1599-1962; bulk: 1836-1919

Guide to the Collection

Collection Summary


This collection contains the papers of the Garrison family and their extended Anthony and Ritchie families. The bulk of the material is from George Thompson Garrison and John Ritchie. Included are letters, personal and professional papers, financial and business records, travel material, diaries, news clippings, writings, poetry, legal documents, autograph collections, scrapbooks, business ledgers, and material relating to the 54th and 55th Massachusetts Regiments during and after the Civil War.

Biographical Sketches

Garrison Family

William Lloyd Garrison (1805-1879) was born 10 December 1805 in Newburyport, Mass. to Abijah Garrison and Frances Maria Lloyd Garrison. In 1818, he began an apprenticeship at the Herald newspaper in Newburyport; over time he also began writing articles for the paper. He briefly started his own paper, after which he worked at various papers in Massachusetts, Vermont, and Maryland before accepting a position in 1829 for abolitionist Benjamin Lundy's Genius of Universal Emancipation. In 1831, he established the anti-slavery newspaper The Liberator in Boston. William also founded the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, later the American Anti-Slavery Society, which called for the complete abolition of slavery. He also used his platform to advocate for women's rights. Following the abolition of slavery, Garrison closed The Liberator and stepped down from his position as president of the American Anti-Slavery Society. He continued to advocate for social reform, chiefly Black civil rights and woman's suffrage, for the rest of his life, through writing and speaking events. In 1834, he married Helen Eliza Benson (1811-1876), the daughter of George Benson and Sarah Thurber Benson of Rhode Island. The couple had seven children: George Thompson (1836-1904), William Lloyd, Jr. (1838-1909), Wendell Phillips (1840-1907), Charles Follen (1842-1849), Helen Frances (1844-1928), Elizabeth Pease (1846-1848), and Francis Jackson (1848-1916).

George Thompson Garrison (1836-1904) was born 13 February 1836, the eldest child of William Lloyd Garrison and Helen Eliza Benson Garrison. After attending schools in Boston and Northampton, Mass., George was sent to Hopedale Home School in Hopedale, Mass. from 1850-1852. There he boarded with the family of William Henry Fish. While attending school, he was part of a group of students who established a school newspaper called the Diamond, which ran from 1851-1852. From 1851-1854, George also worked in the Danvers, Mass. law office of Adam F. Clark. After he returned to Boston, he started work as an assistant to James Manning Winchell Yerrinton at his father's newspaper The Liberator from 1855-1857. In April of 1857, George left for Nininger, Minnesota. He shared a room with his friend from Hopedale, William Baylies Reed, and worked in the blind and sash shop of Anthony Reed before being hired as a printer by A. W. MacDonald for his newspaper, the Emigrant Aid Journal. In early 1858, following the Panic of 1857, the newspaper closed. In the fall of 1858, George left for Kansas where he stayed with his uncle George W. Benson's family in Lawrence. The Bensons were early settlers to the area, being part of the New England Emigrant Aid Company's mission to fill the Kansas-Nebraska territories with anti-slavery supporters. While there, George worked as a printer at the Lawrence Republican. After encountering financial difficulties and with few prospects, he returned home in October 1859. Once back in Boston, George returned to The Liberator for the next two years.

Following the creation of the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, the first Black regiment raised in the North, in 1863, George accepted an officer's commission as second lieutenant in the 55th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment in Company I, which was comprised of Black soldiers and white officers and was created after the 54th was full. By June he was training with his regiment at Camp Meigs, and by July 25 arrived in North Carolina. In November of 1863, George was promoted to first lieutenant, and in June 1865 to captain of Company K. He was brevetted a major in July of 1867. He also served as regimental quartermaster for a time. The regiment engaged in skirmishes and expeditions in South Carolina, Florida, and Georgia, including the Battles of Honey Hill and St. James Island.

Following the Civil War, George returned to The Liberator before it closed, then went to work for his brother William at Bailey, Jenkins, and Garrison as an accountant until 1868. Soon after, he moved to New York and began work as a bookkeeper at The Nation, the newspaper where his brother Wendell worked. In 1871, he returned to Boston and purchased a paper box manufacturing business on Congress Street. However, on 9 November 1872, it was destroyed in the Great Boston Fire. George once again went to work for his brother William in various enterprises, including Garrison and Howe. George married Annie Keene Anthony on 1 October 1873. George died 26 January 1904.

Annie Keene Anthony Garrison (1839-1922) was born 23 July 1839 to John Gould Anthony and Anne Whitney Rhodes Anthony in Cincinnati, Ohio. Annie's paternal uncle Henry Anthony was married to George's maternal aunt, Charlotte Benson Anthony. During the Civil War, the two began a correspondence and became engaged in 1865. Though it was quickly called off, they became engaged again in 1872 and were married in 1873 at her parent's home in Cambridgeport, Mass. They had three children: Elisabeth (1874-1959), Rhodes Anthony (b. 1877), and Fanny (1879-1975). The family resided on Fairview Terrace in West Newton, Mass. Annie died 12 March 1922.

William Lloyd Garrison, Jr. (1838-1909) was the second child of William Lloyd Garrison and Helen Eliza Benson Garrison. He was born 21 January 1838. After leaving Boston Latin School before graduation, he took an internship with James Buffum at his shoe business in 1855. He moved to Lynn, Mass. to work as a teller at Laighton Bank until 1862, later becoming employed at Richard Hallowell's wool business in 1863. He then established his own wool businesses, Bailey, Jenkins, and Garrison in 1866, which was destroyed in the Boston Fire of 1872, and Garrison and Rodliff in 1877. William established an investment brokerage firm in 1884 and in 1888, Garrison and Howe, a commercial paper and investment securities firm. In September of 1864, he married Ellen Wright (1840-1931), the daughter of abolitionists and suffragists David Wright and Martha Coffin Wright of Auburn, N.Y. The couple had five children: Agnes (1866-1950), Charles (1868-1951), Frank Wright (1871-1961), William Lloyd III (1874-1964), and Eleanor (1880-1974). William died 13 September 1909.

Wendell Phillips Garrison (1840-1907), known as Wendy, was born 4 June 1840 to William Lloyd Garrison and Helen Eliza Benson Garrison. He attended Boston Latin School from 1852-1857 and graduated from Harvard College in 1861. After graduating, he briefly worked as a teacher and tutor and began writing articles for The Liberator in 1864. Not long after, he left for New York City to work at the Independent. By 1865, he had been hired as an associate editor at The Nation. When The Nation merged with the New York Evening Post in 1881, Wendell became literary editor of the Post and editor-in-charge of The Nation before retiring in 1906. He also, along with his brothers, undertook completing their father's biography. Wendell married Lucy McKim (1842-1877) in 1865. She was the daughter of James Miller McKim and Sarah Allibone Speakman McKim of Philadelphia. Lucy came from an abolitionist family and collected songs of enslaved people that were published in Slave Songs of the United States. Together they had three children: Lloyd McKim Garrison (1867-1900), Philip McKim Garrison (1870-1935), and Katherine McKim Garrison (1873-1948). The family settled in Orange, New Jersey. In 1891, Wendell married Lucy's sister Annie McKim Dennis Garrison (1841-1893). Wendell died on 17 February 1907.

Helen Frances Garrison Villard (1844-1928), known as Fanny, was the fourth child and only surviving daughter of William Lloyd Garrison and Helen Eliza Benson Garrison. She was born on 16 December 1844. Like her brothers, she attended local schools before completing her formal education in 1862. In 1866, Fanny married Henry Villard (1835-1900) at the Garrison family home. Henry, or Harry, was born Ferdinand Heinrich Gustav Hilgard in Speyer, Germany to Gustav Leonhard Hilgard and Katharina Antonia Elisabeth von Pfeiffer Hilgard. After coming to the United States, he worked in the newspaper business. From 1881-1884, he served as president of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company and later as chairman of the Board of Directors, 1889-1893. In 1881, he purchased controlling interest in the Evening Post and The Nation. He later established the Edison General Electric Company around 1890. They had four children: Helen Elise (1868-1917), Harold Garrison (1869-1952), Oswald Garrison (1872-1949), and Henry Hilgard (1883-1890). The family spent time in Germany and New York. Later in life, Fanny became active in pacifist and women's rights groups. She died 5 July 1928.

