
1965-2017; bulk: 1988-2009



The 马萨诸塞州版主协会记录 are stored offsite and must be requested at 至少提前两个工作日通过 Portal1791. 研究人员需要从 offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. 如果你有og体育平台 requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or reference@thawedding.com.

This collection includes digital and audiovisual material that is currently unavailable to 研究人员. 这些材料将在稍后提供 date.



This collection consists of records of the 马萨诸塞州的版主 协会, including handbooks; manuals; educational resources; meeting minutes, agendas, printouts; membership files; published works; voting, surveys, reports on numerous topics; internal proceedings; governance; and audiovisual material that includes educational 录音.


The 马萨诸塞州版主协会 was formed in 1957. 在此之前,有一艘埃塞克斯号 County Moderators 协会 that was formed in 1952-1953. 1956年,埃塞克斯的主席 Moderators 协会 and moderator of Amesbury, George Batchelder, invited fellow moderators from Middlesex County to meet with the Essex association. 会议是在秋天举行的 那一年. Those present voted to form a state-wide moderators association, adopted a constitution, elected Batchelder as its first president.

The MMA provides resources, communication, collaboration opportunities for town moderators 在马萨诸塞州 to strengthen town meeting conduct and procedures. 它也是一种资源 to educate moderators, officials at the state and local levels, the public on 镇民大会 and the legislation and policies that guide their regulations, decisions, actions.


The 马萨诸塞州版主协会记录 consist of 2个纸盒,1个 document box of mostly printed material pertaining to educational resources, daily operations, work 产品和出版材料. They include handbooks and manuals to guide town meeting sessions; other resources on procedures and legislation; meeting minutes, agendas, handouts for annual meetings, Board of Directors meetings, various committee meetings including the 执行委员会. Meeting material also includes minutes and printouts for numerous local 镇民大会. Material also includes membership lists and information; votes, reports, surveys on various topics; workshop material; internal proceedings and governance; and some audiovisual material which includes educational 录音 and MMA meetings.


Gift of the 马萨诸塞州版主协会, February 2023.


The 马萨诸塞州版主协会记录 are stored offsite and must be requested at 至少提前两个工作日通过 Portal1791. 研究人员需要从 offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. 如果你有og体育平台 requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or reference@thawedding.com.

This collection includes digital and audiovisual material that is currently unavailable to 研究人员. 这些材料将在稍后提供 date.


I. 手册和手册; 1986-2009


This series contains resources on the legislation and procedures that guide a town meeting 以及主持人的行为. It includes handbooks published by MMA的, research material on various issues, workshop material, educational media, guidelines on conducting specific aspects of 镇民大会, meeting minutes and other meeting materials from numerous towns 在马萨诸塞州.

NOTE: This series includes digital and audiovisual material that is 目前研究人员无法使用. 这些材料将在稍后提供 date.

