voters, 1921-1930
Box 50SH 19QUFolder 15
Boston Port Development Company, 1931
Box 50SH 19QUFolder 16
Boston Real Estate Exchange, 1927-1933
Box 50SH 19QUFolder 17
Boston Relief Fund, 1932-1933
Box 50SH 19QUFolder 18
Boston Research Bureau, 1931-1933
Box 50SH 19QUFolder 19
Boston Tercentenary Commission, 1923-1930
Box 50SH 19QUFolder 20-23
Budget, 1919-1933
Box 50SH 19QUFolder 24
Buildings, 1921-1933
Box 51SH 19QVFolder 1
Cambridge Street, 1923-1924
Box 51SH 19QVFolder 2
Cartoons, 1930-1933
Box 51SH 19QVFolder 3
Cemetery Act, 1933
Box 51SH 19QVFolder 4
Censorship, 1930-1933
Box 51SH 19QVFolder 5
Census, 1920-1933
Box 51SH 19QVFolder 6
Chamber of Commerce, 1931-1933
Box 51SH 19QVFolder 7
Charles River Basin, 1929-1931
Box 51SH 19QVFolder 8
City Affairs and Your Business (publications), 1922-1930
Box 51SH 19QVFolder 9-28
City Council & city elections, 1904-1933
Box 52SH 19QWFolder 1-6
City Council & city elections, 1927-1931
Box 52SH 19QWFolder 7
City debt, 1919-1933
Box 52SH 19QWFolder 8-9
City finances, 1917-1933
Box 52SH 19QWFolder 10-11
City Hall, 1920-1933
Box 52SH 19QWFolder 12
City manager plan
Box 52SH 19QWFolder 13-14
City planning, 1923-1933
Box 52SH 19QWFolder 15
City Record
Box 52SH 19QWFolder 16
Civic Center, 1930-1931
Box 52SH 19QWFolder 17
Civil Service Commission, 1915-1933
Box 52SH 19QWFolder 18
Claims (civil suits), 1930-1933
Box 52SH 19QWFolder 19-20
Columbus Park scandal, 1924-1930
Box 52SH 19QWFolder 21
Commercial, Industrial, and Publicity Bureau, 1930-1933
Box 52SH 19QWFolder 22-24
Contracts, 1930-1931
Box 53SH 19QXFolder 1-3
Contracts, 1922-1933
Box 53SH 19QXFolder 4
Court House, 1922-1932
Box 53SH 19QXFolder 5
Courts, 1930-1933
Box 53SH 19QXFolder 6
Democratic City Committee, 1921-1933
Box 53SH 19QXFolder 7
Democratic State Committee, 1930
Box 53SH 19QXFolder 8
District attorney investigations, 1921-1926
Box 53SH 19QXFolder 9
Dock Square, 1926-1930
Box 53SH 19QXFolder 10
Dorchester Brokers' Association, 1931
Box 53SH 19QXFolder 11
East Boston Strandway
Box 53SH 19QXFolder 12-15
East Boston Tunnel, 1925-1933
Box 53SH 19QXFolder 16-17
Election Department, 1920-1933
Box 53SH 19QXFolder 18-20
Elevated Railway, 1919-1933
Box 53SH 19QXFolder 21
Employment, 1917-1933
Box 53SH 19QXFolder 22
Equal Tax League, 1932-1933
Box 54SH 19QYFolder 1-4
Exchange Street widening, 1926-1929
Box 54SH 19QYFolder 5
Exhibits, 1931-1932
Box 54SH 19QYFolder 6
Fare Bill (elevated railway), 1922
Box 54SH 19QYFolder 7
Ferry service, 1929-1933
Box 54SH 19QYFolder 8-10