Francis Jackson Garrison (1848-1916), the youngest child of William Lloyd Garrison and Helen Eliza Benson Garrison, was born 29 October 1848. He graduated from Boston Latin School in 1865 and went on to attend the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in January of 1868 before leaving that spring. In 1871, he took a position as a bookkeeper for the publishing company Riverside Press, later Houghton, Mifflin, and Company, where he worked until 1915. He also played a large role, along with Wendell, in completing their father's biography. In 1879, he married Mary Pratt (1853-1882), daughter of Francis Pratt and Frances Tillinghast Pratt of Pawtucket, R.I. Mary died from complications of childbirth, along with their daughter Ruth Phillips Garrison, in July of 1882. Frank married Theresa Holmes (1857-1915), a pianist and composer, in 1891. She was the daughter of Jacob Holmes and Charlotte Mead Holmes. Together they had two sons: Wendell Holmes (1894-1968) and David Holmes (1897-1899). Frank died on 11 December 1916.

Rhodes Anthony Garrison (1877-) was born 5 October 1877, the second child of George Thompson Garrison and Annie Keene Anthony Garrison. He graduated from Harvard University in 1900. Soon after he went to work at N. W. Harris and Co., which later became Harris, Forbes and Co. Rhodes married Marianne Baehrecke in 1908.

Marianne Baehrecke Garrison (1879-1951) from Dresden, Germany was the daughter of Alvin Friedrich Baehrecke and Johanna Marie Schoepffer Baehrecke. She was also the niece of the Garrison family friend John Ritchie and his wife Rosa Gertrude Schoepffer Ritchie. She married Rhodes Anthony Garrison in 1908, and they had five children: Ritchie (1911-1997), Frederick (1915-2001), Rhoda (1917-1993), George (1920-2005), and Arnold (1924-2010). Marianne died 1 July 1951.

Fanny Garrison (1879-1975), born 10 May 1879, was the third and youngest child of George Thompson Garrison and Annie Keene Anthony Garrison. She graduated from Smith College in 1902 and was an instructor of gymnastics at Briarcliff School by 1904. Later she worked in the Department of Hygiene and Physical Education at Wellesley College. Fanny died in 1975.

James Holley Garrison (1801-1843) was the eldest son of Abijah Garrison and Frances Maria Lloyd Garrison and brother of William Lloyd Garrison. He was born 10 July 1801 in Nova Scotia. After apprenticing in his youth as a shoemaker in Lynn, Mass., he became a sailor. James went to live with his brother William and his family after he became ill in 1840. His memoir, Behold Me Once More: The Confessions of James Holley Garrison, Brother of William Lloyd Garrison, was later published in 1954. James died in 1842.

Anthony family

John Gould Anthony (1804-1877) was a renowned conchologist who worked at the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology. He was born May 17, 1804 to Joseph Anthony and Mary Gould Anthony of Rhode Island. Before his career as a conchologist, he worked in the silversmith and jewelry business with various Cincinnati firms including, Allen, Rhodes & Co.; Rhodes, Anthony, and Carley; and Rhodes and Anthony. He married Anne Whitney Rhodes in 1832. John died October 16, 1877.

Anne Whitney Rhodes Anthony (1810-1898) was the daughter of Thomas Rhodes and Lydia Keene Rhodes of Rhode Island. She was born October 18, 1810. In 1832 she married John Gould Anthony and together they had Joseph Bowen (1833-1836), Thomas Rhodes (1836-1884), Edward Rhodes (1837-1923), Annie Keene (1839-1922), John Francis (1841-1925), Joseph Bowen (1843-1850), Charles Rhodes (1843-1853), [Mary] Elizabeth Lyell (1845-1929). The family lived in Cincinnati for over thirty years before moving to Cambridgeport, Mass. Anne died December 6, 1898.

Elizabeth Lyell Anthony (1845-1929) was born November 20, 1845, the daughter of John Gould Anthony and Anne Whitney Rhodes Anthony. She was born Mary Elizabeth Lyell Anthony but went by Elizabeth, or Lizzie, to family and friends. She worked for her father at the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology starting in 1869 as one of his assistants. She remained in the department for 50 years. Elizabeth lived with her sister Annie Keene Anthony Garrison's family in West Newton and died in November of 1929.

Ritchie family

John Ritchie (1836-1919) was the third and youngest child of Uriah Ritchie and Susan White Rand Ritchie of Boston. He was born 4 August 1836 and grew up in the North End. He attended the Eliot School as a child, followed by English High School, graduating in 1855; Boston Latin from 1855 to 1857; and Harvard College, 1857-1861. He worked from 1852 to 1854 in his uncle George C. Rand's printing office. John was commissioned as a first lieutenant in the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment on 20 February 1863. Engagements included the Battle of Fort Wagner, Battle of Olustee, and the Battle of Honey Hill. John served as the regiment's quartermaster until he resigned his commission in June of 1865.

In 1866, he married his first cousin Caroline Stuart Poole (1835-1867), the daughter of Amos Poole and Caroline Curtis Rand Poole of Milton, Mass. Following her death in January of 1867, John spent much of his time travelling. He earned an income through real estate, owning properties on Federal and Franklin Streets in Boston, and Broadway and 26th Street in New York City. During a European trip, he met Rosa Gertrude Schoepffer. The two were married in 1876 in Dresden, Germany. The couple spent some time living in Winthrop, Mass. and Dresden before settling at 10 Mt. Vernon Street in Boston for many years. Later in life, they owned a house on the corner of Seaview Ave. and Canonicus St. in Cottage City on Martha's Vineyard; and later a cottage in Jackson N.H., first called Dornröschen and then Waldweben.

John travelled extensively throughout his life, including Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut, the eastern seaboard, Europe, and North Africa. He was a member of numerous clubs and organizations, including president of the Massachusetts Cremation Society. John died 12 July 1919.

Rosa Gertrude Schoepffer Ritchie (1856-1949) was born in Dresden, Germany on 17 March 1856 to Hector August Friedrich Schoepffer and Jessy Bogen. Following her marriage to John Ritchie in 1876, Rosa travelled extensively, usually visiting family in Germany or spending time at the couple's vacation homes in Cottage City on Martha's Vineyard and in Jackson, N.H. During World War I, the interwar years, and World War II, Rosa was active in German aid work causes, including the Herminen Hilfswerk. She died 16 August 1949.

Uriah Ritchie (c.1800-1865) was born ca. 1800 to Samuel Ritchie and Mary Bond in Gortnessy, Ireland. At the age of 15, he went to Scotland, where he apprenticed as a mason. He sailed to Canada in 1821 before settling in Boston in 1823. Together with his brother John, Uriah worked as a mason and builder and earned income through real estate in Boston and New York. He supported the anti-slavery and temperance movements. In 1830, he married Susan White Rand (1809-1851), the daughter of John Rand and Betsey Babcock Rand. They had three children: Elizabeth (1831-1903), Uriah (1833-1863), and John (1836-1919). Uriah died in 1865.

Elizabeth Ritchie Lewis (1831-1903) was the eldest child of Uriah Ritchie and Susan White Rand Ritchie of Boston, born 23 March 1833. In 1856, she married John Allen Lewis. They had one son, Ritchie Lewis (1858-1863). The family lived in Chicago for a time before returning to Boston. Elizabeth died 19 March 1903.

John Allen Lewis (1819-1885) was born in Barnstable, Mass. to Josiah Lewis and Sally Gorham Lewis in November of 1819. He trained in typesetting under S. B. Phinney of the Barnstable Patriot, after which he went to California where he worked in newspaper printing for several years, first at the Alta California in San Francisco and later establishing the Los Angeles Star with William Henry Rand, the uncle of his wife Elizabeth Ritchie. After leaving California, he worked in the literary department for the Illinois Central Railroad. In 1856, he married Elizabeth Ritchie. The couple had a son Ritchie in 1858 and spent time in Chicago and Boston. John died 2 November 1885.

John Ritchie (c.1801-1883) was the son of Samuel Ritchie and Mary Bond Ritchie and brother of Uriah Ritchie. He was born ca. 1801 in Gortnessy, Ireland and arrived in Boston around 1822. John was in business with Uriah as a mason and builder. He married Mary White, daughter of Robert and Catherine White. They had three children: John, Jr., born 1853; Samuel, born ca. 1855; and Molly, born ca. 1864. John died 2 November 1883.


Alonso, Harriet Hyman. Growing Up Garrison: The Story of the Garrison Children. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2002.

New England Historic Genealogical Society. New England Historical and Genealogical Register. Vol. 40. Boston: NEHGS, 1886.

