
Guide to the Collection

Collection Summary


This collection consists of papers of Samuel P. Savage of Boston and Weston, Mass. 以及萨维奇、海沃德和肖家族的成员.

Biographical Sketches

阿瑟·萨维奇船长(1680-1735)是一名船长,于1710年与费斯·菲利普斯(1690-1775)结婚. 他们的孩子包括亚瑟(1731-1801)和萨缪尔·菲利普斯·萨维奇(1718-1797). Samuel P. 萨维奇是马萨诸塞州波士顿和韦斯顿的商人., farmer, Boston selectman, and judge, who 第一任妻子萨拉·泰勒,第二任妻子芭丝谢芭·约翰斯顿(1725-1792),第三任妻子玛丽 Meserve.

Dr. Samuel Savage (1748-1831) of Barnstable, Mass., the son of Samuel P. Savage and Sara (Tyler) Savage, married Hope Doane. Among the children of Dr. Samuel and Hope (Doane) Savage were: Samuel (1779-1800); Charles (1785-1840); John (b. 1789); Hope (1793-1879), who was the second wife of Lemuel Shaw (1781-1861); and William Henry (1782-1839), who married Adelaide Hay in 1826.

威廉·亨利·萨维奇和阿德莱德·海·萨维奇的孩子包括塞缪尔·海·萨维奇 (1827-1901) and Henry Savage (1804-1882).

Dr. 莱缪尔·海沃德(1748-1821)娶了莎拉·萨维奇(托马斯的女儿)和他们的孩子 包括一个女儿苏珊娜,她嫁给了牧师. Oakes Shaw; son Caleb; and son Joseph H. Hayward, who married Mary May Davenport. Joseph H. and Mary May (Davenport) Hayward had a 嫁给塞缪尔·海·萨维奇的女儿凯瑟琳(1827-1901).

邵氏家族成员的代表在这个og体育官网包括牧师. Oakes Shaw, who married Susanna Hayward, the sister of Caleb Hayward. 他们的儿子是已婚的莱缪尔·肖(1781-1861) (2nd) Hope Savage, the daughter of Dr. Samuel Savage. Their sons were Lemuel Shaw, Jr. (1828-1894) and Samuel Shaw.


For a full Savage family genealogy, see The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, vols. 66-68.

Collection Description

这个合集的早期文件与亚瑟·萨维奇的商业和法律事务有关, 1708-1734. 文件中包括了有关Mrs. Elizabeth Savage, 1708-1709, Samuel Phillips, 1729, and Henry Phillips, 1732-1733; an arbitration decree issued by Thomas 哈钦森和约翰·阿尔福德讲述了萨维奇、约翰·奥尔顿和科尼利厄斯之间的争论 Waldo over the ownership of the Province Galley; and accounts of 货物由伦敦出口代理理查德·帕特里奇运送,主要是葡萄干, 1731-1734.

塞缪尔·菲利普斯·萨维奇的文件包括收据、账目、发票、契约和 og体育平台商业、法律和司法事务的信件,1740-1789年. A considerable portion of 这些文件与战争委员会有关,由萨维奇领导,从1776年到1781年,包括 粮食、法令、服装供应和运输的账目. Letters from Nantes 供应商包括对有兴趣加入美国事业的个人的建议. 在这一时期特别令人感兴趣的项目包括:以色列·惠特莫尔的收集行动 向马萨诸塞州坎布里奇市提供和运输大炮的费用. in 1775, Apr. 1777; a letter from 詹姆斯·鲍登描述桥水机器设计师的大炮钻孔技术 Maresquelles, 29 May 1777; an urgent appeal from Richard Devens to Alexander Shepard to supply firearms to Boston, 30 July 1777; and Samuel Otis's order to Savage for teams to meet the emergency, 1 Aug. 1777. Correspondents include Caleb Hopkins, Samuel A. Otis, James Sullivan, James Warren, Jr.Jonathan Williams和法国供应商Penet Da Costa Freres Co .. of Nantes.

萨维奇家族的通信包括威廉写给他父亲的信 在牙买加的生活(1786年至1790年),从塞缪尔到他的父母,当时他在牙买加做出口代理 Jamaica and Surinam, 1785-1799. 其他来自西印度群岛的家庭成员包括以利沙 多恩·萨维奇,1803年,查尔斯·萨维奇,1817-1839年. Charles primarily wrote to his sister Hope (野蛮人)肖来自西印度群岛,中美洲和路易斯安那州,在那里他描述了他的 周边商品及航运业务,包括轮船的购买 Livingston in 1839. Correspondence of Samuel Hay Savage with Lemuel Shaw家族的成员,1840-1885,讨论他作为出口的商业活动 墨西哥坦皮科、圣萨尔瓦多、危地马拉桑索纳特的商人.

萧氏家族的信件包括小莱缪尔·萧氏的早期信件. while attending school at Northborough, Mass.以及他写给萨缪尔·海·萨维奇的og体育平台家庭新闻的信件,包括他的 妹妹伊丽莎白在1847年嫁给赫尔曼·梅尔维尔. Elizabeth (Shaw) Melville describes her wedding in a letter to Samuel in Sep. 1847. Letters of J. C. Sharp also contain information on 1849年在纽约拜访梅尔维尔一家时,包括梅尔维尔的工作习惯 and the production of his volume Redburn. Correspondence of 1863-1885年是亨利·萨维奇向美国索赔的时期.S. government for his 1830年至1833年在危地马拉和圣萨尔瓦多担任代理领事.

Acquisition Information

这些藏品的一部分是在1972年12月通过购买获得的,其余的是礼物 of Mrs. Langford Warren, Cohasset, Mass., December 1972.

Box List to the Collection

Box 1
Samuel P. Savage papers V, 1714-1904

Preferred Citation

Samuel P. 萨维奇论文V,马萨诸塞州历史学会.

Access Terms

这个og体育官网在下列标题下进行索引 ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 研究人员需要有关相关人员的资料; 组织或主题应该使用这些标题搜索目录.


Hayward family.
Hayward, Sarah.
Melville, Elizabeth Shaw, 1822-1906.
Melville family.
Melville, Herman, 1819-1891.
Savage, Arthur, 1680-1735.
Savage family.
Savage family--Genealogy.
Savage, Samuel Hay, 1827-1901.
Shaw family.
Shaw, Hope Savage, 1793-1879.
Shaw, Lemuel, 1781-1861.


Good Fortune (Ship).
Massachusetts. Board of War.


Guatemala--Description and travel.
Inventories of decedents' estates.
马萨诸塞州——历史——革命,1775-1783——设备和 supplies.

Materials Removed from the Collection

照片从这个og体育官网已经被移到萨维奇的家庭照片(图. Coll. 206).