箱1文件夹1SH 1 bbw

各类法律案件; 未标明date的

箱1文件夹2SH 1 bbw

市民会议指南; 1996, 未标明date的

箱1文件夹3SH 1 bbw

地方服务部门市政日历, 1995

箱1文件夹4SH 1 bbw

新版主手册, 1995

箱1文件夹5SH 1 bbw

M.I.T. 电子会议论坛; 2001

箱1文件夹6SH 1 bbw

主持人102工作坊, 2000

箱1文件夹7SH 1 bbw

主持人的行为, 1995-2003

箱1文件夹8SH 1 bbw

主持人手册, 1998, 2002

箱1文件夹9 - 10SH 1 bbw

新版主研讨会, 1997-2009

箱1文件夹11SH 1 bbw

为市民大会做准备 未标明date的

箱1文件夹12SH 1 bbw

记录镇民会议; 1986

箱1文件夹13SH 1 bbw

物品发行范围; 1998

箱1文件夹14SH 1 bbw

Towns-Amherst, 1996, 1998

箱1文件夹15SH 1 bbw

Towns-Arlington, 1999

箱1文件夹16SH 1 bbw

Towns-Avon, 未标明date的

箱1文件夹17SH 1 bbw

Towns-Belmont, 1997, 2000

箱1文件夹18SH 1 bbw

Towns-Billerica, 1998

箱1文件夹19SH 1 bbw

Towns-Boxborough, 2006

箱1文件夹20SH 1 bbw

Towns-Brookline, 2006

箱1文件夹21SH 1 bbw

Towns-Burlington, 1995

箱1文件夹22SH 1 bbw

Towns-Concord, 1992-1998

箱1文件夹23SH 1 bbw

Towns-Framingham, 1984

箱1文件夹24SH 1 bbw

Towns-Granby, 未标明date的

箱1文件夹25SH 1 bbw

Towns-Groton, 1996

箱1文件夹26SH 1 bbw

Towns-Hamilton, 2000

箱1文件夹27SH 1 bbw

Towns-Hanson, 1989

箱1文件夹28SH 1 bbw

Towns-Hingham, 1993

箱1文件夹29SH 1 bbw

Towns-Holden, 1996

箱1文件夹30SH 1 bbw

Towns-Hopkinton, 未标明date的

箱1文件夹31SH 1 bbw

Towns-Hull, 未标明date的

箱1文件夹32SH 1 bbw

Towns-Huntington, 2005

箱1文件夹33SH 1 bbw

Towns-Lee, 1994

箱1文件夹34SH 1 bbw

Towns-Lexington, 2005

箱1文件夹35SH 1 bbw

Towns-Medfield, 1991

箱1文件夹36SH 1 bbw

Towns-Middleborough-Mashpee万帕诺亚格人, 2007

箱1文件夹37SH 1 bbw

Towns-Nantucket, 未标明date的

箱1文件夹38SH 1 bbw

Towns-Natick, 1998

箱1文件夹39SH 1 bbw

Towns-Needham, 1999

箱1文件夹40SH 1 bbw

北方城镇阅读, 1995

箱1文件夹41SH 1 bbw

Towns-Northborough, 1988

箱1文件夹42SH 1 bbw

Towns-Petersham, 未标明date的

箱1文件夹43SH 1 bbw

Towns-Provincetown, 1996, 1999

箱1文件夹44SH 1 bbw

Towns-Shirley, 2006

箱1文件夹45SH 1 bbw

Towns-Stoughton, 1992, 2009

箱1文件夹46SH 1 bbw

Towns-Stow, 1998-2001

箱1文件夹47SH 1 bbw

Towns-Walpole, 1997

箱1文件夹48SH 1 bbw

Towns-Wareham, 1996

箱1文件夹49SH 1 bbw

Towns-Wayland, 1995

箱1文件夹50SH 1 bbw

Towns-Wellesley, 1987, 1996

箱1文件夹51SH 1 bbw

Towns-West布里奇沃特, 1998

箱1文件夹52SH 1 bbw

Towns-Westborough, 1995, 1998

箱1文件夹53SH 1 bbw

Towns-Westport, 1999

箱1文件夹54SH 1 bbw

Towns-Winchester, 1994

箱1文件夹55SH 1 bbw

Towns-Winthrop, 1995

镇民会议101和民主新英格兰风格 (主) (家用) 未标明date的


市民会议与你 (DVD), 2007


市民会议时间(第二版) (3.5英寸磁盘), 1999


市镇会议时间 存档文件(CD-R); 1999-2007

箱1文件夹56SH 1 bbw

市镇会议时间, 议会的权力, 罗伯特的规则 方法, 2004

城镇会议工作坊,韦斯特伯勒,马萨诸塞州 (家用) 2002年3月


Joe Harrington, moderator; Nancy Yendriga, clerk.

Voice of the People: The Representative Town Meeting (DVD), 2008

箱1文件夹57SH 1 bbw

车间材料, 1994-2009

II. 协会功能, 1965-2017


This series contains material pertaining to the daily operations and internal proceedings of MMA的.

A. 会议, 1969-2017

NOTE: This subseries includes digital media that is currently 研究人员无法使用. 这些材料将在稍后提供 date.

箱1文件夹58SH 1 bbw

2020年委员会 2003

箱1文件夹59SH 1 bbw

年会上, 1969-1976

箱1文件夹59 - 61SH 1 bbw

年会上, 1989-1999

箱1文件夹62SH 1 bbw

年会上, 2000-2016

箱1文件夹63SH 1 bbw

年会报告——安德森决定 1998

箱1文件夹64SH 1 bbw

年会报告-澳洲投票; 2009

箱1文件夹65SH 1 bbw

年会演讲- arthur H. 麦金农, 1971

箱1文件夹66SH 1 bbw

年度会议简报-档案委员会 2000-2003

箱1文件夹67SH 1 bbw

Annual meeting presentation—Archives Committee samples, 1995, 2007

箱1文件夹68SH 1 bbw

董事会, 1990-2000

箱1文件夹69SH 1 bbw

董事会, 2005-2013

箱1文件夹70SH 1 bbw

日历, 1996, 2001

箱1文件夹71SH 1 bbw

通讯委员会 1992, 1996

箱1文件夹72SH 1 bbw

执行委员会 1986, 1994-1999

箱1文件夹73SH 1 bbw

执行委员会 2000-2013

箱2文件夹1 - 4SH 1 bbx

立法委员会, 1996-2005

箱2文件夹5SH 1 bbx

立法Committee-correspondence, 1991-2000

箱2文件夹6SH 1 bbx

立法Committee-documents, 1991-2000

箱2文件夹7SH 1 bbx

立法Committee-legal, 1995-2000

马萨诸塞州主持人协会会议(3.5英寸磁盘), 1997-1998


Includes 董事会, annual, 执行委员会 meetings.