Collection Description

The Garrison family papers consists of 43 document boxes and 1 oversize box of manuscripts, printed material, and 167 manuscript and printed volumes. They document the Garrison family and their families by marriage, the Anthony and Ritchie families, mainly from 1849-1919. The collection is organized into 13 series. The bulk of the material pertains to George Thompson Garrison and John Ritchie.

George Thompson Garrison's papers include extensive series of his diaries, which span 1854-1903, and correspondence, mainly with his parents, siblings, and wife, as well as friends and associates. They cover his time in Nininger, Minnesota (1857-1858) and Lawrence, Kansas (1858-1859) and detail news from friends who continued to write to him about the development and decline of Nininger, as well as the turmoil during the Bleeding Kansas period. Diaries and letters also detail his service in the 55th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment during the Civil War and include his insights, details on camp life, troop movements, and skirmishes, and later life events and business dealings. Other material for George Thompson Garrison includes his personal and professional papers, ephemera, materials relating to the 55th Mass. Infantry Regiment, and volumes.

Material from other members of the Garrison family include letters from George's father William Lloyd Garrison and his siblings and their families, William Lloyd Garrison, Jr., Wendell Phillips Garrison, Helen Frances "Fanny" Garrison Villard, and Francis Jackson Garrison. Material for George's wife Annie Keene Anthony Garrison, children Rhodes Anthony Garrison and Fanny Garrison, and daughter-in-law Marianne Baehrecke Garrison is also present. Material includes correspondence, personal and family papers, news clippings, and ephemera.

Also in the collection are papers from John Gould Anthony, Anne Whitney Rhodes Anthony, and Elizabeth Lyell Anthony. It includes correspondence, financial records, personal and professional papers, genealogical research, poetry, writings, autograph albums, diaries, ledgers, and account books.

John Ritchie's papers include correspondence mainly between him and his father Uriah Ritchie, sister Elizabeth Ritchie, and brother-in-law John Allen Lewis, as well as friends and associates. It covers his early travels, service in the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment during the Civil War, life events, and professional matters. Other material includes personal and professional papers, financial records, ephemera, material pertaining to the 54th Mass. Infantry Regiment, and volumes, particularly his diaries which span his service in the 54th. Civil War correspondence and diaries discuss John's insights, troop movements, camp life, and skirmishes. He pays considerable attention to the pay dispute for Black soldiers and the resistance of the Army to promote and muster them in as officers.

Papers of Rosa Gertrude Schoepffer Ritchie, Uriah Ritchie, Elizabeth Ritchie Lewis, John Allen Lewis, and John Ritchie (ca. 1801-1883) consist of correspondence, personal papers, estate papers, family papers, diaries, and other volumes.

Acquisition Information

Gift of the descendants of George and Fred Garrison, September 2020.

Detailed Description of the Collection

I. George Thompson Garrison papers, 1836-1948; bulk: 1851-1904

This series contains GTG's correspondence, personal and professional papers, diaries, and materials relating to the 55th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment.

A. Correspondence, 1836-1904

This subseries consists of correspondence between George Thompson Garrison and family members, including William Lloyd Garrison, business associates, and friends. Letters cover George's time in Nininger, Minnesota (1857-1858) and Lawrence, Kansas (1858-1859); service in the 55th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment during the Civil War; life events; and business matters. Correspondents include William Baylies Reed, Henry Egbert Benson, Edward Payson Harris, Rev. William Henry Fish, Samuel May, Jr., Samuel Forster Tappan, Charles A. Hovey, Richard Barnes Merritt, James Manning Winchell Yerrinton, Thomas Bradford Drew, Mary Holbrook Mills Drew, A. W. Macdonald, and Solomon Bates Starbird. Also included are informal notes from Wendell Phillips, George Thompson, and other abolitionists.

Letters between GTG and brother William from 1857-1859 contain a few articles written by William under the pseudonym "Egbert" for the Emigrant Aid Journal and Lawrence Republican. Letters from GTG's friends in Kansas provide news about his friends, local events, Kansas' political atmosphere, and details about violence in the state as seen in a February 1860 letter from Edward Payson Harris describing a group of men attempting to kidnap a Black woman named Lizzie on behalf of her enslaver, as well as the Lawrence Massacre led by William Quantrill described in a letter from Henry Egbert Benson, who was inside the Eldridge House when it was attacked. Civil War letters (1863-1865) detail camp life, fellow soldiers, troop movements, skirmishes of the 55th, GTG's duties as regimental quartermaster, and his insights and opinions on these events. Also discussed is the illness and death of Leonard Case Alden and the unequal pay of the Black soldiers.

i. Personal correspondence, 1836-1904

Box 1
Box 2
Box 3
Box 4
Box 5
Box 6
Box 7
Box 8
Box 9Folder 1-6
1901-1904, undated

ii. Correspondence with William Lloyd Garrison, 1854-1877

Letters from WLG discuss GTG's schooling; his concern that GTG uphold his moral values while living in Nininger, Minn. and Lawrence, Kan.; fear that he will travel to Pike's Peak to prospect; and his attempts to entice his son back home with a position at The Liberator. Civil War letters include WLG's attempt to dissuade GTG from accepting his commission for the 55th Mass. Regiment and later acceptance that GTG is doing what he feels he must to be true to himself. He updates GTG on events at home, his travels, some mentions of the anti-slavery movement, current events, politics, and the progress of the war. Some pages share messages from other members of the Garrison family.

GTG's letters to his father begin during his service in the 55th. He details camp life, sickness experienced by most of the soldiers, troop movements, skirmishes, his duties as regimental quartermaster, and requests for supplies from home.

Box 9Folder 7-15

iii. Illness and death of William Lloyd Garrison, May 1879

Box 9Folder 16

iv. Excerpt transcriptions, 1869-1889

Excerpts from letters written by GTG where he describes his family life, in particular his children Elisabeth, Rhodes Anthony, and Fanny, compiled and typed ca. 1992.

Box 9Folder 17

B. Personal papers, 1851-1904

Arranged chronologically.

George Thompson Garrison's personal papers include school composition work; personal financial records; bonds; calling cards; tickets to local events, such as anti-slavery bazaars and lectures; deeds, property taxes, and sales in Nininger, Minn. and West Newton, Mass.; memoranda mostly relating to household operations; his visit to the Pacific Northwest via railroad in 1880; news clippings; and his obituaries.

Box 9Folder 18
School work, 1851, undated
Box 9Folder 19-21
Financial records, 1851-1889, undated
Box 9Folder 22
Calling cards, 1854-1880, undated
Box 9Folder 23
Tickets, 1855-1866, undated
Box 9Folder 24
Nininger, Minn. properties, 1857-1866
Box 10Folder 1
Memorandum, 1861, 1865, 1885-1895, undated
Box 10Folder 2-3
News clippings, 1879-1903, undated
Box 10Folder 4
Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co., 1880-1893
Box 10Folder 5
Travel, 1880, 1882, undated
Box 10Folder 6-9
Fairview Terrace, West Newton, Mass. property, 1881-1904
Box 10Folder 10
Ephemera, 1889, undated
Box 10Folder 11
Death, 1904
Box 10Folder 12
Penmanship, undated

C. Professional papers, 1860-1896

Arranged chronologically.

The professional papers of George Thompson Garrison consist of receipts for printing editions of The Liberator by local Boston printers; James Henry Holmes' debt to GTG for printing supplies and machinery; insurance claims for the loss of GTG's paper box manufacturing business in the Boston Fire of 1872; securities and stock for Northern Pacific Railroad held in trust for his children; a ledger for Garrison and Howe; and ephemera pertaining to GTG's businesses.

Box 10Folder 13
The Liberator receipts, 1860-1861
Box 10Folder 14-15
James Henry Holmes, 1862-1865
Box 10Folder 16
Paper Box Manufacturing Company, 1872
Box 10Folder 17
Northern Pacific Railroad Company, 1884-1896
Box 10Folder 18
Garrison and Howe, 1894-1896
Box 10Folder 19
Ephemera, undated

D. 55th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, 1863-1948

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries contains material for the 55th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment during and after the Civil War. It includes letters from former soldiers of the 55th seeking GTG's assistance with pension claims; speeches and publications by 55th Mass. surgeon Burt G. Wilder about the regiment; GTG's own accounts of St. James Island and the Battle of Honey Hill; Association of Officers of the 55th Mass. Regiment meeting invitations, programs, and resolutions; and invitations and programs for the 1887 Reunion of Colored Veterans and the 25th anniversary of Fort Wagner.

