1637-1931; bulk: 1860-1890

Guide to the Collection

Collection Summary


This collection consists of records of Hingham, Mass. related to town 以及1637年至1931年与兴厄姆个人和家庭有关的文件.

Historical Sketch

The town of Hingham, Mass. was founded in 1633 and incorporated in 1635.

所罗门·林肯(1804-1881)是一名律师,马萨诸塞州法院的代表 1829年和1841年,他是1830年至1831年的州参议员,也是波士顿韦伯斯特银行的总裁, 1869-1876. 他的儿子弗朗西斯·亨利·林肯(Francis Henry Lincoln, 1846-1911)是兴厄姆的一位房地产经纪人.


莱曼B. Whiton (b. 1834) was a captain in the 3rd Regiment, Massachusetts Heavy 炮兵.

Collection Description

This collection consists of records of Hingham, Mass. related to town business, 1637-1931. 包括城镇记录、权证、合同、契约、请愿书、信件、测绘地图 还有报告,税单,军队名册,财务记录和收据. The bulk of the 收藏时间从1860年到1890年,当时司库和委员们的活动尤为活跃 well documented.

Early records include a book of minutes of town transactions, 1642-1651; comparative data related to town meeting agendas, 1669-1684; and official reports of highway rights of way and 建筑、治安令状、城镇命令、传票、证词、契约和文件 pertaining to land grants, 1665-1700. Much of this material may have been created or collected 丹尼尔·库欣(Daniel Cushing, 1619-1689)于1669年至1689年担任兴厄姆镇的书记,以及其他成员 the Cushing family. 殖民时期的文件包括1756-1759年的征兵名册,以及 land deeds of the Hingham, Cohasset, and Scituate areas. Tables and lists used for computing town and county taxes date from 1768, 1779, 1788, and 1796-1899. Nineteenth-century town papers include citizens' petitions to the selectman for 1831-1894; town statements of expenditures, 1829-1862; and contracts for buildings and roads, 1844-1870, including a full file related to 兴安-昆西收费公路和大桥的建设(1862-1870年).

有关兴厄姆在1862-1885年内战中所扮演角色的文件,包括来自美国联邦调查局的指令 联邦和州一级的征兵,征兵配额,通行证,逮捕逃兵, 退伍军人援助,以及市政委员和副官威廉·舒勒将军之间的通信. 还包括有关穷人监督者,1864年和国家委员会的文件 慈善事业,1880年,以及大量的收据收集到镇支付服务 and goods, 1870-1888.

除了官方记录外,收藏中还包括与兴厄姆有关的文件 个人和家庭可能是由林肯家族的成员收集来出版的 history of Hingham. 最重要的贡献者是乔治·林肯,他编纂了两卷 of Hingham family genealogies. Included in his papers are notes, correspondence, scrapbooks, and reminiscences, 1837-1907.

所罗门·林肯的文件,1841-1878,包括有关他的法律实践和 丽迪雅·巴斯(1850-1857)和纳撒尼尔·尼克尔斯(1813-1861)的财产解决. 在他的 分别是凯莱布·库欣(1841年)、丹尼尔·韦伯斯特(1841年)、约翰·兰登·西布里(1861年)和 Charles Francis Adams, 1878. Also included are letters pertaining to the Soldiers and Sailors Monument at Hingham, 1869-1870; notices related to Solomon Lincoln's political activities; and certificates of membership and deeds. Papers of his son Francis H. Lincoln include notes on his education; correspondence as chairman of the school committee, 1879-1881; and manuscripts of 1884年至1886年在兴厄姆的历史学会和一神论学会发表演讲.

林肯家族文件包括与大卫·林肯的财产有关的文件 (1668-1714), 1715; David Lincoln, Jr. (1695-1756), 1762-1799; and Joshua Felton Lincoln (1794-1812), 1814. Correspondence and reports on the disputed settlement of Rev. 约瑟夫 Richardson as minister of the First Parish date from 1804 to 1808. Deeds and correspondence of Levi Lincoln, Jr. include a letter from Sydney Howard Gay in 1861 about Rev. Ebenezer Gay's views on Unitarianism.