马萨诸塞州主持人协会会议(3.5英寸磁盘), 1999


Includes 董事会, annual, 执行委员会 meetings.

箱2文件夹8SH 1 bbx

提名委员会, 1976, 1988-2009

箱2文件夹9SH 1 bbx

市民会议检讨委员会 2017

B. 时事通讯, 1981-2015

For earlier versions of newsletters, see Series II.A.,年会,1969-1976年.

箱2文件夹10 - 12SH 1 bbx

C. 成员, 1965-2013

箱2文件夹13SH 1 bbx

委员会, 1991-2007

箱2文件夹14SH 1 bbx

邮件列表, 1997

箱2文件夹15-32SH 1 bbx

会员列表, 1965-1984

箱2文件夹到三十五SH 1 bbx

会员列表, 1992-2009

箱2文件夹36SH 1 bbx

区域群体, 2001

箱2文件夹37SH 1 bbx

代表镇民会议; 1998-2007

箱2文件夹38SH 1 bbx

女性主持人, 1997-2000

D. 操作, 1992-2013

箱2文件夹39SH 1 bbx

业务安排, 1993-2013

箱2文件夹40SH 1 bbx

章程, 1994-2006

箱2文件夹41SH 1 bbx

导演的日历, 未标明date的

箱2文件夹42SH 1 bbx

收入/费用, 1998-2001

箱2文件夹43SH 1 bbx

财务主管的报告, 1992-2009

3. 工作产品, 1962-2017


This series contains material pertaining to printed and audiovisual works published by the MMA, reports, surveys, research on legislation and procedure changes, the implementation 这些变化.

箱2文件夹44-45SH 1 bbx

澳大利亚式投票, 1997

箱2文件夹46SH 1 bbx

的分布 城镇会议时间:…手册 议会法律, 1984, 2001-2009

箱2文件夹47SH 1 bbx

的分布 市民会议与你 (DVD), 2007


立法委员会-社区保护法案, 2001


普林斯顿城镇会议委员会, 1997


提案2½调查, 1993


建议, 2009


远程参与, 2016-2017


Report—Reconsideration of votes taken at town meeting, 1997


Report—Regional School District Finance Committee, 1997


决议, 1995-1997


调查显示,市镇会议时间 vs. 罗伯特的规则, 2004


调查城镇会议参与情况,H.4551, 1996


Survey-Town网站, 2009


"The Town Meeting: Its Development as a Form of Government" by Joseph Harrington, Jr., 1975


市镇会议时间 更新, 2005-2007


镇议会口头投票意见; 1993


城镇会议研究; 1996-2006

IV. 报纸和蜉蝣, 1988-2014


箱1文件夹16 - 17上海百思1

og体育平台镇民会议的文章, 1988-2014


og体育平台版主的文章, 1993-2014


MMA汽车贴花, 未标明date的


综合格斗会员卡、 1996


讣告, 1977-1996

V. 数字媒体, 未标明date的



NOTE: This series includes digital media that is currently unavailable 研究人员. 这些材料将在稍后提供 date.

3.5英寸光盘——《og体育官网》 未标明date的

3.5英寸光盘- "光盘急救" 未标明date的

3.5英寸磁盘-“旅行磁盘#1” 未标明date的

3.5英寸磁盘-“旅行磁盘#2” 未标明date的


马萨诸塞州版主协会记录, 马萨诸塞州历史学会.


This collection is indexed under the following headings in 阿比盖尔, the online catalog of the 马萨诸塞州历史学会. 研究人员 desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog 使用这些标题.


理查德·约翰逊. (理查德·布里格姆),1914-1977.






The following books have been removed from this collection:

Joseph F. 齐默尔曼, 新英格兰城镇会议:民主 行动 (西港,CT: Praeger, 1999)

理查德·B. 本杰明·约翰逊. 托拉斯曼和查尔斯. 沃兹沃思, 城镇会议时间:…手册 议会法律 (马萨诸塞州版主 协会,1962年)

理查德·B. 本杰明·约翰逊. 托拉斯曼和查尔斯. 沃兹沃思, 城镇会议时间:…手册 议会法律 (马萨诸塞州版主 协会,1984年)

理查德·B. 本杰明·约翰逊. 托拉斯曼和查尔斯. 沃兹沃思, 城镇会议时间:…手册 议会法律 (马萨诸塞州版主 协会,2001年)