Requests for assistance in filing pension claims from former soldiers of the 55th are mainly from Company I. Claimants who contacted GTG for his testimony to corroborate their claim include Charles Crummer, Robert J. Smith, John Lyles, George S. White, John Silence, James P. Thorn, George R. Rome, James M. Wallace, Armstead Percell, Alfred Wood, George M. Williams, Benjamin Butler, George W. Sweeney, David Sampson, William Morrison, Charles Gilson, John H. Stewart, William Harris, Rowan Wickliffe, Olmstead Turner, Dr. Warren M. Babbitt, Henry Coleman, John Boyd, and Elisha Tappan.

See also George Thompson Garrison's correspondence in series I.A.i. and diaries in series I.E.i.

Box OSFolder 1-2
Officer commissions, 1863-1867
Box OSFolder 3
Muster rolls, 1863, 1865
Box OSFolder 4
Regimental muster roll, 1863-1865
Box 11Folder 1
Leave of absence, 1865
Box 11Folder 2
Discharge papers, 1865
Box 11Folder 3
Association of Officers, 1866-1897
Box 11Folder 4-14
Pension claims, 1871-1904
Box 11Folder 15
Veteran Associations, 1887-1888
Box 11Folder 16-18
Burt G. Wilder, 1901, 1911-1919, 1947-1948
Box 11Folder 19
War memorandum, undated

E. Volumes, 1854-1903

Arranged chronologically.

The volumes of GTG include his lifetime diaries which detail his time in Nininger, Minn. and Lawrence, Kan. and his service with the 55th Mass. Infantry Regiment during the Civil War. Also included is the ledger for his box manufacturing business that was destroyed in the Boston Fire of 1872, index of scrapbooks donated to Smith College, and an account book for the administration of the Stetson family estate by GTG.

GTG's Civil War diaries (May 1863-April 1865) detail camp life while on Morris Island and Folly Island; troop movements; and skirmishes and expeditions in South Carolina, Florida, and Georgia, including the Battles of Honey Hill and St. James Island. As regimental quartermaster, he includes some personal and regimental accounting of money and resources. He also discusses sickness soldiers experienced in the South, weather, the death of Leonard Case Alden, updates on the conditions and promotions of soldiers he knew, and brief mentions of news from home. GTG's later diaries detail his courtship, engagement, and marriage to Annie Keene Anthony Garrison; their home life with their children; his work; and some personal and household accounting.

i. Diaries, 1854-1903

Box 12Folder 1Vol. 1
4 Sep.-7 Oct. 1854
Box 12Folder 2Vol. 2
8 Oct.-12 Nov. 1854
Box 12Folder 3Vol. 3
13 Nov.-9 Dec. 1854
Box 12Folder 4Vol. 4
10 Dec. 1854-6 Jan. 1855

On microfilm, P-817, reel 1.

Box 12Folder 5Vol. 5
7 June 1855-6 Feb. 1857
Box 12Folder 6Vol. 6
15 May-29 Nov. 1857
Box 12Folder 7Vol. 7
29 Nov. 1857-4 Apr. 1858
Box 12Folder 8Vol. 8
6-26 Apr. 1858
Box 12Folder 9Vol. 9
27 Apr.-4 July 1858
Box 12Folder 10Vol. 10
5 July-12 Sep. 1858
Box 12Folder 11Vol. 11
19 Sep. 1858-30 July 1859
Box 12Folder 12Vol. 12
30 Sep.-23 Nov. 1859
Box 12Folder 13Vol. 13
28 Oct. 1858-29 Nov. 1859

On microfilm, P-817, reel 4.

Box 12Folder 14Vol. 14
7 Aug.-16 Oct. 1859

On microfilm, P-817, reel 4.

Box 12Folder 15Vol. 15
1 Jan. 1861-31 May 1863

On microfilm, P-817, reel 1.

Box 12Folder 16
1 Jan. 1861-31 May 1863, loose items removed
Box 13Folder 1Vol. 16
1 June 1863-29 Apr. 1864

On microfilm, P-817, reel 1.

Box 13Folder 2
1 June 1863-29 Apr. 1864, loose items removed
Box 13Folder 3Vol. 17
1 May-17 Aug. 1864

On microfilm, P-817, reel 1.

Box 13Folder 4Vol. 18
18 Aug. 1864-17 Feb. 1865

On microfilm, P-817, reel 1.

Box 13Folder 5Vol. 19
18 Feb.-30 Apr. 1865

On microfilm, P-817, reel 1.

Box 13Folder 5Vol. 20
1 May-31 Oct. 1865

On microfilm, P-817, reel 1.

Box 13Folder 6
1 May-31 Oct. 1865, loose items removed
Box 14Folder 1Vol. 21
1 Nov. 1865-18 Mar. 1866
Box 14Folder 2
1 Nov. 1865-18 Mar. 1866, loose items removed
Box 14Folder 3Vol. 22
19 Mar.-9 Oct. 1866
Box 14Folder 4Vol. 23
10 Oct. 1866-25 May 1867
Box 14Folder 5
10 Oct. 1866-25 May 1867, loose items removed
Box 14Folder 6Vol. 24
26 May-31 Dec. 1867
Box 14Folder 7
26 May-31 Dec. 1867, loose items removed
Box 14Folder 8Vol. 25
1 Jan.-22 Aug. 1868
Box 14Folder 9
1 Jan.-22 Aug. 1868, loose items removed
Box 14Folder 10Vol. 26
23 Aug. 1868-25 Feb. 1869
Box 14Folder 11
23 Aug. 1868-25 Feb. 1869, loose items removed
Box 15Folder 1Vol. 27
26 Feb.-31 July 1869
Box 15Folder 2Vol. 28
1 Aug. 1869-22 Feb. 1870
Box 15Folder 3
1 Aug. 1869-22 Feb. 1870, loose items removed
Box 15Folder 4Vol. 29
23 Feb.-4 Sep. 1870
Box 15Folder 5Vol. 30
5 Sep. 1870-20 Apr. 1871
Box 15Folder 6
5 Sep. 1870-20 Apr. 1871, loose items removed
Box 15Folder 7Vol. 31
21 Apr.-11 Dec. 1871
Box 15Folder 8Vol. 32
12 Dec. 1871-9 June 1872
Box 16Folder 1Vol. 33
10 June-31 Oct. 1872
Box 16Folder 2Vol. 34
1 Nov. 1872-9 Mar. 1873
Box 16Folder 3Vol. 35
10 Mar.-13 July 1873
Box 16Folder 4
10 Mar.-13 July 1873, loose items removed
Box 16Folder 5Vol. 36
26 Sep.-1 Oct. 1873
Box 16Folder 6
26 Sep.-1 Oct. 1873, loose items removed
Box 16Folder 7Vol. 37
5 Jan. 1884-1 July 1891
Box 16Folder 8Vol. 38
1 July 1891-26 Dec. 1895
Box 16Folder 9
1 July 1891-26 Dec. 1895, loose items removed
Box 17Folder 1Vol. 39
1 Jan. 1901-14 Nov. 1903

ii. Business ledger, 1872

Box 17 Folder 2Vol. 40

iii. Scrapbook index, 1883, 1901

Box 17Folder 3Vol. 41

iv. Stetson family account book, 1886-1890

Box 17Folder 4Vol. 42

II. Annie Keene Anthony Garrison papers, 1855-1922

Arranged chronologically.

This series consists of the correspondence, personal papers, financial volumes, and diaries of Annie Keene Anthony Garrison, the wife of George Thompson Garrison. It spans her time living in Cincinnati, Ohio, and Cambridgeport and West Newton, Mass. The bulk of the material is correspondence from Annie's immediate family and friends and includes extended Garrison, Anthony, and Benson family members; Anna E. Benson Percy at the Theosophical Society community at Point Loma, California; and decades-long correspondence with friend Caroline H. Allen Withenbury. Correspondents also include Waldo Cornwell Booth and William Shattuck Sampson, Jr. while serving in the 5th Ohio Volunteer Infantry and 137th Ohio Volunteer Infantry regiments during the Civil War.

Diary entries are brief and mainly mention visits made and received, outings with friends and family, her health, correspondence, the weather, and her courtship with George Thompson Garrison in 1872. Some personal accounting is included at the end of most diaries.