Finance Commission, 1919-1933
Box 54SH 19QYFolder 11-14
Fire Department, 1916-1933
Box 54SH 19QYFolder 15
General Court, 1931
Box 54SH 19QYFolder 16-17
General government, 1921-1933
Box 54SH 19QYFolder 18-19
Good Government Association, 1916-1930
Box 55SH 19QZFolder 1
Good Government Association, 1930-1933
Box 55SH 19QZFolder 2
Greater Boston, 1920-1932
Box 55SH 19QZFolder 3-4
Health Department, 1922-1933
Box 55SH 19QZFolder 5
Hospital Department, 1920-1933
Box 55SH 19QZFolder 7
Income tax exemption, 1923
Box 55SH 19QZFolder 6
Industrial Bank and Trust Co.
Box 55SH 19QZFolder 8
Initiative and referendum provisions
Box 55SH 19QZFolder 12
Institutions Department, 1920-1933
Box 55SH 19QZFolder 9
International Peace Congress, 1904
Box 55SH 19QZFolder 10
Jury system, 1922-1923
Box 55SH 19QZFolder 11
Ku Klux Klan
Box 55SH 19QZFolder 13
Land takings, 1926-1933
Box 55SH 19QZFolder 14
Law Department, 1918-1933
Box 55SH 19QZFolder 15
Legislature, 1932-1933
Box 55SH 19QZFolder 16
Library, 1925-1933
Box 55SH 19QZFolder 17
License and permits, 1931-1933
Box 55SH 19QZFolder 18-19
Loans, 1921-1933
Box 55SH 19QZFolder 20
Loyal Coalition flag, 1920-1923
Box 55SH 19QZFolder 21
Markets, 1930-1933
Box 55SH 19QZFolder 22
Massachusetts Real Estate Owners Association, 1931-1933
Box 55SH 19QZFolder 23
Massachusetts Tax Association, 1932
Box 56SH 19R0
Mayoralty campaign, 1920-1929
Box 57SH 19R1Folder 1-11
Mayoralty campaign, 1929-1933
Box 57SH 19R1Folder 12
Meters (water), 1929-1930
Box 57SH 19R1Folder 13-14
Metropolitan Boston, 1924-1932
Box 57SH 19R1Folder 15
Metropolitan Planning Commission, 1923-1933
Box 57SH 19R1Folder 16
Miscellaneous, 1931
Box 57SH 19R1Folder 17-18
New England States Century of Progress Exposition, 1930-1931
Box 57SH 19R1Folder 19
Noise, 1933
Box 57SH 19R1Folder 20
North Station project, 1927
Box 57SH 19R1Folder 21
Omnibus lines, 1924-1929
Box 57SH 19R1Folder 22
Parks Department, 1916-1933
Box 57SH 19R1Folder 23
Pay-as-you-go policy, 1931
Box 57SH 19R1Folder 24
Penal institutions, 1924-1933
Box 57SH 19R1Folder 25
Pension Department, 1920-1933
Box 58SH 19R2Folder 1
Box 58SH 19R2Folder 2
Pickwick Club disaster, 1925
Box 58SH 19R2Folder 3
Plain Talkmagazine, 1929-1930
Box 58SH 19R2Folder 4-9
Police, 1920-1933
Box 58SH 19R2Folder 10
Port of Boston, 1930-1933
Box 58SH 19R2Folder 11
Post Office, 1922-1933
Box 58SH 19R2Folder 12
Prado (North End)
Box 58SH 19R2Folder 13
Printing Department, 1930-1933
Box 58SH 19R2Folder 14-24
Proportional representation, 1922
Box 59SH 19R3