收藏中的其他兴厄姆家族还包括托马斯·安德鲁斯家族 (1663-1727). 安德鲁斯的论文由1699年至1740年的文件组成,与他的定居点有关 father's estate; deeds; correspondence with his brother Rev. Jedediah Andrews; and papers 与他的孙子托马斯(1760-1821)(1821-1852)的财产有关. Bates family papers include excerpts from a journal of Caleb Bates, 1700-1713; a will; and an inventory of property, 1793-1797. 威廉戴维斯的文件包括信件和委托,1854年至1884年. Leavitt family 1699年至1863年的文件中,包括约书亚·莱维特的早期地契和有关 estate of John Leavitt, 1838. Loring family papers include a personal property contract between 本杰明·洛林和黛博拉·库欣1726年结婚时的照片,以及一份记录 1770-1790年艾布纳·洛林商店的一般商品总账. Papers of Thomas Herman 其中包括1860-1922年间的家庭信件、账目、笔记本和日记. Papers of Capt. 莱曼B. Whiton (b. 1834年),1863年至1864年,记录了他在贝瑞堡和理查森堡的服务 Virginia with the 3rd Regiment of Massachusetts Heavy 炮兵. The collection also contains 乔治·莱恩的文件,1799-1801年,包括信件、收据和与他有关的账目 shipping interests and participation in the slave trade.

Papers related to the United States Sanitary Commission, 1862-1866, include forms; a list of subscribers to the Ware Fund compiled by Frederick N. Knapp in 1864; letters to Knapp describing relief of the wounded written by John Strong Newberry at Louisville, Kentucky, in 1865; and letters from Frederick Law Olmsted regarding meetings in 1866.

该收藏还包括乔治·海兰德的日记和自传笔记, 1869年至1922年,内森·莱斯百货公司销售商品的账目和分类账, 1783年至1795年,以及1792年至1794年、1805年至1806年和1833年至1841年在亨利·塞克斯特父子公司. Also included is a commonplace-book kept by Rev. 约瑟夫 Richardson in 1801 and genealogies of the families of Lincoln, Thaxter, and West.

Acquisition Information

Gift of Frances Foley, Hingham, Mass., February 1969.

Box List to the Collection

I. Loose papers, 1637-1931

Arranged chronologically.

Undated papers
1865-May 1870
1870年6月- 2月. 1873
3月. 1873年8月. 1875
9月. 1875 - 4月. 1877
1877年5月- 10月. 1878
11月. 1878年2月. 1880
3月. 1880-June 1883
July 1883-1885
Genealogy, town history, and printed material, undated
Oversize material

II. 卷, 1642-1922

Arranged chronologically.

卷. 1
Town records, 1642-1651
卷. 2
Account book, 1770-1788
卷. 3
Nathan Rice account book, 1783-1795
卷. 4
Account book, 1792-1794
卷. 5
约瑟夫 Richardson writing book, 1801
卷. 6
Account book, 1805-1806
卷. 7
爱德华。 & Henry Thaxter ledger, 1833-1840
卷. 8
Account book, 1834-1843
卷. 9
George Lincoln account book, 1837-1858
卷. 10
George Hyland diary, 1869-1922
卷. 11
纳撒尼尔·W. 把书, 1871-1880
卷. 12-13
George Lincoln scrapbooks, 1873-1896
卷. 14-15
George Lincoln scrapbooks, undated
卷. 16
Thomas Lincoln & some of his descendants, undated
卷. 17-19
Receipt book, 1879-1880
卷. 20-22
剪贴簿, 1892-1896
卷. 23-25
George Lincoln scrapbook, 1897-1899
卷. 26-27
George Lincoln scrapbook, 1900-1902
卷. 28-30
George Lincoln scrapbook, 1903-1905

Preferred Citation

Hingham (质量.)记录, Massachusetts Historical Society.


This collection is indexed under the following headings in 阿比盖尔, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, 组织或主题应该使用这些标题搜索目录.


Adams, Charles Francis, 1835-1915.
Choate, Rufus, 1799-1859.
Cushing, Caleb, 1800-1879.
Foley, Mason A.
Gay, Sydney Howard, 1814-1888.
Hyland, George, 1854-
Lincoln, George, 1822-1909.
Lincoln, Solomon, 1804-1881.
Long, John Davis, 1838-1915.
Olmsted, Frederick Law, 1822-1903.
Richardson, 约瑟夫, 1778-1871.
Schouler, William, 1814-1872.
Sibley, John Langdon, 1804-1885.
Whiton, 莱曼B., 1834-


United States. 军队. Massachusetts Heavy 炮兵 Regiment, 3rd (1861-1864).
United States Sanitary Commission.


Account books.
Hingham (质量.)——历史.
Hingham (质量.)——地图.
Real property--Massachusetts--Hingham.
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Muster 卷.
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Personal 叙述.
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Regimental histories--Massachusetts 炮兵 (Heavy), 3rd 卷unteers.