A. Correspondence and personal papers, 1855-1922

Box 17Folder 5-12
Box 18
1877-Sep. 1903
Box 19
Oct. 1903-1922

B. Volumes, 1855-1876

i. Autograph book, 1855-1860

Box 20Folder 1Vol. 43

ii. Diaries, 1859-1872

Box 20Folder 2Vol. 44
Box 20Folder 3Vol. 45
Box 20Folder 4Vol. 46
Box 20Folder 5Vol. 47
Box 20Folder 6
1862, loose items removed
Box 20Folder 7Vol. 48
Box 20Folder 8
1863, loose items removed
Box 20Folder 9Vol. 49
Box 20Folder 10Vol. 50
Box 20Folder 11Vol. 51
Box 20Folder 12
1866, loose items removed
Box 21Folder 1Vol. 52
Box 21Folder 2
1867, loose items removed
Box 21Folder 3Vol. 53
Box 21Folder 4Vol. 54
Box 21Folder 5Vol. 55
Box 21Folder 6
1870, loose items removed
Box 21Folder 7Vol. 56
Box 21Folder 8Vol. 57

iii. Ledger, 1860-1876

Box 21Folder 9Vol. 58
Box 21Folder 10
1860-1872, loose items removed
Box 21Folder 11Vol. 59

III. William Lloyd Garrison papers, 1849-1962digital content

Arranged chronologically.

This series contains the correspondence, personal papers, and commemorative printed material of William Lloyd Garrison. The bulk of the material consists of tributes and commemorations written about WLG following his death, the 100th anniversary of his birth, and the 100th anniversary of the founding of The Liberator. Included in birth centennial material is the full edition of the Guardian, "America's Greatest Race Journal," vol. V no. 7, 16 December 1905, which includes event descriptions and photographs of prominent members of the Black community who participated in the celebrations.

For WLG's correspondence with George Thompson Garrison, see series I.A.ii.

A. Mitchell's School Atlas, Third Revised Edition, undated

Box 21Folder 12Vol. 60

B. Correspondence, 1849-1851, 1865

Correspondence consists of letters from Sophia Foord to Sarah Benson requesting the latter's attendance to the Norfolk County Anti-Slavery Convention with WLG; Rev. William Henry Fish of Hopedale, Mass. arranging for GTG to board at his home; Joseph Barker on his family's move from England to Ohio, expressing his desire to be involved in the American anti-slavery movement; and from S. Waterhouse of Ellsworth, Maine writing about John Thomas, a freedman, who WLG helped arrange to live with the Waterhouse family.

Box 22Folder 1

C. Personal papers, 1853-1859, 1878-1879

The personal papers of WLG include the proceedings of a presentation given by William C. Nell at the Southac Street Church in Boston in 1855 on equal school rights in the city, at which WLG gave an address; an extract of the will of Charles F. Hovey naming WLG a recipient of funds from his estate; dinner program honoring WLG by the New England Franklin Club in 1878; list of WLG articles written for the Independent; news articles written about WLG; and memorial ephemera.

Box 22Folder 2

D. Obituaries, 1879

Box 22Folder 3

E. Tributes, 1879-1880

Box 22Folder 4

F. Commemorations, 1896, 1903, 1915, 1962

Box 22Folder 5

G. Centennial of birth, 1905digital content

Box 22Folder 6
i. Printed material, 1905
Box OSFolder 5digitized
ii. The Guardian, 1905

H. Centennial of founding of The Liberator, 1930-1931

Box 22Folder 7

IV. William Lloyd Garrison, Jr. personal papers, 1854-1909

Arranged chronologically.

This series consists of correspondence, writings, and poetry of William Lloyd Garrison, Jr. Poetry marks the occasions of the 73rd and 75th birthdays of Sarah Allibone McKim and the 25th wedding anniversary of WLG, Jr. and Ellen Wright Garrison.

Box 22Folder 8-9

V. Wendell Phillips Garrison family papers, 1863-1915

Arranged chronologically.

The family papers of Wendell Phillips Garrison include correspondence to WPG and a program for the 1904 dedication of the William Lloyd Garrison Ward at St. Monica's Home in the former Garrison family home "Rockledge" in Roxbury, Mass. Correspondents include John White Chadwick, W. Henry Winslow, George P. Guerrier on the death of GTG, and a detailed 1902 letter from cousin Anna E. Benson Percy describing the Theosophical Society community at Point Loma, California. Also included is a memorial book for Sarah Allibone McKim and material relating to Lloyd McKim Garrison's school days, in particular his booklet "Ballads of Harvard," and death.

Box 22Folder 10-11

VI. Helen Frances Garrison Villard family papers, 1865-1948

Arranged chronologically.

This series contains correspondence, new clippings, and ephemera of Helen Frances Garrison Villard and her family, including husband Henry Villard and sons Oswald and Henry. Ephemera consists of invitations and programs honoring HV and celebrating the opening the Northern Pacific Railroad in St. Paul, Minn.; Bismarck, N.D.; and Portland, Ore.

Box 22Folder 12-13

VII. Francis Jackson Garrison family papers, 1882-1916

Arranged chronologically.

The Francis Jackson Garrison family papers series consists of correspondence and memorial ephemera of FJG, his wife Mary Pratt Garrison, infant daughter Ruth Phillips Garrison, and second wife Theresa Holmes Garrison. Correspondents include Caroline Wells Healey Dall, John W. Chadwick, Louisa Storrow Cabot Richardson, and Dora Taft Taylor Brigham on the death of GTG.

Box 22Folder 14

VIII. Rhodes Anthony Garrison personal papers, 1911-1947

Arranged chronologically.

The personal papers of Rhodes Anthony Garrison include material relating to his participation in the 50th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation celebration at the Park Street Church, a booklet for the centennial of Wendell Phillips' birth, and travel ephemera. Also included is correspondence from family and Burt G. Wilder regarding GTG's accounts of the 55th Mass. Infantry Regiment during the Civil War.

Box 22Folder 15

IX. Fanny Garrison correspondence, 1903-1904

Arranged chronologically.

This series mainly consists of sympathy letters from family and friends to Fanny Garrison on the death of her father George Thompson Garrison. Correspondents include Ruth Huntington Sessions and Mary Louise Brewster Southwick.

Box 22Folder 16

X. Marianne Baehrecke Garrison correspondence, 1905-1936

Arranged chronologically.

The bulk of this series consists of letters from John Ritchie, mostly as he vacationed in Cottage City on Martha's Vineyard, Dresden, Germany; and at his cottage in Jackson, N.H. He addressed some letters to MBG's children with simple illustrations. Personal correspondence contains letters in German from family and sympathies on the death of John Ritchie.

A. Correspondence from John Ritchie, 1905-June 1908

Box 22Folder 17-18
1905-June 1908
Box 23Folder 1-16
July 1908-1919

B. Personal correspondence, 1905-1919, 1936

Box 23Folder 17

XI. James Holley Garrison papers, 1817

Arranged chronologically.

1817 edition of Poems by Lord Byron, published by Thomas Kirk, Thomas R. Mercein, Moses Thomas, M. Carey and Son, Philadelphia; Wells and Lilly, Boston; and Cole and Maxwell, Baltimore. Inscribed as being a gift from his sister Mary in Brooklyn, Connecticut, likely Mary Benson. Includes JHG's annotations.

Box 25Folder 12Vol. 61

XII. Anthony family papers, 1833-1922

This series includes the personal, professional, legal, and financial papers of members of the Anthony family. Included are bound volumes of diaries, autograph albums, and genealogical research.

A. John Gould Anthony papers, 1833-1879, 1905

This subseries contains the correspondence, personal, professional, and financial papers, and volumes of John Gould Anthony.

i. Correspondence, 1837-1877

Arranged chronologically.

Correspondence consists of personal and professional letters, mainly relating to JGA's silversmith and jewelry businesses of Allen, Rhodes & Co.; Rhodes, Anthony, and Carley; and Rhodes and Anthony in Cincinnati, Ohio. Included is a note of introduction by Helen Frances Garrison Villard to Sarah. J. Nowell, a thank you note from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and note from Charles Edward Beddome about the Aboriginal peoples of Australia.

Box 23Folder 18-24

ii. Personal papers, 1833-1905

Arranged chronologically.

Personal papers of JGA include the 1833 charter and by-laws of the Providence Franklin Society, words spoken at the funeral of Robert F. Denyer, JGA's poetry and writings, Anthony family genealogical research, records regarding the First Congregational Church of Cincinnati, and material pertaining to his death. Also included is JGA's autograph collection consisting of letters to Dr. John Edward Gray from contemporary scientists; letters to a Mrs. Hooker from artists Thomas Woolner, William Boxall, and John Everett Millais; and signatures of U.S. politicians.