Proportional representation, 1923-1924
Box 60SH 19R4Folder 1-10
Proportional representation, 1925-1933
Box 60SH 19R4Folder 11
Public Buildings Department, 1918-1933
Box 60SH 19R4Folder 12
Public celebrations, 1925-1933
Box 60SH 19R4Folder 13
Public health
Box 60SH 19R4Folder 14-15
Public utilities, 1921-1931
Box 60SH 19R4Folder 16-19
Public welfare, 1925-1933
Box 60SH 19R4Folder 20-24
Public Works Department, 1920-1933
Box 61SH 19R5Folder 1-3
Public Works Department, 1924-1933
Box 61SH 19R5Folder 4
Recreation, 1933
Box 61SH 19R5Folder 5
Redistricting, 1931
Box 61SH 19R5Folder 6
Referenda, 1924-1930
Box 61SH 19R5Folder 7
Reorganization of GGA, 1921-1928
Box 61SH 19R5Folder 8
Republican City Committee, 1932-1933
Box 61SH 19R5Folder 9
Salaries (municipal), 1920-1933
Box 61SH 19R5Folder 10
Sale of property, 1930-1932
Box 61SH 19R5Folder 11
Sanitary Service, 1926-1933
Box 61SH 19R5Folder 12-14
School Committee, 1925-1933
Box 61SH 19R5Folder 15-19
School Department, 1920-1933
Box 61SH 19R5Folder 20
Schoolhouse Commission, 1925-1933
Box 61SH 19R5Folder 21
Soldiers' Relief Department
Box 61SH 19R5Folder 22
State Board of Tax Appeals
Box 61SH 19R5Folder 23
State election laws
Box 61SH 19R5Folder 24
State Finance Commission
Box 61SH 19R5Folder 25
State House
Box 61SH 19R5Folder 26-29
Streets, 1914-1933
Box 61SH 19R5Folder 30
Street Commission, 1924-1933
Box 61SH 19R5Folder 31
Street Laying Out Department, 1925-1931
Box 62SH 19R6Folder 1
Street signs, 1924-1927
Box 62SH 19R6Folder 2
Street widening
Box 62SH 19R6Folder 3
Stuart Street, 1921-1922
Box 62SH 19R6Folder 4
Suffolk County, 1921-1931
Box 62SH 19R6Folder 5
Supply Department, 1920-1933
Box 62SH 19R6Folder 6-11
Taxes, 1907-1933
Box 62SH 19R6Folder 12-13
Tax Limit, 1922-1933
Box 62SH 19R6Folder 14
Taxi stands, 1929-1933
Box 62SH 19R6Folder 15
Thoroughfare plan, 1925-1931
Box 62SH 19R6Folder 16-18
Traffic Commission, 1920-1933
Box 62SH 19R6Folder 19
Transit Board, 1920-1933
Box 62SH 19R6Folder 20
Treasury Department, 1921-1931
Box 62SH 19R6Folder 21
Treasury scandal (J. A. Daly), 1921
Box 62SH 19R6Folder 22
Trust funds, 1920-1932
Box 62SH 19R6Folder 23
Tunnels, 1921-1929
Box 63SH 19R7Folder 1
Voting machines
Box 63SH 19R7Folder 2
Ward lines, 1924-1925
Box 63SH 19R7Folder 3-4
Water Department, 1920-1932
Box 63SH 19R7Folder 5
White Fund, 1922-1933
Box 63SH 19R7Folder 6
"Whitewash," 1931
Box 63SH 19R7Folder 7
Young's Hotel, 1933
Box 63SH 19R7Folder 8
"Temporary clipping file," undated and 1930-1933
Box 63SH 19R7Folder 9-13
Clipping index, 1920-1933