Box 23Folder 25
Ephemera, 1833, 1862

Autograph collection, 1836-1865

Box 23Folder 26-28
U.S. politicians, 1836, 1844-1846
Box 24Folder 1-5
Dr. John Edward Gray, 1842-1866
Box 24Folder 6
Artists, 1862, 1865
Box 24Folder 7-8
Financial records, 1835-1850, 1873-1877
Box 24 Folder 9-10
Estate, 1841-1878
Box 24 Folder 11
Writings and poetry, 1854, undated
Box 24Folder 12
First Congregational Church of Cincinnati, 1856-1865
Box 24Folder 13-14
Genealogy, 1877, 1879, 1905
Box 24Folder 15
Death, 1877-1878
Box 24Folder 16
Penmanship, undated

iii. Professional papers, 1835-1874

Arranged chronologically.

Professional papers of JGA contain promissory notes and receipts, mainly for JGA's silversmith and jewelry businesses of Allen, Rhodes & Co.; Rhodes, Anthony, and Carley; and Rhodes and Anthony in Cincinnati, Ohio; additionally for dues and operation fees for the Western Academy of Natural Sciences. Included are documents pertaining to money and deeds for land in Shalersville, Orange, and Garrettsville (in oversize box) in Ohio received from Timothy Mularkey. Also included is an indenture for land in Dayton, Ohio from Franklin and Emmeline Thorpe.

Box 24Folder 17-18
Receipts, 1835-1874
Box 24Folder 19-20
Timothy Mularkey estate, 1837, 1840-1842
Box OSFolder 6
Timothy Mularkey estate, 1838
Box OSFolder 7
Dayton, Ohio indenture, 1837
Box 24Folder 21
Western Academy of Natural Sciences, 1838
Box 24Folder 22
Taylor and Anthony, 1860-1863
Box 24Folder 23
Ephemera, 1866-1867

iv. Volumes, 1859-1877

Arranged chronologically.

The volumes of JGA consist of personal account, cash, and bank books; a diary kept during the 1865 Thayer expedition to Brazil with Louis Agassiz; a memorial scrapbook made by GTG; JGA's personal handwritten German dictionary; and genealogies of the descendants of John Anthonie, Abraham Anthony, William Anthony, and Daniel Anthony of Rhode Island.

Box 24Folder 24Vol. 62
First Congregational Church of Cincinnati Ledger, 1859-1860
Box 24Folder 25Vol. 63
Diary, 1865
Box 25Folder 1Vol. 64
Household account book, 1868, 1874
Box 25Folder 2Vol. 65
Cash book, 1874
Box 25Folder 3Vol. 66
Bank book, 1876-1877
Box 25Folder 4Vol. 67
Memorial scrapbook, 1877
Box 25Folder 5Vol. 68
German dictionary, undated
Box 25Folder 6Vol. 69
John Anthonie genealogy, undated
Box 25Folder 7Vol. 70
John Anthonie genealogy, undated
Box 25Folder 8Vol. 71
John Anthonie genealogy, undated
Box 25Folder 9Vol. 72
Abraham Anthony genealogy, undated
Box 25Folder 10Vol. 73
William Anthony genealogy, undated
Box 25Folder 11Vol. 74
Daniel Anthony genealogy, undated

B. Anne Whitney Rhodes Anthony papers, 1841-1899

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries contains the correspondence, financial records, and material pertaining to the death and estate administration of Anne Whitney Rhodes Anthony. Correspondence is mainly from family members but includes letters from William Greene Binney, Thomas Bland, James Mortimer Southwick, John Howard Redfield, and Moncure Daniel Conway on the death of her husband JGA.

i. Correspondence, 1841-1896

Box 26Folder 1-12

ii. Receipts, 1880-1892

Box 26Folder 13

iii. Death, 1898

Box 26Folder 14

iv. Estate, 1899

Box 26Folder 15-16

C. Elizabeth Lyell Anthony papers, 1866-1922

This subseries contains the correspondence, legal documents, autograph albums, and travel diary of Elizabeth Lyell Anthony. Included are letters from ELA's namesake, Mary Elizabeth Horner Lyell. The 1919 autograph album was a gift from ELA's colleagues at the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology upon her retirement and contains signatures of the scientists and staff she worked with.

i. Correspondence, 1866-1912

Box 26Folder 17-23

ii. Legal papers, 1912, 1922

Box 26Folder 24

iii. Volumes, 1884-1919

Box 27Folder 1Vol. 75
Autograph album, 1884-1906
Box 27Folder 2Vol. 76
Autograph album, 1919
Box 27Folder 3Vol. 77
Travel diary, 1911

D. Miscellaneous family papers, 1808-1901

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries contains the papers of miscellaneous Anthony family members. It includes correspondence for Joseph Anthony, Mary Gould Anthony, Charles Keene Rhodes, John Francis Anthony from brother Edward Rhodes Anthony, Hannah Lewis Anthony from Rev. George Eaves on the death of her son John Gould Anthony, and Alice Keene Rhodes Hill from cousin H. F. Keene. Also included is Frances Abida Rhodes Hill's composition notebook and documents for the administration of the estate of Abida Keene.

Box 28Folder 1-3

XIII. Ritchie family papers, 1599-1949; bulk: 1852-1919

This series contains the correspondence, personal, legal, financial, and family papers, diaries, and business ledgers for the Ritchie family.

A. John Ritchie papers, 1852-1919

This subseries contains John Ritchie's correspondence, personal papers, bound volumes, and material for the 54th Massachusetts Regiment during the Civil War.

i. Correspondence, 1855-1917

Arranged chronologically.

The correspondence of John Ritchie consists of letters between him and his family, friends, and associates. It covers his travels, Civil War service in the 54th Mass. Regiment (1863-1865), life events, and business and real estate matters. Civil War letters discuss JR's personal insights, camp life, regiment movements, engagements, casualties, and pay dispute for Black soldiers, and the Army's resistance to promoting them. He also details arranging the return of the personal effects of Leonard Case Alden to his family following his death, as well as those of Garth Wilkinson James following injuries he sustained at Fort Wagner. Correspondents include members of the Garrison, Poole, Alden-Vinton, and Rand families; Edward Needles Hallowell; Garth Wilkinson James; John Whittier Messer Appleton; Thomas Larkin Appleton; Francis Lee Higginson; Carleton Atwood Shurtleff; Reuben Tomlinson; and George Thompson.

For letters between JR and his wife, see Rosa Gertrude Schoepffer Ritchie's correspondence in series XIII.B.i.

Box 28Folder 4-15
1855-Mar. 1864
Box 29Folder 1-17
Apr. 1864-1917

ii. Personal papers, 1855-1919

Arranged chronologically.

John Ritchie's personal papers include petitions to Harvard College to submit a speech by Wendell Phillips for an exhibition, his marriage certificate, a lawsuit regarding the sale of land on Broadway and 26th Street in New York City, and JR's will. Programs for family Thanksgivings provide family current events and history. Poems by JR are mainly for Rosa Gertrude Schoepffer Ritchie.

Box 29Folder 18
Schoolwork, 1855, ca. 1861
Box 30Folder 1
10 Mt. Vernon St., Boston, Mass., 1859, 1886
Box 30Folder 2
Travel, ca. 1861, 1875
Box 30Folder 3-5
Legal, 1876, 1895, 1916
Box 30Folder 6
Family Thanksgivings, 1881-1882, 1911
Box 30Folder 7
New England Crematorium Society, 1888, 1919
Box 30Folder 8-11
Poetry, 1897-1944
Box 30Folder 12
Receipts, 1914-1915
Box 30Folder 13
Ritchie family history, undated
Box 30Folder 14
Property inventories, undated

iii. 54th Massachusetts Regiment, 1863-1897

Arranged chronologically.

Ephemera for the 54th Massachusetts Regiment includes newspaper clippings, pamphlets of general orders for the courts-martial of Wallace Baker of the 55th Mass. Infantry Regiment and John Smith of the 41st New York. Also included is the invitation for the 1887 Reunion of Colored Veterans of the 54th and 55th Infantry, and 5th Cavalry Regiments, and Sailors. The prisoners of war list is a partial account of Black soldiers and sailors held at Charleston, South Carolina, with notes on date of capture.

For John Ritchie's 54th Mass. Regiment diary, see XIII.A.iv.