V. Miscellaneous papers, 1908-1936

This series consists of two sets of papers filed separately by the Good Government Association. Included is correspondence of Lincoln Steffens, who was hired by the Executive Committee to research and report on the political situation in Boston. His report (in book form) was not published, but some controversy regarding the report surfaced in 1931 when Steffens published his autobiography, which contained references to his investigations. This series also contains manuscripts, typescripts, and notes of George Nutter for a history of the Good Government Association.

Box 63SH 19R7Folder 14-21
Lincoln Steffens correspondence, 1908-1915, 1931
Box 64SH 19R8
George Nutter's papers, from Charles Nutter, 1933-1936

VI. Scrapbooks, 1900-1933

These scrapbooks, which contain newspapers clippings and other printed material, have been photocopied and boxed using the volume numbers supplied by the Good Government Association. (Vols. 1a, 2a, and 3a were not numbered by the association.) The original scrapbooks have been discarded due to the poor condition of the newspaper clippings.

Box 65SH 19R9Vol. 1
General clippings, 1900-1903
Box 65SH 19R9Vol. 2
General clippings, 1904-1905
Box 65SH 19R9Vol. 3
Citizens' movement; Louis A. Frothingham, 1905
Box 65SH 19R9Vol. 4
Mayor John F. Fitzgerald, 1907-1908
Box 65SH 19R9Vol. 5
Censorship, traffic, 1911-1916
Box 66SH 19RAVol. 6
John F. Fitzgerald, Susan W. Fitzgerald, School Committee election, 1911-1913
Box 66SH 19RAVol. 7
Fire codes, fire stations, transit, 1911-1915
Box 66SH 19RAVol. 8
"Boston 1915" movement, city water use, 1909-1912
Box 66SH 19RAVol. 9
Boston Charter, miscellaneous topics, 1909
Box 67SH 19RBVol. 10
Boston Charter, 1909
Box 67SH 19RBVol. 11
Boston Charter, 1909
Box 68SH 1A7TVol. 12
Boston Charter, Election Department, 1907-1913
Box 68SH 1A7TVol. 13
Boston Charter, 1914-1915
Box 68SH 1A7TVol. 14
Charter Association, 1910-1914
Box 69SH 1A7UVol. 15
Charter Referendum, 1909
Box 69SH 1A7UVol. 16
City Council, 1911-1915
Box 70SH 1A7VVol. 17
City lighting, Bridge Department, 1906-1914
Box 70SH 1A7VVol. 18
City lighting, 1912-1915
Box 71SH 1A7WVol. 19
Civil service, School Department, 1909-1916
Box 71SH 1A7WVol. 20
Finance Commission, 1906-1914
Box 71SH 1A7WVol. 21
Finance Commission, 1914-1917
Box 72SH 1A7XVol. 22
Waste disposal, 1911-1915
Box 72SH 1A7XVol. 23
Miscellaneous GGA clippings, 1903-1916
Box 72SH 1A7XVol. 24
Miscellaneous GGA clippings, 1905-1913
Box 72SH 1A7XVol. 25
Hospital, Health, Fire Departments, 1906-1916
Box 73SH 1A7YVol. 26
Health Department, 1913-1919
Box 73SH 1A7YVol. 27
Mayoralty campaign (1), 1913
Box 74SH 1A7ZVol. 28
Mayoralty campaign (2), 1913-1914
Box 74SH 1A7ZVol. 29
Mayoralty campaign (3), 1914
Box 74SH 1A7ZVol. 30
Mayoralty campaign (4), 1914
Box 75SH 1A80Vol. 31
Parks Department (including zoo), bath houses, 1907-1914
Box 75SH 1A80Vol. 32
Sewer Department, Public Buildings Department, 1906-1915
Box 75SH 1A80Vol. 33
Public Buildings Department, 1912-1916
Box 76SH 1A81Vol. 34
Schools, 1911-1917
Box 76SH 1A81Vol. 35
State House affairs, 1906-1908
Box 77SH 1A82Vol. 36
State House affairs, 1908-1910
Box 77SH 1A82Vol. 37
Streets, 1907-1915
Box 78SH 1A83Vol. 38
Streets, 1915-1916
Box 78SH 1A83Vol. 39
Waste disposal, 1907-1915
Box 78SH 1A83Vol. A
Ward Committee correspondence, 1905-1908
Box 79SH 1A84Vol. B
Candidate information brochures, 1901-1905
Box 79SH 1A84Vol. C
Candidate information brochures, 1906-1916
Box 80SH 1A85Vol. D
Candidate information brochures, 1918-1933
Box 80SH 1A85Vol. E
Campaign literature and circulars, 1914-1916
Box 80SH 1A85Vol. 1a
GGA publications and circulars, 1903-1907
Box 81SH 1A86Vol. 2a
GGA publications and circulars, 1908-1912
Box 81SH 1A86Vol. 3a
GGA publications and circulars, 1913-1930
Box 81SH 1A86
Loose materials found on shelves near scrapbooks, miscellaneous topics, undated, 1903

Preferred Citation

Good Government Association records, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Collins, Patrick A. (Patrick Andrew), 1844-1905.
Curley, James Michael, 1874-1958.
Fitzgerald, John Francis, 1863-1950.
Lomasney, Martin Michael, 1859-1933.
Nutter, George R. (George Read), 1863-1937.


Boston Charter Association.
Boston (Mass.). Finance Commission.


Account books--1906-1928.
Boston (Mass.)--Appropriations and expenditures.
Boston (Mass.)--Buildings, structures, etc.
Boston (Mass.)--Economic conditions.
Boston (Mass.)--Politics and government--20th century.
Campaign literature--Massachusetts.
Elections--Massachusetts--History--20th century.
Municipal charters--Massachusetts--Boston.

Materials Removed from the Collection

Photographs from this collection have been removed to the Good Government Association photographs (unprocessed) (Photo. Coll. 500.92).