Box 30Folder 15
Prisoners of war, 16 July 1863-13 June 1864
Box OSFolder 8
Officer commissions, 1863
Box OSFolder 9
Muster roll, 1863
Box 30Folder 16
History, 1863
Box 30Folder 17
Ephemera, 1863-1864, 1887, 1897
Box 30Folder 18
Leave of absence, 1864
Box OSFolder 10
Payment voucher, 1865
Box 30Folder 19
Commissary General of Subsistence, 1865

iv. Volumes, 1852-1904

Arranged chronologically.

Pocket diaries, 1852-1867

Included in John Ritchie's diaries are accounts of his early travels in Massachusetts, New York, Chicago, and Europe. A short family history and biography are included at the end of his 1861 diary. Diaries kept throughout his service in the 54th Mass. Regiment during the Civil War (1863-1865) discuss camp life, the weather, troop movements, skirmishes, the health of fellow soldiers, and news from home. They also contain addresses, leave of absence requests, and financial accounts for soldiers and the regiment kept by JR as regimental quartermaster.

Box 30Folder 20Vol. 78
12 Mar. 1852-20 Mar. 1853
Box 30Folder 21Vol. 79
3 Aug. 1852-18 Dec. 1853
Box 30Folder 22Vol. 80
Box 30Folder 23Vol. 81
Box 30Folder 24
1855, loose items removed
Box 31Folder 1Vol. 82
Box 31Folder 2
1856, loose items removed
Box 31Folder 3Vol. 83
Box 31Folder 4
1857, loose items removed
Box 31Folder 5Vol. 84
Box 31Folder 6Vol. 85
Box 31Folder 7
1859, loose items removed
Box 31Folder 8Vol. 86
Box 31Folder 9
1860, loose items removed
Box 31Folder 10Vol. 87
Box 31Folder 11
1861, loose items removed
Box 31Folder 12Vol. 88
10 July 1863-28 Jan. 1864
Box 32Folder 1Vol. 89
28 Jan.-3 June 1864
Box 32Folder 2Vol. 90
1 June-16 Oct. 1864
Box 32Folder 3Vol. 91
16 Oct. 1864-24 Feb. 1865
Box 32Folder 4Vol. 92
Box 32Folder 5
1866, loose items removed
Box 32Folder 6Vol. 93
Box 32Folder 7
1867, loose items removed

Travel diaries, 1854-1911

Included in travel diaries is the account of JR's walking tour of western Massachusetts and eastern New York with Wendell Phillips Garrison in the summer of 1859. Also included are the voyages of the Caroline, a yacht named after Caroline Poole Ritchie, after her death. The first voyage was on the Merrimac and Connecticut Rivers, and the second followed the Providence River into Narragansett Bay. They also detail his courtship and engagement to Rosa Gertrude Schoepffer Ritchie in 1876.

Box 32Folder 8Vol. 94
Laconia, N.H., 26 July-30 Aug. 1854
Box 32Folder 9Vol. 95
Milton and Cohasset, Mass., 30 July-16 Aug. 1855
Box 32Folder 10Vol. 96
Cape Cod, Mass., 17-31 Aug. 1855
Box 32Folder 11Vol. 97
New York, 27-31 May 1857
Box 32Folder 12Vol. 98
"A Vacation Tour, Summer of 1859," 18 July-26 Aug. 1859

On microfilm, P-817, reel 6.

Box 33Folder 1Vol. 99
Western Mass. counties, 18 July-26 Aug. 1859
Box 33Folder 2Vol. 100
Italy and France, 9 Oct.-2 Dec. 1861
Box 33Folder 3Vol. 101
England and Scotland, 3 Dec. 1861-1 Apr. 1862
Box 33Folder 4Vol. 102
"Cruise of the Caroline," 27 May-1 July 1867
Box 33Folder 5Vol. 103
"Cruise of the Caroline," 27 May-1 July 1867

On microfilm, P-817, reel 6.

Box 33Folder 6
"Cruise of the Caroline" transcript, 27 May-1 July 1867
Box 33Folder 7Vol. 104
"2nd Cruise of the Caroline," July-Aug. 1868

On microfilm, P-817, reel 6.

Box 33Folder 8Vol. 105
"2nd Cruise of the Caroline," July-Aug. 1868
Box 34Folder 1Vol. 106
Europe, 15 Dec. 1868-31 Dec. 1869
Box 34Folder 2Vol. 107
Europe, 27 Dec. 1873-8 Sep. 1874
Box 34Folder 3Vol. 108
Europe, 23 Oct. 1875-1876
Box 34Folder 4Vol. 109
Europe, 10 Jan.-3 Sep. 1876
Box 34Folder 5Vol. 110
Europe and North Africa, 29 June 1876-26 Sep. 1877
Box 34Folder 6Vol. 111
Europe and North Africa, 1877
Box 34Folder 7Vol. 112
England and Germany, 1881
Box 34Folder 8
Loose pages, 1883-1893
Box 34Folder 9Vol. 113
Florida, 1890
Box 34Folder 10Vol. 114
Homosassa, Fla., 8 Feb.-11 Mar. 1892
Box 34Folder 11Vol. 115
Adirondacks, 1892
Box 34Folder 12Vol. 116
Biscayne Bay, Fla., 8 Mar.-2 Apr. 1897
Box 34Folder 13Vol. 117
Adirondacks, Sep. 1897, Aug.-Sep. 1898
Box 34Folder 14Vol. 118
Indian River, Fla., 7-31 Mar. 1898
Box 34Folder 15Vol. 119
Florida Keys and Nassau, Bahamas, 15 Jan.-11 Feb. 1899
Box 34Folder 16Vol. 120
Europe, 4 May-28 Oct. 1899
Box 34Folder 17Vol. 121
Old Point Comfort, Va., 4-26 May 1900
Box 34Folder 18Vol. 122
Florida, ,6 Feb.-25 Apr. 1903
Box 35Folder 1Vol. 123
Adirondacks, 26 July-1 Sep. 1903
Box 35Folder 2Vol. 124
Florida, 25 Jan.-22 Mar. 1904
Box 35Folder 3Vol. 125
Florida, 7 Mar.-1 Apr. 1905
Box 35Folder 4Vol. 126
Germany, 2 June-8 Oct. 1908
Box 35Folder 5Vol. 127
Florida, 12 Jan.-28 Feb. 1910
Box 35Folder 6Vol. 128
Lake Champlain, 9 Sep.-2 Oct. 1911

Business account book, 1859-1876

Box 35Folder 7Vol. 129

Business cash books, 1859-1873

Box 35Folder 8Vol. 130
Box 35Folder 9Vol. 131

54th Mass. Regiment diary, 1863-1865

Regiment diary is in a partially used receipt book taken from a shop in Darien, Georgia following the town's destruction by Union troops in June of 1863. Repurposed as a diary, it contains a full account of the regiment during the war, with some of John Ritchie's personal notes. Pasted into the diary are news clippings, a hand-drawn map of the route to Darien, and a camp layout at St. Simon's Island, Georgia and Morris Island, South Carolina.

Box 35Folder 10-11
Box 36Vol. 132

On microfilm, P-817, reel 11.

Business ledgers, 1866-1890

Box 37Folder 1Vol. 133
Broadway and 26th St., New York, N.Y. properties, 1866-1881
Box 37Folder 2Vol. 134
Broadway, New York, N.Y. properties, 1872-1880
Box 37Folder 3Vol. 135
Franklin St., Boston, Mass., properties, 1872
Box 37Folder 4Vol. 136
Franklin and Federal Sts., Boston, Mass. properties, 1872-1886
Box 37Folder 5Vol. 137
New York properties, 1881-1886
Box 37Folder 6Vol. 138
Massachusetts and New York properties, 1886-1890

Memoranda, 1871-1889

Box 37Folder 7Vol. 139
Box 37Folder 8Vol. 140
Box 37Folder 9Vol. 141
Box 37Folder 10Vol. 142

News clippings book, 1871, 1881, undated

Box 37Folder 11Vol. 143

Correspondence index, 1876-1885

Includes correspondence for both John Ritchie and Rosa Gertrude Schoepffer Ritchie.

Box 38Folder 1Vol. 144

Bicycle trips, 1889-1897

Diaries detail route and distance travelled, weather conditions, stops, and travel companions.

Box 38Folder 2Vol. 145
Harz Mountains, Germany, 8-21 Aug. 1889
Box 38Folder 3Vol. 146
America-loose pages, 1890-1891
Box 38Folder 4Vol. 147
Germany, 18 July-4 Aug. 1891
Box 38Folder 5Vol. 148
Europe and America, 1891-1894
Box 38Folder 6Vol. 149
America, 1895-1896
Box 38Folder 7Vol. 150
Europe and America, 1896-1897

Scrapbooks, 1901-1904

John Ritchie's scrapbooks highlight places that JR travelled to and mainly contain clippings from newspapers, magazines, and promotional material. The 1901-1904 scrapbook consists of passenger lists, maps, and programs for the S.S. Columbia, S.S. Moltke, and S.S. Kaiser Wilhelm II. The ca. 1903 scrapbook covers Florida, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington, D.C., Atlantic City, Philadelphia, New York City, and Boston. The 1903-1904 scrapbook covers the Hudson River Valley, the Adirondacks, Lake Placid, Springfield, Mass., Niagara Falls, and the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis. Also, in this scrapbook are photographs of Cottage City on Martha's Vineyard, including JR and his cottage on the corner of Seaview Ave. and Canonicus Ave.

Box 38Vol. 151
Box 39Vol. 152
ca. 1903
Box 39Folder 1-2
ca. 1903, loose items removed
Box 39Vol. 153
ca. 1903-1904

B. Rosa Gertrude Schoepffer Ritchie, 1599-1949; bulk: 1876-1949

This subseries contains the correspondence, personal and family papers, and volumes of Rosa Gertrude Schoepffer Ritchie. Personal correspondence is mainly in German.

i. Correspondence, 1876-1949

Arranged chronologically.

Box 40Folder 1-12
Correspondence with John Ritchie, 1876-1904
Box 40Folder 13-23
Personal correspondence, 1877-1949

ii. Personal papers, 1845-1936

Arranged chronologically.

Included in Rosa Gertrude Schoepffer Ritchie's personal papers is an autograph collection which contains letters from Carl Schumann to Robert Schumann, Clara Schumann to Pauline Schumann, and a letter from Franz Liszt. Other autographs include members from the 1897 season of the Bayreuth Festival, including Siegfried Wagner.

Box 41Folder 1-3
Autograph collection, 1845-1896
Box 41Folder 4
Wedding ephemera, 1876
Box 41Folder 5
Memorandum, 1894-1935
Box 41Folder 6
Passports, 1928-1936

iii. Family papers, 1599, 1826-1921

Arranged chronologically.

Included in family papers are Hector August Friedrich Schoeppfer's correspondence and poem written by him in German. Material for Johanna Marie Schoepffer Baehrecke consists of documents brought to enter the U.S. in 1921. They provide some family history and genealogy.

Box 41Folder 7
Unidentified German document, 1599
Box 41Folder 8
Hector August Friedrich Schoeppfer, 1826, 1885
Box 41Folder 9
Johanna Marie Schoepffer Baehrecke, 1856-1921

iv. Volumes, 1789-1927; bulk: 1890-1927

Box 42Folder 1Vol. 154
German almanac, 1789
Box 42Folder 2Vol. 155
Appointment book, 1890-1894
Box 42Folder 3Vol. 156
Appointment book, 1907-1910
Box 42Folder 4Vol. 157
Appointment book, undated
Box 42Folder 5Vol. 158
Account book, ca. 1924-1927
Box 42Folder 6Vol. 159
Address book, undated

C. Uriah Ritchie papers, 1818, 1864-1867

This subseries contains the personal papers of Uriah Ritchie and includes a letter from George Thompson discussing his 1864 lecture tour after he left UR's home where he had stayed for five months. Also included are documents pertaining to the administration of UR's estate following his death. The two-volume Bible was printed by Sir D. Hunter Blair and J. Bruce in Edinburgh in 1818 and includes some handwritten annotations.

Box 41Folder 10
Personal papers, 1864-1867
Box 43Vol. 160
Bible vol. I, 1818
Box 43Vol. 161
Bible vol. II, 1818

D. Elizabeth Ritchie Lewis estate, 1886-1904

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries consists of papers used in the administration of Elizabeth Ritchie Lewis' estate by her brother John Ritchie.

Box 41Folder 11
Probate, 1886, 1903
Box 41Folder 12
Mortgage, 1889-1895
Box 41Folder 13
Will, 1898
Box 41Folder 14
Inventory and account, 1902-1904
Box 41Folder 15-16
Receipts, 1903

E. John Allen Lewis papers, 1869-1885

Included in the personal papers of John Allen Lewis is a letter to the New England Historic Genealogical Society with a basic descendent chart of the Lewis and Gorham families of Barnstable, Mass. Diaries note JAL's daily activities and include letters he received, visitors, visits made by JAL, social engagements, trips, weather, rent collection, and some personal accounting.

Box 41Folder 17
Correspondence, 1873
Box 43Vol. 162
Diary, 1869
Box 43Vol. 163
Diary, 1870
Box 43Vol. 164
Diary, 1876
Box 43Vol. 165
Diary, 1877
Box 43Vol. 166
Diary, 1884
Box 43Vol. 167
Diary, 1885

F. John Ritchie (ca. 1801-1883) papers, 1883

Funeral booklet for John Ritchie which includes remarks made by Rev. Edward Otheman during the service.

Box 41Folder 18

Preferred Citation

Garrison family papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Alden, Leonard Case, 1839-1863.
Anthony, Anne Whitney Rhodes, 1810-1898.
Anthony, Elizabeth Lyell, 1845-1929.
Anthony family.
Anthony, John Gould, 1804-1877.
Benson, Henry Egbert, 1837-1914.
Booth, Waldo Cornwell, 1836-1903.
Drew, Mary Holbrook Mills, 1837-1904.
Drew, Thomas Bradford, 1834-1898.
Garrison, Annie Keene Anthony, 1839-1922.
Garrison family.
Garrison, Fanny, 1879-1975.
Garrison, Francis Jackson, 1848-1916.
Garrison, George T. (George Thompson), 1836-1904.
Garrison, Helen Eliza, 1811-1876.
Garrison, James Holley, 1801-1842.
Garrison, Marianne Baehrecke, 1879-1951.
Garrison, Rhodes Anthony, 1877-.
Garrison, Wendell Phillips, 1840-1907.
Garrison, William Lloyd, 1805-1879.
Garrison, William Lloyd, Jr., 1838-1909.
Holmes, James Henry, 1833-1907.
Lewis, Elizabeth Ritchie, 1831-1903.
Lewis, John Allen, 1819-1885.
Percy, Anna E. Benson.
Quantrill, William Clarke, 1837-1865.
Reed, William Baylies, 1834-1921.
Ritchie family.
Ritchie, John, approximately 1801-1883.
Ritchie, John, 1836-1919.
Ritchie, Rosa Gertrude Schoepffer, 1856-1949.
Ritchie, Uriah, c.1800-1865.
Sampson, William Shattuck, Jr., 1834-1900.
Villard, Fanny Garrison, 1844-1928.
Villard, Henry, 1835-1900.
Wilder, Burt G. (Burt Green), 1841-1925.
Withenbury, Caroline H. Allen, 1841-1881.


Point Loma Theosophical Society.
United States. Army--African American troops
United States. Army. Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, 54th (1863-1865).
United States. Army. Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, 55th (1863-1865).
United States. Army. Ohio Infantry Regiment, 5th (1861-1865).
United States. Army. Ohio Infantry Regiment, 137th (1864).


Account books--1859-1890.
Account books--1924-1927.
Antislavery movements--Massachusetts.
Antislavery movements--United States.
Autograph albums.
Family history--1800-1849.
Family history--1850-1899.
Family history--1900-1949.
Frontier and pioneer life--United States.
Kansas--Emigration and immigration.
Kansas--History--Civil War, 1861-1865.
Lawrence (Kan.)--History.
Massachusetts--Description and travel.
Minnesota--Emigration and immigration.
Real property--Massachusetts--Boston.
Real property--Massachusetts--West Newton.
Real property--Minnesota--Nininger.
Real property--New York (State).
Real property--Ohio--Dayton.
Real property--Ohio--Garrettsville.
Real property--Ohio--Orange.
Real property--Ohio--Shalersville.
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Muster rolls.
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Participation, African American.
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Personal narratives.
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Regimental histories--Massachusetts Infantry, 54th Volunteers.
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Regimental histories--Massachusetts Infantry, 55th Volunteers.
Veterans--Massachusetts--Societies, etc.
Voyages and travels--Diaries.

Materials Removed from the Collection

Photographs from this collection have been removed to the Garrison family photographs.

Printed materials have been removed to the MHS Printed Materials collection.